Discover Great New Offers With Samsung Every Day This Week Like $150 Off a Galax...
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Discover Great New Offers With Samsung Every Day This Week Like $150 Off a Galaxy S22 Ultra
Samsung's quarterly savings event is kicking off with some great deals.
Discover Samsung Summer Sales Event | Samsung
Galaxy S22 Ultra 1TB | $150 off | Samsung
All week long, Samsung will highlight new daily deals across their entire wide range of products. For instance, for today only you can save $150 on a new Galaxy S22 Ultra with 1TB of storage as supplies last. You can also get up to $1,000 in credit when trading in an old phone toward it. This is Samsung’s flagship smartphone for a reason. The Galaxy S22 Ultra has a slim silhouette, is available in a gorgeous choice of colors, and is just a dang good smartphone. The 4mm processor is the fastest chip ever on a Galaxy smartphone. The battery lasts long and charges quickly. The camera quality is stunning thanks to the three different lenses and HDR video support. Keep checking back daily for more new deals all throughout the week.
Discover Samsung Summer Sales Event
The Galaxy S22 Ultra has a slim silhouette, is available in a gorgeous choice of colors, and is just a dang good smartphone. The 4mm processor is the fastest chip ever on a Galaxy smartphone. The battery lasts long and charges quickly. The camera quality is stunning thanks to the three different lenses and HDR video support.
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