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KEP-1645: Multi-Cluster Services API

Release Signoff Checklist

  • Enhancement issue in release milestone, which links to KEP dir in kubernetes/enhancements (not the initial KEP PR)
  • KEP approvers have approved the KEP status as implementable
  • Design details are appropriately documented
  • Test plan is in place, giving consideration to SIG Architecture and SIG Testing input
  • Graduation criteria is in place
  • "Implementation History" section is up-to-date for milestone
  • User-facing documentation has been created in kubernetes/website, for publication to kubernetes.io
  • Supporting documentation e.g., additional design documents, links to mailing list discussions/SIG meetings, relevant PRs/issues, release notes


There is currently no standard way to connect or even think about Kubernetes services beyond the cluster boundary, but we increasingly see users deploy applications across multiple clusters designed to work in concert. This KEP proposes a new API to extend the service concept across multiple clusters. It aims for minimal additional configuration, making multi-cluster services as easy to use as in-cluster services, and leaves room for multiple implementations.

Converted from this original proposal doc.


There are many reasons why a K8s user may want to split their deployments across multiple clusters, but still retain mutual dependencies between workloads running in those clusters. Today the cluster is a hard boundary, and a service is opaque to a remote K8s consumer that would otherwise be able to make use of metadata (e.g. endpoint topology) to better direct traffic. To support failover or temporarily during migration, users may want to consume services spread across clusters, but today that requires non-trivial bespoke solutions.

The Multi-Cluster Services API aims to fix these problems.


  • Define a minimal API to support service discovery and consumption across clusters.
    • Consume a service in another cluster.
    • Consume a service deployed in multiple clusters as a single service.
  • When a service is consumed from another cluster its behavior should be predictable and consistent with how it would be consumed within its own cluster.
  • Allow gradual rollout of changes in a multi-cluster environment.
  • Create building blocks for multi-cluster tooling.
  • Support multiple implementations.
  • Leave room for future extension and new use cases.


  • Define specific implementation details beyond general API behavior.
  • Change behavior of single cluster services in any way.
  • Define what NetworkPolicy means for multi-cluster services.
  • Solve mechanics of multi-cluster service orchestration.



  • clusterset - A placeholder name for a group of clusters with a high degree of mutual trust and shared ownership that share services amongst themselves. Membership in a clusterset is symmetric and transitive. The set of member clusters are mutually aware, and agree about their collective association. Within a clusterset, namespace sameness applies and all namespaces with a given name are considered to be the same namespace. Implementations of this API are responsible for defining and tracking membership in a clusterset. The specific mechanism is out of scope of this proposal.

  • mcs-controller - A controller that syncs services across clusters and makes them available for multi-cluster service discovery and connectivity. There may be multiple implementations, this doc describes expected common behavior. The controller may be a single controller, multiple decentralized controllers, or a human using kubectl to create resources. This document aims to support any implementation that fulfills the behavioral expectations of this API.

  • cluster name - A unique name or identifier for the cluster, scoped to the implementation's cluster registry. We do not attempt to define the registry. Each cluster must have a name that can uniquely identify it within the clusterset. A cluster name must be a valid RFC 1123 DNS label.

    The cluster name should be consistent for the life of a cluster and its membership in the clusterset. Implementations should treat name mutation as a delete of the membership followed by recreation with the new name.

We propose a new CRD called ServiceExport, used to specify which services should be exposed across all clusters in the clusterset. ServiceExports must be created in each cluster that the underlying Service resides in. Creation of a ServiceExport in a cluster will signify that the Service with the same name and namespace as the export should be visible to other clusters in the clusterset.

Another CRD called ServiceImport will be introduced to act as the in-cluster representation of a multi-cluster service in each importing cluster. This is analogous to the traditional Service type in Kubernetes. Importing clusters will have a corresponding ServiceImport for each uniquely named Service that has been exported within the clusterset, referenced by namespaced name. ServiceImport resources will be managed by the MCS implementation's mcs-controller.

If multiple clusters export a Service with the same namespaced name, they will be recognized as a single combined service. For example, if 5 clusters export my-svc.my-ns, each importing cluster will have one ServiceImport named my-svc in the my-ns namespace and it will be associated with endpoints from all exporting clusters. Properties of the ServiceImport (e.g. ports, topology) will be derived from a merger of component Service properties.

This specification is not prescriptive on exact implementation details. Existing implementations of Kubernetes Service API (e.g. kube-proxy) can be extended to present ServiceImports alongside traditional Services. One often discussed implementation requiring no changes to kube-proxy is to have the mcs-controller maintain ServiceImports and create "dummy" or "shadow" Service objects, named after a mcs-controller managed EndpointSlice that aggregates all cross-cluster backend IPs, so that kube-proxy programs those endpoints like a regular Service. Other implementations are encouraged as long as the properties of the API described in this document are maintained.

User Stories

Different Services Each Deployed to Separate Cluster

I have 2 clusters, each running different services managed by different teams, where services from one team depend on services from the other team. I want to ensure that a service from one team can discover a service from the other team (via DNS resolving to VIP), regardless of the cluster that they reside in. In addition, I want to make sure that if the dependent service is migrated to another cluster, the dependee is not impacted.

Single Service Deployed to Multiple Clusters

I have deployed my stateless service to multiple clusters for redundancy or scale. Now I want to propagate topologically-aware service endpoints (local, regional, global) to all clusters, so that other services in my clusters can access instances of this service in priority order based on availability and locality. Requests to my replicated service should seamlessly transition (within SLO for dropped requests) between instances of my service in case of failure or removal without action by or impact on the caller. Routing to my replicated service should optimize for cost metric (e.g.prioritize traffic local to zone, region).


This proposal intends to rely on the K8s Service Topology API for topology aware routing, but that API is currently in flux. As a result this proposal is only suited to same-region multi-cluster services until the topology API progresses.

As the plan for dual stack support is finalized, the Multi-Cluster Services API will follow dual stack Service design. Until then, dual stack will not be supported.

Risks and Mitigations

Design Details

Exporting Services

Services will not be visible to other clusters in the clusterset by default. They must be explicitly marked for export by the user. This allows users to decide exactly which services should be visible outside of the local cluster.

Tooling may (and likely will, in the future) be built on top of this to simplify the user experience. Some initial ideas are to allow users to specify that all services in a given namespace or in a namespace selector or even a whole cluster should be automatically exported by default. In that case, a ServiceExport could be automatically created for all Services. This tooling will be designed in a separate doc, and is secondary to the main API proposed here.

To mark a service for export to the clusterset, a user will create a ServiceExport CR:

// ServiceExport declares that the associated service should be exported to
// other clusters.
type ServiceExport struct {
        metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
        // +optional
        metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
        // +optional
        Status ServiceExportStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// ServiceExportStatus contains the current status of an export.
type ServiceExportStatus struct {
        // +optional
        // +patchStrategy=merge
        // +patchMergeKey=type
        // +listType=map
        // +listMapKey=type
        Conditions []ServiceExportCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`

// ServiceExportConditionType identifies a specific condition.
type ServiceExportConditionType string

const {
      // ServiceExportValid means that the service referenced by this
      // service export has been recognized as valid by an mcs-controller.
      // This will be false if the service is found to be unexportable
      // (ExternalName, not found).
      ServiceExportValid ServiceExportConditionType = "Valid"
      // ServiceExportConflict means that there is a conflict between two
      // exports for the same Service. When "True", the condition message
      // should contain enough information to diagnose the conflict:
      // field(s) under contention, which cluster won, and why.
      // Users should not expect detailed per-cluster information in the
      // conflict message.
      ServiceExportConflict ServiceExportConditionType = "Conflict"

// ServiceExportCondition contains details for the current condition of this
// service export.
// Once KEP-1623 (sig-api-machinery/1623-standardize-conditions) is
// implemented, this will be replaced by metav1.Condition.
type ServiceExportCondition struct {
        Type ServiceExportConditionType `json:"type"`
        // Status is one of {"True", "False", "Unknown"}
        Status corev1.ConditionStatus `json:"status"`
        // +optional
        LastTransitionTime *metav1.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty"`
        // +optional
        Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
        // +optional
        Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
apiVersion: multicluster.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ServiceExport
  name: my-svc
  namespace: my-ns
  - type: Ready
    status: "True"
    lastTransitionTime: "2020-03-30T01:33:51Z"
  - type: InvalidService
    status: "False"
    lastTransitionTime: "2020-03-30T01:33:55Z"
  - type: Conflict
    status: "True"
    lastTransitionTime: "2020-03-30T01:33:55Z"
    message: "Conflicting type. Using \"ClusterSetIP\" from oldest service export in \"cluster-1\". 2/5 clusters disagree."

To export a service, a ServiceExport should be created within the cluster and namespace that the service resides in, name-mapped to the service for export - that is, they reference the Service with the same name as the export. If multiple clusters within the clusterset have ServiceExports with the same name and namespace, these will be considered the same service and will be combined at the clusterset level.

Note: A Service without a corresponding ServiceExport in its local cluster will not be exported even if other clusters are exporting a Service with the same namespaced name.

This requires that within a clusterset, a given namespace is governed by a single authority across all clusters. It is that authority’s responsibility to ensure that a name is shared by multiple services within the namespace if and only if they are instances of the same service.

All information about the service, including ports, backends and topology, will continue to be stored in the Service objects, which are each name mapped to a ServiceExport.

Deleting a ServiceExport will stop exporting the name-mapped Service.

Restricting Exports

Cluster administrators may use RBAC rules to prevent creation of ServiceExports in select namespaces. While there are no general restrictions on which namespaces are allowed, administrators should be especially careful about permitting exports from kube-system and default. As a best practice, admins may want to tightly or completely prevent exports from these namespaces unless there is a clear use case.

Importing Services

To consume a clusterset service, the domain name associated with the multi-cluster service should be used (see DNS). When the mcs-controller sees a ServiceExport, a ServiceImport will be introduced in each importing cluster to represent the imported service. Users are primarily expected to consume the service via domain name and clusterset VIP, but the ServiceImport may be used for imported service discovery via the K8s API and will be used internally as the source of truth for routing and DNS configuration.

A ServiceImport is a service that may have endpoints in other clusters. This includes 3 scenarios:

  1. This service is running entirely in different cluster(s).
  2. This service has endpoints in other cluster(s) and in this cluster.
  3. This service is running entirely in this cluster, but is exported to other cluster(s) as well.

A multi-cluster service will be imported only by clusters in which the service's namespace exists. All clusters containing the service's namespace will import the service. This means that all exporting clusters will also import the multi-cluster service. An implementation may or may not decide to create missing namespaces automatically, that behavior is out of scope of this spec.

Because of the potential wide impact a ServiceImport may have within a cluster, non-cluster-admin users should not be allowed to create or modify ServiceImport resources. The mcs-controller should be solely responsible for the lifecycle of a ServiceImport.

For each exported service, one ServiceExport will exist in each cluster that exports the service. The mcs-controller will create and maintain a derived ServiceImport in each cluster within the clusterset so long as the service's namespace exists (see: constraints and conflict resolution). If all ServiceExport instances are deleted, each ServiceImport will also be deleted from all clusters.

Since a given ServiceImport may be backed by multiple EndpointSlices, a given EndpointSlice will reference its ServiceImport using the label multicluster.kubernetes.io/service-name similarly to how an EndpointSlice is associated with its Service in a single cluster.

Each imported EndpointSlice will also have a multicluster.kubernetes.io/source-cluster label with the cluster name, a registry-scoped unique identifier for the cluster. The EndpointSlices imported for a service are not guaranteed to exactly match the originally exported EndpointSlices, but each slice is guaranteed to map only to a single source cluster.

The mcs-controller is responsible for managing imported EndpointSlices.

// ServiceImport describes a service imported from clusters in a clusterset.
type ServiceImport struct {
  metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
  // +optional
  metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
  // +optional
  Spec ServiceImportSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
  // +optional
  Status ServiceImportStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// ServiceImportType designates the type of a ServiceImport
type ServiceImportType string

const (
  // ClusterSetIP are only accessible via the ClusterSet IP.
  ClusterSetIP ServiceImportType = "ClusterSetIP"
  // Headless services allow backend pods to be addressed directly.
  Headless ServiceImportType = "Headless"

// ServiceImportSpec describes an imported service and the information necessary to consume it.
type ServiceImportSpec struct {
  // +listType=atomic
  Ports []ServicePort `json:"ports"`
  // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems:=1
  // +optional
  IPs []string `json:"ips,omitempty"`
  // +optional
  Type ServiceImportType `json:"type"`
  // +optional
  SessionAffinity corev1.ServiceAffinity `json:"sessionAffinity"`
  // +optional
  SessionAffinityConfig *corev1.SessionAffinityConfig `json:"sessionAffinityConfig"`

// ServicePort represents the port on which the service is exposed
type ServicePort struct {
  // The name of this port within the service. This must be a DNS_LABEL.
  // All ports within a ServiceSpec must have unique names. When considering
  // the endpoints for a Service, this must match the 'name' field in the
  // EndpointPort.
  // Optional if only one ServicePort is defined on this service.
  // +optional
  Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

  // The IP protocol for this port. Supports "TCP", "UDP", and "SCTP".
  // Default is TCP.
  // +optional
  Protocol Protocol `json:"protocol,omitempty"`

  // The application protocol for this port.
  // This field follows standard Kubernetes label syntax.
  // Un-prefixed names are reserved for IANA standard service names (as per
  // RFC-6335 and http://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names).
  // Non-standard protocols should use prefixed names such as
  // mycompany.com/my-custom-protocol.
  // Field can be enabled with ServiceAppProtocol feature gate.
  // +optional
  AppProtocol *string `json:"appProtocol,omitempty"`

  // The port that will be exposed by this service.
  Port int32 `json:"port"`

// ServiceImportStatus describes derived state of an imported service.
type ServiceImportStatus struct {
  // +optional
  // +patchStrategy=merge
  // +patchMergeKey=cluster
  // +listType=map
  // +listMapKey=cluster
  Clusters []ClusterStatus `json:"clusters"`

// ClusterStatus contains service configuration mapped to a specific source cluster
type ClusterStatus struct {
 Cluster string `json:"cluster"`
apiVersion: multicluster.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ServiceImport
  name: my-svc
  namespace: my-ns
  type: "ClusterSetIP"
  - name: http
    protocol: TCP
    port: 80
  sessionAffinity: None
  - cluster: us-west2-a-my-cluster
apiVersion: discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: EndpointSlice
  name: imported-my-svc-cluster-b-1
  namespace: my-ns
    multicluster.kubernetes.io/source-cluster: us-west2-a-my-cluster
    multicluster.kubernetes.io/service-name: my-svc
  - apiVersion: multicluster.k8s.io/v1alpha1
    controller: false
    kind: ServiceImport
    name: my-svc
addressType: IPv4
  - name: http
    protocol: TCP
    port: 80
  - addresses:
      - ""
      ready: true
     topology.kubernetes.io/zone: us-west2-a

The ServiceImport.Spec.IP (VIP) can be used to access this service from within this cluster.

ClusterSet Service Behavior Expectations

Service Types

  • ClusterIP: This is the straightforward case most of the proposal assumes. Each EndpointSlice associated with the exported service is combined with slices from other clusters to make up the clusterset service. They will be imported to the cluster behind the clusterset IP, with a ServiceImport of type ClusterSetIP. Details

  • ClusterIP: none (Headless): Headless services are supported and will be imported with a ServiceImport and EndpointSlices like any other ClusterIP service, but do not configure a VIP and must be consumed via DNS. Their ServiceImports will be of type Headless. A multi-cluster service's headlessness is derived from it's constituent exported services according to the conflict resolution policy.

    Exporting a non-headless service to an otherwise headless service can dynamically change the clusterset service type when an old export is removed, potentially breaking existing consumers. This is likely the result of a deployment error. Conditions and events on the ServiceExport will be used to communicate conflicts to the user.

  • NodePort and LoadBalancer: These create ClusterIP services that would sync as expected. For example If you export a NodePort service, the resulting cross-cluster service will still be a clusterset IP type. The local service will not be affected. Node ports can still be used to access the cluster-local service in the source cluster, and only the clusterset IP will route to endpoints in remote clusters.

  • ExternalName: It doesn't make sense to export an ExternalName service. They can't be merged with other exports, and it seems like it would only complicate deployments by even attempting to stretch them across clusters. Instead, regular ExternalName type Services should be created in each cluster individually. If a ServiceExport is created for an ExternalName service, an InvalidService condition will be set on the export.


A non-headless ServiceImport is expected to have an associated IP address, the clusterset IP, which may be accessed from within an importing cluster. This IP may be a single IP used clusterset-wide or assigned on a per-cluster basis, but is expected to be consistent for the life of a ServiceImport from the perspective of the importing cluster. Requests to this IP from within a cluster will route to backends for the aggregated Service.

Note: this doc does not discuss NetworkPolicy, which cannot currently be used to describe a selector based policy that applies to a multi-cluster service.

Optional, but recommended.

The full specification for Multicluster Service DNS is in this KEP's specification.md. MCS aims to align with the existing service DNS spec. This section provides an overview of the multicluster DNS specification and its rationale, and assumes familiarity with in-cluster Service DNS behavior.

In short, when a ServiceExport is created, this will cause a domain name for the multi-cluster service to become accessible from within the clusterset. The domain name will be <service>.<ns>.svc.clusterset.local. This domain name operates differently depending on whether the ServiceExport refers to a ClusterSetIP or Headless service:

  • ClusterSetIP services: Requests to this domain name from within an importing cluster will resolve to the clusterset IP. Requests to this IP will be spread across all endpoints exported with ServiceExports across the clusterset.
  • Headless services: Within an importing cluster, the clusterset domain name will have multiple A/AAAA records, each containing the address of a ready endpoint of the headless service. <service>.<ns>.svc.clusterset.local will resolve to the entire set or the subset of ready pod IPs, depending on the implementation and endpoint count.

In addition, other resource records are included to conform to in-cluster Service DNS behavior. SRV records are included to support known use cases such as VOIP, Active Directory, and etcd cluster bootstrapping. Pods backing a Headless service may be addressed individually using the <hostname>.<clusterid>.<svc>.<ns>.svc.clusterset.local format; necessary records will be created based on each ready endpoint's hostname and the multicluster.kubernetes.io/source-cluster label on the EndpointSlice. This allows naming collisions to be avoided for headless services backed by identical StatefulSets deployed in multiple clusters.

Note: the total length of a FQDN is limited to 253 characters. Each label is independently limited to 63 characters, so users must choose host/cluster/service names to avoid hitting this upper bound.

All service consumers must use the *.svc.clusterset.local name to enable clusterset routing, even if there is a matching Service with the same namespaced name in the local cluster. This name allows service consumers to opt-in to multi-cluster behavior. There will be no change to existing behavior of the cluster.local zone.

It is expected that the .clusterset.local zone is standard and available in all implementations, but customization and/or aliasing can be explored if there's demand.

No PTR records necessary for multicluster DNS

This specification does not require PTR records be generated in the course of implementing multicluster DNS. By definition, each IP must only have one PTR record, to facilitate reverse DNS lookup. The cluster-local Kubernetes DNS specification already requires a PTR record for the ready IPs for ClusterIP and Headless Services. As this specification is currently written, by not requiring any new PTR records and leaving the cluster-local PTR records as the only ones, PTR record existence becomes potentially inconsistent for multicluster DNS, especially between importing and exporting clusters (for example, a Headless pod IP PTR record would exist on the exporting cluster, but not necessarily on an importing cluster). On the other hand, some existing MCS API implementations create a new "dummy" cluster-local Service object for every ServiceImport, and due to the cluster-local DNS specification, they will already have a PTR record generated due to the DNS resolution of the "dummy" Service.

In cases where PTR records are not always set, if the specification did require to backfill in a clusterset.local zoned one wherever one is missing (i.e. for importing clusters), the result would be a patchwork of cluster.local and clusterset.local PTR records, depending what cluster in the ClusterSet you are querying from, still resulting in an inconsistent experience.

Alternatively, the multicluster DNS specification could have required clusterset.local PTR records across the board, making the experience consistent. This would require implementations to overwrite the cluster-local behavior for MCS services since IPs can only have one PTR record. However, the MCS API purposefully tries to avoid changing cluster-local behavior as much as possible.

Fundamentally, PTR records are used for reverse DNS lookup from an IP to a DNS name. Besides this, some potentially useful information (ex mapping pod IPs, if you happen to have one out of context, to their related Service objects) would be consistently surfaced through reverse DNS lookup if we required clusterset.local PTR records. However, the k8s API server contains the same metadata and is already potentially accessible to any MCS client since the requests originate in-clusterset. Without a strong use case for requiring them and given the desire to avoid changing cluster-local behavior, PTR records are not required for multicluster DNS.

Not allowing cluster-specific targeting via DNS

While we reserve the form <clusterid>.<svc>.<ns>.svc.clusterset.local. for possible future use, both ClusterSetIP Services and Multicluster Headless Services are specified to explicitly disallow using this form to create DNS records that target all 1+N backends in a specific cluster.

For ClusterSetIP services, this rationale is tied to the intent of its underlying ClusterIP Service. In a single-cluster setup, the purpose of a ClusterIP service is to reduce the context needed by the application to target ready backends, especially if those backends disappear or change frequently, and leverages kube-proxy to do this independent of the limitations of DNS. (ref) Similarly, users of exported ClusterIP services should depend on the single <clusterset-ip> (or the single A/AAAA record mapped to it), instead of targeting per cluster backends. If a user has a need to target backends in a different way, they should use headless Services.

For Multicluster Headless Services, the rationale is tied to the intent of its underlying Headless Service to provide absolutely no load balancing capabilities on any stateful dimension of the backends (such as cluster locality), and provide routing to each single backend for the application's purposes.

In both cases, this restriction seeks to preserve the MCS position on namespace sameness. Services of the same name/namespace exported in the multicluster environment are considered to be the same by definition, and thus their backends are safe to 'merge' at the clusterset level. If these backends need to be addressed differently based on other properties than name and namespace, they lose their fungible nature which the MCS API depends on. In these situations, those backends should instead be fronted by a Service with a different name and/or namespace.

For example, say an application wishes to target the backends for a ClusterSetIP ServiceExport called special/prod in <clusterid>=cluster-east separately from all backends in <clusterid>=cluster-west. Instead of depending on the disallowed implementation of cluster-specific addressing, the Services in each specific cluster should actually be considered non-fungible and be created and exported by ServiceExports with different names that honor the boundaries of their sameness, such as special-east/prod for all the backends in <clusterid>=cluster-east and special-west/prod for the backends in <clusterid>=cluster-west. In this situation, the resulting DNS names special-east.prod.svc.clusterset.local and special-west.prod.svc.clusterset.local encode the cluster-specific addressing required by virtue of being two different ServiceExports.

Note that this puts the burden of enforcing the boundaries of a ServiceExport's fungibility on the name/namespace creator.


When a ServiceExport is created, this will cause EndpointSlice objects for the underlying Service to be created in each importing cluster within the clusterset, associated with the derived ServiceImport. One or more EndpointSlice resources will exist for the exported Service, with each EndpointSlice containing only endpoints from a single source cluster. These EndpointSlice objects will be marked as managed by the clusterset service controller, so that the endpoint slice controller doesn’t delete them. EndpointSlices will have an owner reference to their associated ServiceImport.

We have not yet sorted out scalability impact here. We hope the upper bound for
imported endpoints + in-cluster endpoints will be ~= the upper bound for
in-cluster endpoints today, but this remains to be determined.

Endpoint TTL

To prevent stale endpoints from persisting in the event that the mcs-controller is unable to reach a cluster, it is recommended that an implementation provide an in-cluster controller to monitor and remove stale endpoints. This may be the mcs-controller itself in distributed implementations.

We recommend creating leases to represent connectivity with source clusters. These leases should be periodically renewed by the mcs-controller while the connection with the source cluster is confirmed alive. When a lease expires, the cluster name and multicluster.kubernetes.io/source-cluster label may be used to find and remove all EndpointSlices containing endpoints from the unreachable cluster.

Constraints and Conflict Resolution

Exported services are derived from the properties of each component service and their respective endpoints. However, some properties combine across exports better than others.

Global Properties

These properties describe how the service should be consumed as a whole. They directly impact service consumption and must be consistent across all child services. If these properties are out of sync for a subset of exported services, there is no clear way to determine how a service should be accessed.

Conflict resolution policy: If any properties have conflicting values that can not simply be merged, a ServiceExportConflict condition will be set on all ServiceExports for the conflicted service with a description of the conflict. The conflict will be resolved by assigning precedence based on each ServiceExport's creationTimestamp, from oldest to newest.

Service Port

A derived service will be accessible with the clusterset IP at the ports dictated by child services. If the external properties of service ports for a set of exported services don’t match, the clusterset service will expose the union of service ports declared on its constituent services. Should a port name be used for multiple non-identical (port, protocol, appProtocol) service ports by different constituent services, the conflict resolution policy will determine which values are used by the derived service.


Headlessness affects a service as a whole for a given consumer. Whether or not a derived service is headless will be decided according to the conflict resolution policy.

Session Affinity

Session affinity affects a service as a whole for a given consumer. The derived service's session affinity will be decided according to the conflict resolution policy.

Test Plan

E2E tests can use kind to create multiple clusters to test various multi-cluster scenarios. To meet conditions required by MCS, cluster networks will be flattened by adding static routes between nodes in each cluster.

  • Test cluster A can contact service imported from cluster B and route to expected endpoints.
  • Test cluster A local service not impacted by same-name imported service.
  • Test cluster A can contact service imported from cluster A and B and route to expected endpoints in both clusters.

Graduation Criteria

Alpha -> Beta Graduation

  • A detailed DNS spec for multi-cluster services.
  • NetworkPolicy either solved or explicitly ruled out.
  • API group chosen and approved.
  • E2E tests exist for MCS services.
  • Beta -> GA Graduation criteria defined.
  • At least one MCS DNS implementation.
  • A formal plan for a standard Cluster ID.
  • Finalize a name for the "supercluster" concept.
  • Cluster ID KEP is in beta

Beta -> GA Graduation

  • Scalability/performance testing, understanding impact on cluster-local service scalability.
  • Cluster ID KEP is GA, with at least one other multi-cluster use case.

Upgrade / Downgrade Strategy

Kube-proxy and must be updated to a supported version before MCS services may be used. To take advantage of MCS DNS, the DNS provider must be upgraded to a version that implements the MCS spec. Kube-proxy MCS support will be guarded by a MultiClusterServices feature gate. When enabled, kube-proxy will watch the serviceimports.multicluster.k8s.io CRD. MCS support will be dynamically enabled and disabled as the CRD is created and deleted.

Version Skew Strategy

Kube-proxy and DNS must be upgraded before new MCS API versions may be used. Backwards compatibility will be maintained in accordance with the deprecation policy.

Implementation History

  • 2020-02-05 - Initial Proposal
  • 2020-05-10 - Merged as provisional
  • 2020-06-22 - Moved to implementable
  • 2020-08-04 - ClusterSet name finalized
  • 2020-08-10 - Alpha implementation available at sigs.k8s.io/mcs-api


ObjectReference in ServiceExport.Spec to directly map to a Service

Instead of name mapping, we could use an explicit ObjectReference in a ServiceExport.Spec. This feels familiar and more explicit, but fundamentally changes certain characteristics of the API. Name mapping means that the export must be in the same namespace as the Service it exports, allowing existing RBAC rules to restrict export rights to current namespace owners. We are building on the concept that a namespace belongs to a single owner, and it should be the Service owner who controls whether or not a given Service is exported. Using ObjectReference instead would also open the possibility of having multiple exports acting on a single service and would require more effort to determine if a given service has been exported.

The above issues could also be solved via controller logic, but we would risk differing implementations. Name mapping enforces behavior at the API.

Export services via label selector

Instead of name mapping, ServiceExport could have a ServiceExport.Spec.ServiceSelector to select matching services for export. This approach would make it easy to simply export all services with a given label applied and would still scope exports to a namespace, but shares other issues with the ObjectReference approach above:

  • Multiple ServiceExports may export a given Service, what would that mean?
  • Determining whether or not a service is exported means searching ServiceExports for a matching selector.

Though multiple services may match a single export, the act of exporting would still be independent for individual services. A report of status for each export seems like it belongs on a service-specific resource.

With name mapping it should be relatively easy to build generic or custom logic to automatically ensure a ServiceExport exists for each Service matching a selector - perhaps by introducing something like a ServiceExportPolicy resource (out of scope for this KEP). This would solve the above issues but retain the flexibility of selectors.

Export via annotation

ServiceExport as described has no spec and seems like it could just be replaced with an annotation, e.g. multicluster.kubernetes.io/export. When a service is found with the annotation, it would be considered marked for export to the clusterset. The controller would then create EndpointSlices and an ServiceImport in each cluster exactly as described above. Unfortunately, Service does not have an extensible status and there is no way to represent the state of the export on the annotated Service. We could extend Service.Status to include Conditions and provide the flexibility we need, but requiring changes to Service makes this a much more invasive proposal to achieve the same result. As the use of a multi-cluster service implementation would be an optional addon, it doesn't warrant a change to such a fundamental resource.

Infrastructure Needed

To facilitate consumption by kube-proxy, the MCS CRDs need to live in kubernetes/staging. We will need a new k8s.io/multiclusterservices repo for published MCS code.

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