Hessian 2.0 序列化协议

 1 year ago
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公司在微服务系统中,序列化协议大多数使用 MessagePack。但是,由于 MessagePack 设计限制,导致微服务接口在增减参数时,只能在最后操作。但是,由于个人操作,难免失误,结果造成因为增减字段导致的事故层出不穷。最近,一些条件成熟,准备推动部门将序列化协议切换到 Hessian。

原以为,切换到 Hessian 就可以万事大吉。但是,在和同事的沟通中发现,同事反馈,Hessian 本身也有一些限制。为了对 Hessian 有一个更深入的了解,干脆就把 Hessian 序列化协议读一遍。看协议,文字不多,干脆就把协议完整翻译一遍。闲言少叙,正文开始。

Hessian 2.0 序列化协议

Hessian 是一种设计用于面向对象传输的,动态类型的,二进制序列化 Web 服务协议。

2. 设计目标

Hessian 是动态类型的,紧凑,跨语言的。

Hessian 协议有如下设计目标:

  • 它必须自我描述序列化类型,即不需要外部架构或接口定义。

  • 它必须是语言独立的,同时支持脚本语言。

  • 它必须一次性读取或者写入。

  • 它必须尽可能紧凑。

  • 它必须简单,以便可以有效地测试和实施。

  • 它必须尽可能快。

  • 它必须支持 Unicode 字符串。

  • 它必须支持8位二进制数据而不必转义或使用附件。

  • 它必须支持加密,压缩,签名和事务上下文信封。

3. Hessian 语法


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           # 开始
top        ::= value

           # 8-bit 编码的二进制数据,分割为 64k 的 chunks
binary     ::= x41 b1 b0 <binary-data> binary # 非结尾 chunk
           ::= 'B' b1 b0 <binary-data>        # 结尾 chunk
           ::= [x20-x2f] <binary-data>        # 长度为 0-15 的二进制数据
           ::= [x34-x37] <binary-data>        # 长度为 0-1023 的二进制数据

           # 布尔 true/false
boolean    ::= 'T'
           ::= 'F'

           # 对象定义 (紧凑映射)
class-def  ::= 'C' string int string*

           # 自 epoch(1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)以来的毫秒数,用 64 bit 编码
date       ::= x4a b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
           # 自 epoch(1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)以来的分钟数,用 32 bit 编码
           ::= x4b b3 b2 b1 b0

           # 64-bit IEEE double 双精度浮点类型
double     ::= 'D' b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
           ::= x5b                   # 0.0
           ::= x5c                   # 1.0
           ::= x5d b0                # byte 转化的 double (-128.0 to 127.0)
           ::= x5e b1 b0             # short 转化的 double
           ::= x5f b3 b2 b1 b0       # 32-bit float 单精度浮点数转化的 double

           # 32-bit 有符合整数
int        ::= 'I' b3 b2 b1 b0
           ::= [x80-xbf]             # -x10 to x3f
           ::= [xc0-xcf] b0          # -x800 to x7ff
           ::= [xd0-xd7] b1 b0       # -x40000 to x3ffff

           # list/vector
list       ::= x55 type value* 'Z'   # 可变长度链表,类似 List
	       ::= 'V' type int value*   # 固定长度链表,类似 数组
           ::= x57 value* 'Z'        # 可变长度的无类型链表
           ::= x58 int value*        # 固定长度的无类型链表
	       ::= [x70-77] type value*  # 固定长度的有类型链表
	       ::= [x78-7f] value*       # 固定长度的无类型链表
           // TODO 最后一种和倒数第三种有什么区别?

           # 64-bit 有符号长整型
long       ::= 'L' b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
           ::= [xd8-xef]             # -x08 to x0f
           ::= [xf0-xff] b0          # -x800 to x7ff
           ::= [x38-x3f] b1 b0       # -x40000 to x3ffff
           ::= x59 b3 b2 b1 b0       # 32-bit integer cast to long

           # map/object 哈希或对象
map        ::= 'M' type (value value)* 'Z'  # key, value 哈希键值对
	       ::= 'H' (value value)* 'Z'       # 无类型 key, value 键值对

           # null 值
null       ::= 'N'

           # Object 实例
object     ::= 'O' int value*
	       ::= [x60-x6f] value*

           # 值引用 (例如循环树或图)
ref        ::= x51 int            # reference to nth map/list/object

           # UTF-8 编码的字符串,分割为 64k 的 chunk
string     ::= x52 b1 b0 <utf8-data> string  # non-final chunk
           ::= 'S' b1 b0 <utf8-data>         # 长度为 0-65535 的字符串
           ::= [x00-x1f] <utf8-data>         # 长度为 0-31   的字符串
           ::= [x30-x34] <utf8-data>         # 长度为 0-1023 的字符串

           # 用于面向对象语言的 map/list 类型
type       ::= string                        # 类型名称
           ::= int                           # 类型引用

           # main production
value      ::= null
           ::= binary
           ::= boolean
           ::= class-def value
           ::= date
           ::= double
           ::= int
           ::= list
           ::= long
           ::= map
           ::= object
           ::= ref
           ::= string

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4. 序列化协议

Hessian 的对象序列化支持八种基本类型:

  1. 原始二进制数据(binary

  2. 布尔型(boolean

  3. 64-bit 毫秒日期类型(date

  4. 64-bit 双精度浮点型(double

  5. 32-bit 整型(int

  6. 64-bit 长整型(long

  7. null

  8. UTF-8 编码的字符串(string

同时,还支持三种递归类型(recursive type):

  1. 支持链表(list)和数组(array)的 list

  2. 支持哈希(map)和字典(dictionary)的 map

  3. 支持对象的 object


  1. 支持共享和循环引用的 ref

Hessian 2.0 又增加了三种内部引用映射:

  1. 一种 object/list 引用映射

  2. 一种类定义引用映射

  3. 一种类型(类名)引用映射

4.1. 二进制数据


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binary ::= b b1 b0 <binary-data> binary
       ::= B b1 b0 <binary-data>
       ::= [x20-x2f] <binary-data>

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二进制数据编码在 chunk 里面。字节 x42B)表示结尾 chunk,字节 x62b)表示任何非结尾 chunk。每个 chunk 有一个 16-bit 的长度值.

len = 256 * b1 + b0


4.1.1. 紧凑:简小二进制数据

对于长度小于 15 的二进制数据,可以使用一个字节的长度标识 [x20-x2f] 来进行编码。

len = code - 0x20


4.1.2. 二进制示例

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x20               # zero-length binary data

x23 x01 x02 x03   # 3 octet data

B x10 x00 ....    # 4k final chunk of data

b x04 x00 ....    # 1k non-final chunk of data

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4.2. 布尔型数据


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boolean ::= T
        ::= F

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字节 F 表示 false,字节 T 表示 true

4.2.1. 布尔型示例

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T   # true
F   # false

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4.3. 日期类型数据


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date ::= x4a b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
     ::= x4b b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

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使用以 64 bit 编码的自 epoch(1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)以来的毫秒数来标识日期。

4.3.1. 紧凑:以分钟表示的日期

使用以 32 bit 编码的自 epoch(1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)以来的分钟数来标识日期。

4.3.2. 日期示例

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x4a x00 x00 x00 xd0 x4b x92 x84 xb8   # 09:51:31 May 8, 1998 UTC

x4b x4b x92 x0b xa0                   # 09:51:00 May 8, 1998 UTC

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4.4. 浮点类型数据


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double ::= D b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
       ::= x5b
       ::= x5c
       ::= x5d b0
       ::= x5e b1 b0
       ::= x5f b3 b2 b1 b0

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浮点数使用 IEEE 64-bit 标准来表示。

4.4.1. 紧凑:0.0

浮点数 0.0 可以使用字节 x5b 来标识。

4.4.2. 紧凑:1.0

浮点数 1.0 可以使用字节 x5c 来标识。

4.4.3. 紧凑:单字节浮点数

对于在 -128.0 ~ 127.0 之间并且没有小数部分的浮点数,可以使用两个字节来表示;通过类型转换,将 byte 值转化为浮点数。

value = (double) b0

4.4.4. 紧凑:短整型浮点数

对于在 -32768.0 ~ 32767.0 之间并且没有小数部分的浮点数,可以使用三个字节来表示;通过类型转换,将 short 值转化为浮点数。

value = (double) (256 * b1 + b0)

4.4.5. 紧凑:单精度浮点数

与 32位浮点数等价的双精度浮点数,可以用四个字节来表示;通过类型转换,将 float 值转化为浮点数。

4.4.6. 浮点类型示例

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x5b          # 0.0
x5c          # 1.0

x5d x00      # 0.0
x5d x80      # -128.0
x5d x7f      # 127.0

x5e x00 x00  # 0.0
x5e x80 x00  # -32768.0
x5e x7f xff  # 32767.0

D x40 x28 x80 x00 x00 x00 x00 x00  # 12.25

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4.5. 整数类型数据


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int ::= 'I' b3 b2 b1 b0
    ::= [x80-xbf]
    ::= [xc0-xcf] b0
    ::= [xd0-xd7] b1 b0

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4.5.1. 整数示例

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x90                # 0
x80                # -16
xbf                # 47

xc8 x00            # 0
xc0 x00            # -2048
xc7 x00            # -256
xcf xff            # 2047

xd4 x00 x00        # 0
xd0 x00 x00        # -262144
xd7 xff xff        # 262143

I x00 x00 x00 x00  # 0
I x00 x00 x01 x2c  # 300

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4.6. 链表数据

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list ::= x55 type value* 'Z'   # variable-length list
     ::= 'V' type int value*   # fixed-length list
     ::= x57 value* 'Z'        # variable-length untyped list
     ::= x58 int value*        # fixed-length untyped list
     ::= [x70-77] type value*  # fixed-length typed list
     ::= [x78-7f] value*       # fixed-length untyped list

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4.6.1. 链表示例

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V                    # fixed length, typed list
  x04 [int           # encoding of int[] type
  x92                # length = 2
  x90                # integer 0
  x91                # integer 1

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x57                  # variable-length, untyped
  x90                # integer 0
  x91                # integer 1

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x72                # typed list length=2
  x04 [int         # type for int[] (save as type #0)
  x90              # integer 0
  x91              # integer 1

x73                # typed list length = 3
  x90              # type reference to int[] (integer #0)
  x92              # integer 2
  x93              # integer 3
  x94              # integer 4

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4.7. 长整数类型数据

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long ::= L b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
     ::= [xd8-xef]
     ::= [xf0-xff] b0
     ::= [x38-x3f] b1 b0
     ::= x4c b3 b2 b1 b0

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4.7.1. 示例

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xe0                  # 0
xd8                  # -8
xef                  # 15

xf8 x00              # 0
xf0 x00              # -2048
xf7 x00              # -256
xff xff              # 2047

x3c x00 x00          # 0
x38 x00 x00          # -262144
x3f xff xff          # 262143

x4c x00 x00 x00 x00  # 0
x4c x00 x00 x01 x2c  # 300

L x00 x00 x00 x00 x00 x00 x01 x2c  # 300

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4.8. 哈希

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map        ::= M type (value value)* Z

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4.8.1. 哈希示例

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map = new HashMap();
map.put(new Integer(1), "fee");
map.put(new Integer(16), "fie");
map.put(new Integer(256), "foe");


H           # untyped map (HashMap for Java)
  x91       # 1
  x03 fee   # "fee"

  xa0       # 16
  x03 fie   # "fie"

  xc9 x00   # 256
  x03 foe   # "foe"


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public class Car implements Serializable {
  String color = "aquamarine";
  String model = "Beetle";
  int mileage = 65536;

  x13 com.caucho.test.Car  # type

  x05 color                # color field
  x0a aquamarine

  x05 model                # model field
  x06 Beetle

  x07 mileage              # mileage field
  I x00 x01 x00 x00

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4.9. null

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null ::= N

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4.10. 对象

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class-def  ::= 'C' string int string*

object     ::= 'O' int value*
           ::= [x60-x6f] value*

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4.10.1. 示例

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class Car {
  String color;
  String model;

out.writeObject(new Car("red", "corvette"));
out.writeObject(new Car("green", "civic"));


C                        # object definition (#0)
  x0b example.Car        # type is example.Car
  x92                    # two fields
  x05 color              # color field name
  x05 model              # model field name

O                        # object def (long form)
  x90                    # object definition #0
  x03 red                # color field value
  x08 corvette           # model field value

x60                      # object def #0 (short form)
  x05 green              # color field value
  x05 civic              # model field value

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enum Color {



C                         # class definition #0
  x0b example.Color       # type is example.Color
  x91                     # one field
  x04 name                # enumeration field is "name"

x60                       # object #0 (class def #0)
  x03 RED                 # RED value

x60                       # object #1 (class def #0)
  x90                     # object definition ref #0
  x05 GREEN               # GREEN value

x60                       # object #2 (class def #0)
  x04 BLUE                # BLUE value

x51 x91                   # object ref #1, i.e. Color.GREEN

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4.11. 引用

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ref ::= x51 int

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4.11.1. 引用示例

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list = new LinkedList();
list.data = 1;
list.tail = list;

  x0a LinkedList
  x04 head
  x04 tail

o x90      # object stores ref #0
  x91      # data = 1
  x51 x90  # next field refers to itself, i.e. ref #0

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4.12. 字符串类型数据

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string ::= x52 b1 b0 <utf8-data> string
       ::= S b1 b0 <utf8-data>
       ::= [x00-x1f] <utf8-data>
       ::= [x30-x33] b0 <utf8-data>

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4.12.1. 字符串示例

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x00                 # "", empty string
x05 hello           # "hello"
x01 xc3 x83         # "\u00c3"

S x00 x05 hello     # "hello" in long form

x52 x00 x07 hello,  # "hello, world" split into two chunks
  x05 world

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4.13. 类型

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type ::= string
     ::= int

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4.14. 压缩:类型引用

5. 引用哈希

6. 字节码映射

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x00 - x1f    # utf-8 string length 0-32
x20 - x2f    # binary data length 0-16
x30 - x33    # utf-8 string length 0-1023
x34 - x37    # binary data length 0-1023
x38 - x3f    # three-octet compact long (-x40000 to x3ffff)
x40          # reserved (expansion/escape)
x41          # 8-bit binary data non-final chunk ('A')
x42          # 8-bit binary data final chunk ('B')
x43          # object type definition ('C')
x44          # 64-bit IEEE encoded double ('D')
x45          # reserved
x46          # boolean false ('F')
x47          # reserved
x48          # untyped map ('H')
x49          # 32-bit signed integer ('I')
x4a          # 64-bit UTC millisecond date
x4b          # 32-bit UTC minute date
x4c          # 64-bit signed long integer ('L')
x4d          # map with type ('M')
x4e          # null ('N')
x4f          # object instance ('O')
x50          # reserved
x51          # reference to map/list/object - integer ('Q')
x52          # utf-8 string non-final chunk ('R')
x53          # utf-8 string final chunk ('S')
x54          # boolean true ('T')
x55          # variable-length list/vector ('U')
x56          # fixed-length list/vector ('V')
x57          # variable-length untyped list/vector ('W')
x58          # fixed-length untyped list/vector ('X')
x59          # long encoded as 32-bit int ('Y')
x5a          # list/map terminator ('Z')
x5b          # double 0.0
x5c          # double 1.0
x5d          # double represented as byte (-128.0 to 127.0)
x5e          # double represented as short (-32768.0 to 327676.0)
x5f          # double represented as float
x60 - x6f    # object with direct type
x70 - x77    # fixed list with direct length
x78 - x7f    # fixed untyped list with direct length
x80 - xbf    # one-octet compact int (-x10 to x3f, x90 is 0)
xc0 - xcf    # two-octet compact int (-x800 to x7ff)
xd0 - xd7    # three-octet compact int (-x40000 to x3ffff)
xd8 - xef    # one-octet compact long (-x8 to xf, xe0 is 0)
xf0 - xff    # two-octet compact long (-x800 to x7ff, xf8 is 0)

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在搜索 Hessian 时,维基百科直接有一个词条: Hessian - Wikipedia,上面有一个解释是:Hessian 是黑森人的意思,表示生活在 德国黑森州 的居民。在对应的维基百科词条 Hesse - Wikipedia 上,看到了表示这个州的徽章,感觉很有意思,就那这张照片做头图了。

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