How Artificial Intelligence can improve creativity
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How Artificial Intelligence can improve creativity
Creativity is one of the essential characteristics that contributes to distinguishing companies from their competitors. Constant changes in the labor market and ever-increasing competition require people to be able to find new and effective solutions to all kinds of professional challenges.
One of these challenges relates to the fact that consumers are constantly overexposed to sensory stimuli that, in the medium to long term, tend to make them less attentive. It, therefore, becomes overly complex for companies to regain this interest from people.
A creative idea strikes potential consumers in diverse ways, and it engages and gets them interested in its innovation. Creativity means uniqueness and originality. This is the reason why there is a growing need for employees and managers with creative thinking skills, regardless of the job role and business sector of the company.
There are no bad ideas
To facilitate this soft skill of critical thinking, it is always worth to remember that there are no bad ideas. There are some that aren’t materially possible to realize, and others that require too much effort, but all these ideas can be a stimulus for finding creative answers.
A way to implement this creativity is to start from the simplest and most obvious solution and analyze the aspects that can improve it. Another effective method to foster creativity is brainstorming. Using this strategy of working in a team allows everyone to contribute their personal perspective and, in some way, redefine the scenario. Looking at the same problem from different angles allows you to explore it in all its aspects.
A robot can stimulate creativity
As mentioned earlier, teams are able to foster the creative process. This is why scientific research has begun to investigate how this creative aspect could be improved. The latest research has been focused on social robots.
These kinds of robots are being used in workplace settings much more frequently now. According to numerous scientific studies and research, robots can enhance and have a positive impact on the creativity of work teams. Based on this certainty, recent studies have focused on the language of robots and the relative importance of taking into account their speech characteristics.
In one of them, entitled ‘Charismatic speech features in robot instructions enhance team creativity’, a social robot’s voice synthesis feature was created to have a charismatic tone. This robot gave instructions to a team of people who had to design an innovative product, with the result that people came up with more inventive, elaborate, and creative ideas.
What is the best way to use AI?
The widespread use of artificial intelligence has significantly increased over the most recent times. Many people, including experts in the field, are wondering how this widespread and easy access to AI is going to affect our lives. It is difficult to predict, perhaps impossible, almost as much as the question of how AI is going to develop over the next few years.
I believe there are a lot of questions surrounding this topic, from ethics and privacy issues to more pragmatic ones. At the same time, the inability to express ourselves on the subject shouldn’t avoid reflecting and reasoning on the current situation.
I reckon that one of the most intriguing advancements is to implement AI in a way that simplifies our lives and improves our personal skills. Artificial intelligence could be a useful tool for both our personal and professional lives. This has to be our goal: a more conscious use of it as a stimulus for humans rather than a limitation.
Written by Riccardo Pandini.
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