TCL is offering some great discounts for Black Friday

 2 years ago
source link: https://ausdroid.net/2022/11/25/tcl-is-offering-some-great-discounts-for-black-friday/
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TCL is offering some great discounts for Black Friday


Let’s be honest; it’s always a nice feeling to have a shiny new phone in your pocket. But it isn’t always practical for several reasons, particularly the cost. TCL has been working hard to break that stereotype for a few years now and with the Black Friday sales, taking it even further.

The TCL 30 range of devices is visually pleasing, performs well, and in our review of the 30+, David summarised it well when he said:

This phone is well priced at $399 as a mid-range smartphone for basic daily taskers. It is worth the cost of the gorgeous screen and the reliable battery. A bonus that has not been mentioned earlier is the adoption of the NFC function, which almost is a ‘must-have’ for people who heavily rely on the contactless payment method. At least, for consumers here in Australia, I dare to say that we have gotten accustomed to contactless payment in most payment scenarios.

Well that value for the 30+ just got better (until the 4th of December) with the $100 price drop to $299.00 across the usual retail channels. If you’re after something a little more budget friendly, the TCL 306 has dropped to a new low of $179.00

We’re seeing plenty of great deals out there at the moment with more sure to land in the coming 24 hours.

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