[ROM][13.0]CherishOS-4.0.5[UNOFFICIAL][Oneplus 8]

 2 years ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-13-0-cherishos-4-0-5-unofficial-oneplus-8.4392129/page-5#post-87479105
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neoserver,ios ssh client

[ROM][13.0]CherishOS-4.0.5[UNOFFICIAL][Oneplus 8]


I try to download the recovery but it don't work.

"The file doesn't exist".

Any ideas?


use LineageOS recovery


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2016
Is there any possibility to hide the profile switcher from volume panel?


Mar 5, 2018
Screenshot_20220730-012902_블루 아카이브.png
I wish the gaming panel expansion button would only be visible when the status bar is down.


Jun 11, 2008
I'm currently on Lineage and want to try this rom out. How do I go about installing it? Do I boot in to my current recovery and install this recovery and install from there?
Sorry, I haven't never done this sort of thing and any input is greatly appreciated.
I'm currently on Lineage and want to try this rom out. How do I go about installing it? Do I boot in to my current recovery and install this recovery and install from there?
Sorry, I haven't never done this sort of thing and any input is greatly appreciated.

I believe this ROM is OOS 11 based. So if you flashed LineageOS 18 on your phone from OOS 11 then you can just flash this ROM through Lineage Recovery. If you flashed a custom ROM from OOS 12, let's say LineageOS 19, then you can't flash this ROM YET. It will brick your device. There will be an upcoming update of Cherish based on OOS 12 and just wait for that.


Jun 11, 2008
I believe this ROM is OOS 11 based. So if you flashed LineageOS 18 on your phone from OOS 11 then you can just flash this ROM through Lineage Recovery. If you flashed a custom ROM from OOS 12, let's say LineageOS 19, then you can't flash this ROM YET. It will brick your device. There will be an upcoming update of Cherish based on OOS 12 and just wait for that.
Thanks for getting back to me, tried to install using Lineage recovery and I get an error message saying that it can not read the file. Also, the download link for the rom is not working.
Thanks for getting back to me, tried to install using Lineage recovery and I get an error message saying that it can not read the file. Also, the download link for the rom is not working.

check telegram for the download link


Oct 18, 2019
Link on xda and telegram not working.
I need the version 3.9.5


New member
Mar 8, 2022
Why am I stuck at 18% flashing rom? It's been already more than 20minutes, any ideas?

For some reason it took multiple times to actually work, all good now!
Last edited: 57 minutes ago


Senior Member
Mar 27, 2013
new build up!

Would a dirty flash over 3.9 work?

kumar akarsh

Senior Member
Dec 21, 2012
Would a dirty flash over 3.9 work?

No. You have to be on OOS12 to flash this ROM

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