Xiaomi 14 European price revealed, Pro confirmed to stay in China

 9 months ago
source link: https://www.gsmarena.com/xiaomi_14_european_price_revealed_pro_confirmed_to_stay_in_china-news-61559.php
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Xiaomi 14 European price revealed, Pro confirmed to stay in China


We’re inching closer to the global rollout of the Xiaomi 14 which is set for February 25 and we now have a rumored price for the device. The team at Techmaniacs uncovered the Xiaomi 14 pricing for Greece which will start at €1,099 for the 12GB RAM and 512GB storage version. For reference, last year's Xiaomi 13 launched at €999 for the 8/256GB trim.

Xiaomi 14 European price revealed, Pro confirmed to stay in China

This is a new RAM/storage trim as the Chinese 512GB and 1TB models come with 16GB RAM. Xiaomi 14 is expected to go on open sale from February 29. The new report also corroborates previous rumors that the Xiaomi 14 Pro will not make its way outside of China. Xiaomi seems to be phasing out the Pro model in favor of the Ultra version. There aren’t any pricing details for the Xiaomi 14 Ultra for now but we’ll likely see some leaks ahead of its grand unveiling.

Source (in Greek)

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