JetBrains Academy: New Projects and Topics in February
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JetBrains Academy: New Projects and Topics in February
Table of Contents
In February, we created 5 brand-new projects,released 3 projects from Beta, and published more than 40 new educational topics. Read on to see what’s new.
Java tracks
🆕 Project: Anti-Fraud System (Spring Boot, Beta). Challenging.
This project demonstrates the principles of anti-fraud systems used in the financial sector. You will work on a system with a set of REST endpoints responsible for interacting with users, and an internal transaction validation logic based on a set of heuristic rules.
🆕 Topics:
Python tracks
🆕 Project: A/B Test for Delivery App (Python, Beta). Hard.
Digital footprints left by users can be extremely useful for increasing conversions and improving the user experience. Companies use such data to test hypotheses about various product features. This is called A/B testing, where A and B are versions of the same feature. In this project, you will test a statistical hypothesis about the interface of a food delivery application with the A/B test framework.
🆕 Project: Read Quality Control (Python, Beta). Medium.
In this project, you will learn how to utilize programming for real-world biological tasks. If you love solving problems at the intersection of the sciences, this project is for you.
🆕 Topics:
Additionally, the Logistic Regression from Scratch and Classification of Handwritten Digits projects were released from Beta.
Data science
🆕 Topics: Correlation visualization, Numeric data visualization, Intro to seaborn
Frontend track
🆕 Topics:
The Hyperskill Cafeproject was released from Beta.
Kotlin tracks
🆕 Topics:
- Object-oriented programming: Introduction to Interfaces
- Kotlin backend: Ktor routing, Logging with Logback
- Additional instruments: ANSI colors
Go track
🆕 Project: University Admission Procedure (Beta). Challenging.
In this project, you’ll implement an algorithm to determine which applicants are going to be enrolled. At each stage, the algorithm will gradually become more complex and comprehensive.
🆕 Project: Cipher Decoder (Beta). Hard.
One of the main difficulties in cryptography is sending encryption keys to other people over unsecured communication channels. In this project, we will take a look at the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol and apply it to keep our conversations secret.
🆕 Topics: Math package, Operations with strings, String builder
🆕 Topics: Introduction to integrals, Integrals of constants and powers, Divisibility, Partial orders, Euclid’s algorithm, Variance of a random variable
🆕 Topics:
Note that projects marked as Beta are still in the early stages of testing. In order to see Beta projects on the platform, you need to have the Beta tester feature enabled in your profile settings.
If you have any questions, or if you would like to share your feedback, feel free to leave a comment below, contact us at [email protected], or share a post on Twitter, Facebook, or Reddit.
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Joyk means Joy of geeK