Fujifilm building new 'advanced semiconductor materials manufacturing facility'...
source link: https://toptech.news/fujifilm-building-new-advanced-semiconductor-materials-manufacturing-facility-in-south-korea/
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Fujifilm building new ‘advanced semiconductor materials manufacturing facility’ in South Korea
Fujifilm’s X Series cameras use a unique color filter array on its X-Trans CMOS sensors, differing from the typical Bayer pattern found on most conventional image sensors. |
Fujifilm has announced plans to build a facility to produce advanced materials for use in semiconductor manufacturing, in South Korea.
The facility is to be located in PyeongTaek, South Korea and will be built under Fujifilm Electronic Materials Korea Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Fujifilm Corporation. This facility will manufacture components for color filter materials used on image sensors and will be the company’s second manufacturing facility in South Korea. The first, located in Cheonan, produces Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) slurries, which are used to evenly level semiconductor surfaces.
Fujiifilm doesn’t specify whether this new facility will directly impact the image sensors used in its X Series and GFX Series camera systems. It does, however, claim that it produces 80% of global color filter materials used for image sensors, according to internal data.
Fujifilm says this facility, along with its two other color filter material facilities in Japan and Taiwan, will enable ‘stable production and distribution of color filter materials for image sensors at a high level of quality’ using its ‘advanced functional molecular technology and nano-dispersion technology will enable the market introduction of products targeting a broader wavelength range.’
Specifically, Fujifilm mentions its Wave Control Mosaic (WCM) technology, which the company defines as ‘a series of pigmented, negative tone, photosensitive imaging materials used to produce color filter arrays and optical layers […] used by manufacturers worldwide to produce color filters for incorporation into leading-edge Image Sensor (IS) devices and other sensing devices.’
Fujifilm says it expects its new South Korean facility to be completed and operational by spring 2024.
Gannon Burgett
Source: Dpreview
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