Second Life Steals, Deals, and Freebies: Free Medieval, Historical, and Fantasy...

 2 years ago
source link: https://ryanschultz.com/2022/05/20/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-medieval-and-fantasy-outfits-for-men-and-women-from-ts-creations-and-elerans-crafts/
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Second Life Steals, Deals, and Freebies: Free Medieval, Historical, and Fantasy Outfits for Men and Women from TS Creations and Eleran’s Crafts

Work has been hectic lately, and to relax in the evenings, I have been busy styling my small army of Second Life alts, using some wonderful free medieval armour and fantasy outfits I picked up in my travels across the grid, from a couple of stores that were new to me.

TS Creations has two free group gifts of complete fantasy outfits (the store group is free to join)—one for male avatars and the other for the female avatars:


The Battle Legionnaire outfit includes everything you see here, plus a battle axe (it is sized for Signature and Aesthetic mesh bodies, but it should work for just about any male mesh body if you use your alpha HUD to erase any body parts which happen to poke through):


The women’s outfit is this wonderful Royal Duelist costume in red and black (Maitreya Lara size only). The details are magnificent!


But wait, there’s more! Teleport over to Eleran’s Crafts, where they are celebrating their tenth anniversary with a whole room stuffed with dozens of fantasy and medieval outfits for free! (The store group is also free to join, just click on the Join Group sign in-store.)


There are fantasy outfits for male and female avatars, as well as for Kemono avatars! All outfits include accessories, including boots, gloves (Bento in some cases), helmets, and weapons. Note that almost all of these outfits will work for just about any mesh avatar, since most components are adjustable/resizable attachments, and you will be alpha’ing out most of the mesh body underneath using your body’s HUD, anyway.

First up is this black Abyss Watcher outfit for men:


This wonderful Lady Maria costume is perfect for gallivanting around your next historical roleplay sim! Everything you see is included, plus a knife, a single-edged sword, and a double-edged sword (this lady knows how to protect herself!).


Next is this incredibly detailed Abyss Walker knight’s armour in black (it also comes in red, blue and white versions):


This is the Celestial Knight armour in white and gold; the outfit includes wings, which are not shown here. (It also comes in blue and black versions; I swapped out the included boots for a medieval pair I picked up from the Dreamcatcher store.)


The Lady Farangis outfit includes glowing wings which open and flap when you fly! It comes in red, orange, blue and purple versions.


The copper Knight of Elmandria outfit is perfect for historical roleplay (the sword is included; comes in copper as shown, plus silver, white, black, red, and blue versions):


Looking for some women’s armour? Look no further than this Aurora outfit! This detailed armour comes in silver, copper, green, and blue chrome versions.


This Faraam outfit for men is something straight out of Game of Thrones! In addition to the blue shown, it comes in black, white, green, and red:


This Celestial Mage outfit in green includes the glowing staff! (I swapped out the boots with a less ornate pair from the Hilly Haalan freebie store.) It comes in black, blue, copper, green, purple, red, and white.


This is just a small but representative selection from Eleran’s Crafts; there are many, many more to choose from. I don’t know how long these fabulous freebies will be available, so if you’re interested, hurry on down!

Happy freebie shopping!

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