Repricing, reporting, and automation for Amazon sellers
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Nice Price
Repricing, reporting, and automation for Amazon sellers
Hey Product Hunters ๐
๐ It's time for me to announce our SaaS, Nice Price, after months of hard-working and I am (as an Amazon Seller) super excited.
NicePrice is a repricing tool for Amazon sellers, built by experienced sellers, for all types of Sellers, who need to keep their listings competitive. Our passion is helping Amazon sellers succeed using intelligent and automated repricing rules, efficient inventory management tools and useful reporting, analysis and automation.
๐งจ MAIN FEATURES โณ Import your inventory in minutes ๐ฏ Right-pricing with Buybox Chaser repricing strategy. ๐ท Offer the lowest price to increase sales, with Lowest repricing strategy ๐ Increase your sales by making your listings competitive ๐ Understand your business pattern and sales demand with detailed reports. ๐ ๐ฐ Price recommendations with competitor sellers analysis ๐ค Automate your price changes, strategy changes and more...
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Kind Regards, Eray
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