Poddin 1.0

 2 years ago
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Get your podcast transcript with ease
Poddin - a fast, accurate podcast transcription tool.Poddin is designed for podcasters to improve SEO and search engine visibility, and also to provide audience with the ability to "read" podcast in text.
Featured 2d ago
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Jo Moh
Founder and CEO @ Poddin

Hey guys, I'm Joe and I created a podcast transcription tool - Poddin (https://poddin.io).

I've been quietly polishing Poddin over the past few months, and I always feel like maybe it's not good enough for accuracy and user experience to be released. (Probably a lot like the mindset of many podcasters, lol). But now I feel Poddin is ready to go. But there are many similar products on the market, so what are the advantages of Poddin?

Accuracy, we can provide industry-leading accuracy in speech recognition, and after testing by our few users. This means you don't have to spend too much time editing and proofreading. You don't have to worry about your accent either.

Cheap. We're cheaper than most podcast transcription tools, 50 times cheaper than Rev, and 8 times cheaper than Happy Scirbe. Podcast hosts pay a lot of bills every month, but for Poddin I don't want the Poddin to be a burden to you.

Unlike some businesses and companies, Poddin is just my personal project, self funded. The reason I originally set up Poddin was that I didn't have time to listen to podcasts, so reading would save me a lot of time. So Poddin is sort of a project created by the audience for the podcast, and as users, you/podcasters can find me directly to give feedback, there is no such thing as customer support, no BS, and we evolve quickly based on your/podcasters' ideas.

Of course, in addition to that, Poddin supports many other features, such as speaker recognition, which automatically identifies how many hosts are in your episodes. such as filler word removal, where we detect your ummh, ehhh, uhhh and automatically remove them. We are also in the process of developing more features.

Poddin now supports a 20 minute free trial, no need for CC. You can sign up and try it out, any feedback is welcome, guys! Sales are better :)

I also posted Poddin on reddit and got a lot of positive feedback and covered some users, check it out: https://www.reddit.com/r/podcast...

You can contact me here, or on Twitter, my ID is jomoh888 or @poddinio. Email: [email protected]

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