Compassion Game - A gamified app that motivates adopting a plant-based diet | Pr...

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Compassion Game

A gamified app that motivates adopting a plant-based diet

Factory farming is a huge problem in today's world. Many people go vegan or vegetarian but 80% quit.
Compassion Game motivates people to adopt a plant-based diet. Keep healthy streaks alive, earn badges tied to real resources, and grow with the community.
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In April 2022 I made a tough and impulsive decision to quit my job at my best friend's IoT hydroponic farming startup to devote myself full-time to the liberation of farmed animals movement. I spent a lot of time brainstorming what kind of activism to engage in and launched a content series (https://compassionplanet.space) as a first step. Rather than lead protests (although I still attend) or sell some new plant-based meat, my focus is on human-centered (web) apps to motivate players, based on game principles, to gradually adopt a more compassionate plant-based diet. I wrote a more in-depth blog post about why I built the game here: https://compassionplanet.space/c....

I am still looking for co-founders so if you or your friends think liberating farmed animals and entrepreneurship are cool like I do, please reach out!

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK