Interactive chatbots and agent scripting for great CX and EX

 2 years ago
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Interactive chatbots and agent scripting for great CX and EX

Aselector is a knowledge management tool for customer self serve as well as agent help. The Artificial intelligence based SaaS platform transforms the consumer's experience by reducing transaction time and providing the right resolution every time.
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CX Digital Transformation consultant
Customer experience improvement tool with Interactive decisions trees and workflow. Are you looking to improve your customer experience with Digital tools?
CX Digital Transformation consultant
109 Languages instant translation on chatbot - Speak to your customers in their language. Fastest chatbot on the internet.. No wasted time of visitors seeing the three dots.
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Seamless, frictionless, frameless dynamic frame-bots that look like a part of your website.. check out the android troubleshooter samples on this page..


CX Digital Transformation consultant
The only chatbot tool with a built in workflow that automatically creates items in different queues with their own prioritization, and access rights - real time command center and advanced analytics.
CX Digital Transformation consultant
Simple no-code, WYSIWYG designer with hierarchical structure ensures there are no hanging or lost nodes. Collect information with variables and setup logic to personalize the visitor experience. Built by CX professionals with Lean and Six sigma principles.

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