Dislyte guide: Tips and tricks for beginners to navigate the RPG's fundamentals

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/dislyte-beginners-guide/
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Dislyte beginner's guide: Awaken your powers with these tips and tricks

Published 5 hours ago

A crash course on how to become the strongest Esper so you can take down the Shadow Decree

Dislyte featured

Lilith Games' Dislyte is a stylistic urban-themed RPG combined with powerful mythological beings duking it against other mythological baddies. Historical and cultural themes are interspersed with crisp animations, and a savory soundtrack filled with modern-day R&B and Electronica music makes this game worthy of our monthly best Android games roundup for May 2022.

Arguably the biggest attraction to playing Dislyte is the inherently deep systems for building a team filled with ancient deities called Espers. So we at Android Police have produced a starter's guide to acquaint new players with Dislyte's fundamentals. This way building out your first team will be as easy as pie.

Battle system

Battles are turn-based, requiring careful ability management and synergistic team play to take down your opponents while sometimes facing multiple waves in a single go.


You'll have up to five Esper units to deploy at once; the first three are assigned front row positioning, while the last three are in the back row. Positioning only matters for your captain. Your captain should be in the front row, as every Esper benefits from the leader passive.

Elemental Types

Dislyte utilizes a rock-paper-scissors system to determine the interaction between elemental types.

  • Wind overcomes Flow.
  • Flow overcomes Inferno.
  • Inferno overcomes Wind.
  • Shimmer is neutral.

Attacking with an element that holds an advantage over the target's elemental type receives a 15 % critical chance boost (more damage that scales off of the Esper's critical damage stat) and a 50 % chance of triggering counter (that deals 30 % more than the expected damage). Attacking with a disadvantaged element has a 50 % chance of triggering miss (deals 25 % less than the expected damage).

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Managing your cooldowns and turn order

Turn order is determined by an Esper's speed value and action points. The Espers with the highest speed will go first if they reach 100 % on action points. Using your abilities places them on a cooldown denoted by a number. The number reflects how many turns your unit has to wait until the ability is available again. Buffs and debuffs can manipulate action points and speed.

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Espers are your in-game playable units. You can form a team of up to five Espers. A star rating and role classify Espers. Legendary Espers are 5-stars and the hardest to acquire, but at least 4-stars are epic Espers guaranteed with twenty spins (pulls), making them more attainable. Various powerup options are available, such as increasing the star rating through Resonance, even going as far as up to 6-stars.

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Your Espers are divided by roles and elemental type. The roles are:

  • DPS (high attack/damage oriented).
  • Tank (damage soaking/high defense).
  • Support (abilities center around buffs/debuffs/healing).
  • Controllers (abilities used to manage turns and AP).

Elemental types are Shimmer, Wind, Flow, and Inferno. Matching elemental types determines your Esper's performance in battle.

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Acquire more Espers by visiting 'Echo.' At the Record Player, you can spin (pull) once or ten times by consuming Gold Records, receiving a Legendary Esper on your 120th spin if you haven't pulled one yet.

Tip: You'll obtain your first Legendary Esper for free, so we recommend investing in your first Legendary and building a team around them. Play through the story, claim achievements/fulfill courses to obtain more Gold Records.


You'll acquire stat boosts for your Espers by equipping and enhancing relics. During the early levels, you'll only come across a limited number of relics, so prioritize gearing up a few units at a time and let the rest rummage through your leftovers. Eventually, sets become farmable while playing through 'Ritual Miracle' trials.

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Relics have a star rating system; the higher the stars, the stronger the base stats on those relics, so it's in your best interest to not overinvest on two and three-star relics since you'll replace those with four and five-star relics. Relics are then separated into main stats and sub-stats. You'll always look to match the best main stats on your Espers to then focus on optimizing sub-stats as you acquire more relics.

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Equipping and enhancing are your two main options. Equipping complete sets will unlock a bonus; considering you won't have a large selection of relics at the start, focus on equipping your battle units first. Enhancing is how you level up your relics (costing Gold). For every three levels, a new sub-stat is gained, or one of your existing ones randomly levels up. Remember that enhancing isn't guaranteed to succeed, and it'll consume Gold on each attempt no matter the outcome.

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Tip: You'll aim to construct your Espers according to their role. If your Esper is a DPS (fighter), you'll seek relics that build on attack percent, critical rate, and critical damage.

Becoming a legend

Dislyte fleshes out its themes and setting faithfully and will continue to do so. Additionally, theory-crafting new teams and builds seems endless as new Espers start challenging and shifting the meta. See for yourself if Dislyte has that flavor of strategy and team-building you're seeking by grabbing the download from the Play Store widget below. If you're not completely satisfied with Dislyte's polish and style, we have plenty more games in our best Android games roundup to check out.

Price: Free

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