Giftopedia - Create a wishlist, add gifts, and share with friends & fam | Pr...
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Create a wishlist, add gifts, and share with friends & fam
Hello Product Hunters! 👋
Today we’re excited to launch Giftopedia, a wishlist tool that helps to simplify the gifting experience.
We've all been there before, your birthday is right around the corner and your phone starts getting flooded with the "what do you want for your birthday?" texts 🤦
Maybe you know what you want, maybe you don't. In either case, replying to everyone individually can be a hassle. This might sound familiar to you: Did I send this gift idea to someone already? I hope they remember to buy that jacket in blue...
Not only is it hard to satisfy your family and friends with a plethora of gift ideas, it's also difficult to come up with gift ideas for others. You want to get your friends and family the perfect gift, but it's hard to know what they really want. You may spend an excessive amount of time searching for the right gift, but still end up feeling skeptical that they'll actually like it.
That's why we built Giftopedia. We wanted to create a simple wishlist tool that empowers you to add the gifts you actually want, and share that list with your friends and family. They will see what gifts have already been purchased by others, and what gifts are still available so that you never have to worry about repeats.
Giftopedia explained in three simple steps: 👉 Step 1: Start a wishlist. It can be for any occasion and takes less than two minutes to set up. 👉 Step 2: Add gifts. You can add items from any store on the Internet. Just copy and paste its URL, and we’ll pull the information right from the site. Add important details about the item like the size you need or the color you want. 👉 Step 3: Share your list with friends and family. They’ll be able to see which gifts have already been purchased, and which are still available. Purchased gifts will be hidden from the wishlist creator - so it remains a secret! Please let us know your feedback! We’re constantly trying to improve Giftopedia, so we appreciate any insight or suggestions you may have. 🙏
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