WAGSI - Recurring subscriptions for Metamask users | Product Hunt

 2 years ago
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Recurring subscriptions for Metamask users
WAGSI is a recurring payments platform for Metamask users built on Polygon. Create payment pages to accept subscriptions in stablecoins or paste Wagsi JS code into your website to lock content or create paid online communities on Discord.
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23. Founder @ WAGSI Crypto Subscriptions

👋 Hi Hunters, my name's Paresh and I along with Chirag have been building products since the past 4yrs. We built, scaled a chrome extension to 200k+ users and 11k$ in MRR and sold it on Microacquire in July 2021.

We've spent the last couple of months along with our friend Srivatsa, building WAGSI- a low cost recurring subscriptions platform for Metamask users with each transaction costing <0.01$.

Being a part of multiple DAOs and web3 NFT communities we learnt the biggest barriers for a new person to participate is the high barrier to entry when it comes to the price of an NFT to get access for example. While lowering the price hurts the maker, subscriptions is where the sweet spot is- with lower prices and more incentive alignment.

That's why we launched WAGSI- the lowest cost crypto subscriptions platform. Today, we’re introducing WAGSI to the world with 3 different products- WAGSI Payment Pages- Merchants can create hosted payment pages & plans to accept recurring crypto subscriptions. WAGSI Payment Buttons- Writers can lock a specific piece of content behind a paywall using WAGSI javascript code and unlock it for subscribers only. WAGSI Discord Bot- Community managers and DAOs can create their online communities on Discord powered by WAGSI subscriptions.

We have NFT subscriptions, renting, in-game automatic coin staking via WAGSI Wallet SDKs for games planned in the roadmap ahead. In case you want to explore collaborations, feel free to send me a DM on Twitter @pareshmukh.

WAGSI is officially backed by Polygon Ecosystem Grants and is the winner of ETHGlobal Road to Web3 hackathon in the track of ⚡️ Best Web2 to Web3 project. Lastly we’ve got two sweet deals for all of you early adopters- 1. You can subscribe to Netflix, Spotify, Amazon Prime & more using WAGSI and receive gift cards in exchange with over 25% off. Experience the first of it’s kind crypto subscriptions platform and get rewarded for it! 2. If you deposit more than 100 DAI into the WAGSI balance, you stand a chance to win daily rewards worth 300 DAI announced everyday at 12:01 AM PST.

Merchants, what are you waiting for? Sign Up on WAGSI and accept recurring subscriptions in crypto, today: https://www.wagsi.co/

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