Men’s health, starting with weight loss

 2 years ago
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Men’s health, starting with weight loss
Alfie helps men lose 15% of their weight through virtual visits with providers and prescription medication, highly personalized coaching from certified male health coaches, and a P2P community of men engaging in biweekly competitions with incentives like NFTs.
Featured 22h ago
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Men's health enthusiast

Hi PH, I’m Alexander, one of the founders of Alfie (https://www.joinalfie.com), and I'm excited to share what we've been working on with you all!

Along with Rohit and Hasan, we founded Alfie: the digital clinic for men starting with weight loss.

Alfie is a high-touch digital clinic which first pairs men with a licensed doctor from our network who works with them to determine whether and which medication is right for them. We send care teams directly to member’s homes to complete necessary testing, and pair men with certified male health coaches to enact positive lifestyle change and accountability. Our program also fosters a community of men who are going through the same process and put their health first.

With backgrounds in biomedical engineering and medicine from institutions like Harvard, the University of Virginia, Georgetown, and Stanford, we strived to create a solution that addressed the largest risk factor for specific men’s health issues like erectile dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and hormonal imbalance: obesity [1].

Despite this, even as we struggled personally with weight loss, we found that there was no real solution for men — leading weight loss companies have user bases that are over 80-90% women, and we have personally experienced being the only men in health groups. Research indicates men need their own spaces for equitable health outcomes, and this is what we strive to create at Alfie [2].

By starting with weight loss, we hope to bridge the gap in men’s health to provide care that goes beyond what current pill-focused solutions do today. 

Alfie is currently available in 7 states (DC, MD, VA, NJ, NY, TX, FL), and will soon be available in CA. If you’re interested in getting care, even if you don’t live in one of these states, we’d love to talk with you!

I’m pumped to hear your feedback, questions, concerns, or even personal anecdotes. I’ll be online responding to your comments all day, but you can also email me at [email protected], or call us at 844-625-0623.

(1) https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/obe... (2) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi...

Founding Partner @Bootstrapital

@alexander_singh Looks interesting, for sure.

Might I suggest making it clear on your landing page that the "Am I eligible" CTA is what I should click to give you my email for a state that is not yet available? :)

Men's health enthusiast

@imchrisdavis Thanks for the feedback Chris, I'll update this today!

We've also been experimenting with collecting email v. phone number. I'd love to hear your thoughts on which you'd think makes the most sense.

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