Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino's Tenement: New Image Comic Art
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Shiver at Creepy Art for Tenement, the Latest From Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino
The Bone Orchard Mythos shared horror universe expands at Image Comics with this tale set in an unsettling apartment building.
Image Comics’ description of Tenement—“Dario Argento’s Inferno meets Rosemary’s Baby in a claustrophobic tale of terror”—should be enough to hook horror fans, even before they hear the bona fides behind this upcoming release: it’s the latest from Eisner-winning team Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino (Gideon Falls, Primordial, The Passageway, Ten Thousand Black Feathers).
Furthermore, it’s billedas “the biggest and most essential project yet” in the duo’s Bone Orchard Mythos horror universe, with self-contained stories set in the same world across graphic novels and comics series of different lengths. Today, Image Comics shared more cover artwork for Tenement’s “extra-length” debut issue, which arrives in comic book shops June 21 as well as on digital platforms like Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.
What’s Tenement about? Well... it’s “the story of seven residents in a building and the dark secrets that bind them together… beginning with a death that feels much more sinister than natural.” Fans of sinister-apartment-building horror, you’re in luck.
Click through to see the covers and variants released so far!
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