Mobile App Development With 8 Awesome React-Native Starter Kits

 2 years ago
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Mobile App Development With 8 Awesome React-Native Starter Kits

August 19, 2016 react, starter

There are so many reasons to love React Native. React Native is an trending open-source project by Facebook Inc. that makes possible to create efficient and effective mobile applications for iOS & Android using JavaScript.

React-Native also provides native modules & components for both the platforms to get hold of the device's native capabilities. There is also a huge list of plugins developed by the community to use with React-Native which makes it more customizable.

Getting started on a new app from scratch consumes quite some time. But here's the good news - There are many open-source React-Native boilerplate projects and UI starter kits available to kick-start the app creation with merely few lines of code. We have listed some of our favorite starter kits and boilerplates to get started quickly.

This Starter Kits reflects the best practices of React Native development they have been crafted for both platforms - Android and iOS. They are opinionated about tooling, patterns and development practices. They might not be a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone, but one can customize them to their needs, or just take inspiration from these.


Ignite is an active React Native repo, invaluable to neophytes as well as seasoned professionals. One can install the CLI and generate anything from a starter app to a single opinionated component using Ignite. Simple onboarding for new developers.

One can install the CLI and generate anything from a starter app to a single opinionated component. Generators work seamlessly with Ignite's folder structure. Ignite will install pages worth weeks of work in a single line of code. It includes examples, templates, components, styles, animations, testing screens, etc.


  • Generators CLI
  • Documented
  • Best Practices
  • Convenience Screens
  • Component Examples
  • Usage Examples
  • API Doc Testing
  • Themes
  • Device Info

Pepperoni is a blueprint for building cross-platform mobile experiences rapidly with ready-to-use integrated building blocks for common mobile app features. The Pepperoni blueprint is crafted on a solid foundation using modern architecture and industry's best practices.


  • Native mobile apps built with React Native by Facebook and Redux
  • Cloud-ready for Heroku, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and others
  • Pre-built app components/boilerplate for common use cases
  • Login, authentication and user management with Auth0
  • Whatsapp-style user-to-user and group messaging with SendBird
  • Push notifications
  • Cloud-ready backend
  • Deploy instant app updates directly to users with CodePush

Snowflake supports hot reloading of its state. Using Redux and Immutable, the state of the application is testable with Jest.


  • Supports Hot Reloading of its state
  • Form interactions
  • Navigation
  • Predictable and consistent manner
  • Independent of the UI
  • Server side processing
  • Reduces the angst

NativeBase is a free and open source framework that enables developers to build high-quality mobile apps using React Native iOS and Android apps with a fusion of ES6. NativeBase builds a layer on top of React Native that provides you with basic set of components for mobile application development. This helps you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms.


  • High-performance UI
  • Single codebase for iOS & Android
  • Well Documented
  • Open source

Este is a developer stack for React universal apps. It has a universal architecture where the stack is the same for browsers, mobile and server. Este is perfect even for plain static pages. One can gracefully add any platform later.


  • Code shared across platforms (browser, server, native mobile)
  • Server side rendering
  • Universal data fetching (unique approach without react-router)
  • An optional rendering to HTML files (for static hosting)
  • Universal internationalization with runtime language switching
  • Universal forms with universal validation (universal ftw, yeah)

Simple asset pipeline for seed apps built with React Native. Uses Babel 6 for ES7 JavaScript transpilation with Stage 1 support, and Webpack as a dev server and module bundler. Provides static code linting using ESLint and build output in the same console window, and source maps for debugging in the browser. Nonprescription in terms of test frameworks and Flux implementations.


  • Minimal dependencies
  • Follows the latest React Native stable release
  • Manage assets using Webpack
  • Dynamically generates JS bundles using Webpack Dev Server
  • Provides static code analysis with ESLint
  • Keeps dependencies fresh using Greenkeeper
  • Monitors dependency vulnerabilities with Snyk
  • Aids code consistency using EditorConfig
  • Integrates with webpack-notifier for desktop notifications on OS X
  • Example CI service integration using Travis

A starter boilerplate for a mobile app using React Native and Redux.

React Native Starter App is another sleek starter template for React Native Android and iOS apps. It is equipped to run with Redux - A predictable state container which consistently runs in different environments.

It is exciting to use one of the most flexible language with the most popular platforms. With React-Native, developers do not have to learn platform-specific programming languages anymore. One can make a high quality applications just by knowing JavaScript & the components which come out from the React Box. The thinking process of React-Native is not just unique but very interesting.

One can grab any of these starter kits and jump easily into mobile app development world. React-Native is seeing an overwhelming response from the community of mobile app developers around the world.

Spread the word - Feel free to re-tweet and share the article.
If you think there is any other good starter kit out there that we have missed here, please tweet at@icicletech and let us know.

Mobile App Development With 8 Awesome #react-Native Starter Kits via @icicletech https://t.co/n1xD842wH7

- Icicle (@icicletech) August 18, 2016

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