分享一个挺有趣的 Linux 发行版 Bedrock Linux

 2 years ago
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分享一个挺有趣的 Linux 发行版 Bedrock Linux

  qwerzl · 16 小时 12 分钟前 via iPad · 1107 次点击


严格意义上似乎也不算一个 Linux 发行版。自称“Meta Linux Distribution”


Bedrock Linux is a meta Linux distribution which allows users to mix-and-match components from other, typically incompatible distributions. Bedrock integrates these components into one largely cohesive system.

For example, one could have:

Debian's stable coreutils
Arch's cutting edge kernel
Void's runit init system
A pdf reader with custom patches automatically maintained by Gentoo's portage
A font from Arch's AUR
Games running against Ubuntu's libraries
Business software running against CentOS's libraries
All at the same time and working together mostly as though they were packaged for the same distribution.

还蛮实用的,已经用了一段时间了。目前 hijack 了 Fedora ,搭配 Arch 的内核和 AUR 。

不过还不是很稳定。之前一个 Fedora 更新把 gdm 搞挂了,建议搭配 btrfs snapshot 一起使用。

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