Best Affiliate Programs
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Thanks so much for hunting us @adityavsc 🙏🏻
Hi Product Hunters! 👋
Affiliate Hunter started out as a list of high paying affiliate programs that I made for my newsletter ( and realised that publishing this as a free database might benefit the maker community as a whole.
I decided to build Affiliate Hunter as a curated directory of the best affiliate programs from startups that pay the highest commissions. We currently have just over 100 high paying affiliate programs listed on the site from startups like Webflow, and more.
How it works:
- You can browse through our complete database (100+) of affiliate programs for free. - You can click through to categories and view filtered views. (affiliate programs from website builders or VPNs, etc). - You can check out details about their program, click through to their website and apply for program directly.
Who is this useful for?
- Content sites, publishers, newsletters etc. - Startups and makers with affiliate programs who want to promote to new audiences. - Founders looking for inspiration for their affiliate program. - The maker community as a whole as you can promote your favourite tools to your audience (no matter how small) and earn some extra cash.
The website is completely free to use. You can even post your own affiliate program to the website for a small fee (provided it meets the approval criteria).
I'll be adding more affiliate programs over the next few weeks and hope to make this the ultimate resource. Please feel free to share any suggestions or sites that should be included.
If you'd like to stay in touch, consider signing up for our newsletter so I can keep you updated when new programs are added.
Built with no-code. Tools include:
- Webflow - Zapier - Some custom code thanks to Finsweet
I'd love to hear what you think, and feel free to ask any questions! 😍
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