66uptime - Self-hosted & easy to use uptime monitoring software | Product Hu...
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Self-hosted & easy to use uptime monitoring software.
Self-hosted, easy to use, lightweight, and performant monitoring tool.
- Monitor websites, servers, ports - Track domain names SSLs & expiration dates - Cronjob monitoring - Beautiful & functional status Pages - Multiple notification handlers - Web Tools
👋 Hey there, Fabian (AltumCode) here, the creator of 66uptime and all the AltumCode products.
As you can see 66uptime is a monitoring tool for multiple purposes, built with PHP, HTML, MySQL, CSS & JS.
We offer 2 licenses:
📃 Regular license: For personal use & for offering the 66uptime services for other people for free.
📊 Extended license (SAAS): For business use, you get all Regular license features + a fully featured SAAS system to be able to charge your users for using your platform built with 66uptime.
☑️ All the features can be checked and verified on 66uptime.com and on the 66uptime.com/demo demo page.
✨ 66uptime has been launched on 26 March 2021 and has been constantly updated throughout all this time & you can check the changelog right here: 66uptime.com/changelog
⚡️ This is a one-time purchase self-hosted product, once you got it, you have it and can own it forever.
Happy to answer any questions you may have.
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