HackerEarth Developer Ecosystem Survey

 2 years ago
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HackerEarth Developer Ecosystem Survey

After the pandemic, the great resignation and the recent string of layoffs, it's fair to say that tech recruiting isn't the same as it once was. So, to help the entire developer community get a better sense for the current state of the developer universe, we've created the State of the Developer Ecosystem Survey.

With inputs from you, and other members of the HackerEarth community, we will cause impactful changes in the developer ecosystem with data-backed insights.

So, please consider spending a few minutes of your time to respond to our survey today.

Oh, and another thing: filling this form can get you an Amazon voucher for up to $250!

So what are you waiting for? Check out the link below & respond away! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XSTLLN3

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Joyk means Joy of geeK