How do I know if my Poco is Juice or Chime model ?

 2 years ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/how-do-i-know-if-my-poco-is-juice-or-chime-model.4496895/#post-87479109
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How do I know if my Poco is Juice or Chime model ?


I want to install crDroid and in this page https://crdroid.net/downloads there is two type of Poco M3 : Juice or Chime. How do I know which one I should get please ? I currently have MIUI Global 12.5.7 in Android 11. I'm waiting for Miunlock 98hours time to unlock it.

EDIT : It seem that juice = ROMs based on stock MIUI vendor. And chime = ROMs based on OSS vendor.

Since I have MIUI on my phone I guess it's a juice model.

source : https://encikkunci.wordpress.com/20...t-with-official-tag-for-xiaomi-juice-devices/
Last edited: Today at 7:09 PM

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