Valve Survey Summary
source link: http://steampowered.com/status/survey.html
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Valve Survey SummaryATI Mobility Radeon 8500/9000/92004,6950.49 %NVidia TNT Series4,3960.46 %ATI Mobility Radeon 75004,1310.43 %ATI Radeon 7200 Series4,1240.43 %ATI Radeon 91004,0040.42 %NVidia GeForce2 Integrated GPU3,4380.36 %NVidia GeForce Series3,3950.35 %ATI Radeon IGP 340M2,8860.30 %3Dfx Voodoo 32,8720.30 %Intel 8152,6450.28 %ATI Rage 128 Pro2,4420.26 %PowerVR KYRO/KYRO II 32MB/64MB2,3400.24 %Intel 852/8552,2830.24 %ATI Mobility Radeon2,2490.24 %ATI Rage Fury MAXX2,2480.23 %ATI Rage 1281,9590.20 %NVidia GeForce FX 5950 Series1,8800.20 %ATI Rage Pro AGP 2X1,8640.19 %NVidia GeForce4 420 Go1,8200.19 %ATI Radeon IGP 320M1,8150.19 %ATI Mobility Radeon 9600/9650/9700 Series1,6630.17 %Trident Video Accelerator Blade 3D/ProMedia
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