How to call the function inside the function in the encoder help

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/how-to-call-the-function-inside-the-function-in-the-encoder-help.html
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How to call the function inside the function in the encoder help


I want to access function inside function in code-igniter helper

you can use a helper function inside another function provided that you have loaded/extended that helper and the function you want to use is not private.

have you tried something like this:


funtion helper1($var) {
    $CI =& get_instance();
    /** you cannot use $this inside helper */

    // call another function

helpers are global so you can use helper functions anywhere in you code as long as you have loaded the helper first. you can load your helper in the constructor of your controller: $this->load->helper('new_helper');

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