YJIT 帶給 Ruby 大量的效能提昇

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.gslin.org/archives/2021/10/24/10385/yjit-%e5%b8%b6%e7%b5%a6-ruby-%e5%a4%a7%e9%87%8f%e7%9a%84%e6%95%88%e8%83%bd%e6%8f%90%e6%98%87/
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YJIT 帶給 Ruby 大量的效能提昇

Hacker News 首頁上看到的消息,由 Shopify 贊助的 YJIT 被 Ruby 官方接受了:「Merge YJIT: an in-process JIT compiler (github.com/ruby)」。

YJIT currently provides average speedups of 23% over the CRuby interpreter on realistic benchmarks, and near-instant warm-up time.

實做 YJIT 的 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert 在他自己的 blog 上有提到這次的實做:「YJIT: Building a New JIT Compiler Inside CRuby」,裡面選擇的方法是他的 PhD 論文:「Simple and Effective Type Check Removal through Lazy Basic Block Versioning」。


That being said, according to our benchmarks, we’ve been able to achieve speedups over the CRuby interpreter of 7% on railsbench, 19% on liquid template rendering, and 19% on activerecord.

Currently, only about 50% of instructions in railsbench are executed by YJIT, and the rest run in the interpreter, meaning that there is still a lot we can do to improve upon our current results.

本來的 MJIT 看起來會慢慢淡出...


Webkit 推出 B3 JIT Compiler (Bare Bones Backend)

Webkit 推出了 B3 加快 optimization 的速度,取代原來 LLVM 的工作:「Introducing the B3 JIT Compiler」。 在文章後方 Performance Results 的部份可以看到最主要的差異在啟動時間: 另外也可以看到其他各種 performance benchmark 也幾乎都是小勝 LLVM。 接下來會有 ARM64 與其他平台的計畫: B3 is not yet complete. We still need to finish porting B3 to ARM64. B3 passes all tests, but we haven’t finished optimizing performance on ARM.…

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Runtime 期間的最佳化工具:Dynimize

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a611ee8db44c8d03a20edf0bf5a71d80?s=49&d=identicon&r=gAuthor Gea-Suan LinPosted on October 24, 2021Categories Computer, Murmuring, Programming, SoftwareTags compiler, in, jit, just, mjit, performance, ruby, speed, time, yjit

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