Decision Maker's Checklist: Key Capabilities for Kubernetes in the Public Cloud
source link: https://d2iq.com/resources/cheat-sheet/decision-maker-s-checklist-key-capabilities-for-kubernetes-in-the-public-cloud?utm_campaign=21-05-26-cheat-sheet-decision-makers-check-list
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Decision Maker's Checklist: Key Capabilities for Kubernetes in the Public Cloud
Many enterprises are leveraging cloud services for Kubernetes to rapidly build and deploy applications. While there are many benefits using Kubernetes on the public cloud, they also come with some tradeoffs, which can make adoption and usage difficult for organizations.
Both Kubernetes and the public cloud have a lot to offer, but how can they be used together as a competitive advantage? And how can you unify both tools so you can build, deploy, and manage multiple clusters across any infrastructure in a consistent and repeatable manner?
To help you get started on the right track, we created this checklist to help IT decision-makers like you understand the key capabilities, processes, and tools you need so you can reap the combined benefits of Kubernetes and the public cloud.
Download the Decision Maker’s Checklist so you can help your team identify opportunities to streamline processes, reduce overhead costs, and get the most out of your cloud Kubernetes investment.
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