JavaScript Enthusiast & Technical Author David Walsh Interview
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David Walsh is a well-known front-end developer experienced and interested in JavaScript, HTML/5, CSS, as well as PHP and Python. Like developers at Evrone, he focuses on open-source contribution and evangelism, as they open a world of possibilities and rewards for their hard-working developers. We couldn't miss a chance to ask David a couple of important questions, and we hope you enjoy the interview below!
The Interview
Evrone: In the blog you’ve mentioned that you were excited to create a secure future Web 3.0. Where do you see it in the next five or ten years?
David: Every day in the world of Web3 is a bit of a roller coaster so predicting the next five to ten years seems an impossible task! We do know that a general theme of technology and the internet is that more and more common functions go to an online medium, especially with younger generations, so I look forward to video games becoming more crypto-centric, as well as music and art via NFTs. We’ll also see more traditional assets get tokenized: real estate, stocks, art, etc., so that you can own a fraction of something. We’ll see DAOs get adopted by major corporations. We’ll see traditional sports cards and collectibles become NFTs on the blockchain. I’m hoping we also see governments and businesses accept crypto for payments. There are so many possibilities!
Evrone: Let’s talk about the impostor syndrome: seven years ago you described your experience of how to get over it. Has your attitude changed today and is it worth fighting it at all?
David: My idea of impostor syndrome and how to address it hasn’t changed over the past decade. Now that I’m working in Web3, the impostor syndrome is that much worse, since blockchain and crypto is so new to everyone! Every mistake feels like a dagger, especially because, in many cases, crypto is money. I’ve been an engineer for almost two decades and I still feel like a total fraud sometimes. I like to think it’s because I care deeply about my work and hold myself to a high standard.
Evrone: You have a really cool and ascetical home office. How did you come to this idea?
David: My first five years in the tech industry were spent working in a musty, bland office; when I got my first remote job, I vowed to never let myself be stuck in an environment like that again. With my office, I surround myself with things that make me happy: a gaming PC, big screen television, videogames, a comfortable couch, and all right next to a very large window that overlooks my neighborhood. I made my office somewhere I’m excited to go to every day, and that makes difficult days at work just a bit easier.
Evrone: Programming means continuous learning. What are the next things that you’d like to explore in the near future?
David: I’m always excited to learn new languages and techniques. I’m hoping to learn more Solidity to write smart contracts. I’m also hoping JavaScript smart contracts come along!
Evrone: If you met yourself right after graduating from university, what advice would you give to your younger self?
David: My career has gone really, really well to this point, so I think I would tell that kid to keep working extremely hard. It’s the time that I put in outside of school and work that took me to where I am now. Stay curious, work hard, don’t get too high or too low, and you’ll get to where you are now. I’m very happy!
Evrone: Nowadays it is incredibly important to have the ability to relax. Could you share some tips on how to avoid stress at work and burnout?
David: I’ve never been good at relaxing or avoiding stress – sadly, I tend to really put an unfair amount of pressure on myself. I think the best advice I can give is to be honest with yourself and your colleagues; no one benefits from an employee that’s burnt out. It’s important to take vacation when you reach a really stressful point – you’ll be a better colleague and partner at home. Lastly, don’t eat lunch or dinner at your computer – go for a walk, eat somewhere – just get away sometimes!
Evrone: Could you recommend one must-read book for programmers to boost the working process and personal productivity?
David: Sadly I’ve never been good at learning programming languages or techniques from books. There’s nothing more useful than “getting your hands dirty” and trying things out. I much prefer blogs – they’re usually more focused, more fun, more engaging, and more current. Find good blogs for the topics you love and I think you’ll improve quickly!
The conclusion
We were glad to speak to David to learn from his experiences and years of expertise.
Also published as “David Walsh Interview“. The interviewer is the Chief Editor at Evrone.
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