Microsoft Edge 91 Now Available for Download
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-edge-91-now-available-for-download-533056.shtml
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A new major update for the browser is live on all platforms
Microsoft has released Edge 91 on all supported desktop platforms, and just as expected, this update comes with some pretty big news.
One of the most important new features now bundled with Microsoft Edge is Bing Rebates, which means you can now earn cash back from the retailers that are part of the Bing program. There are over 1,200 stores enrolled in the program, Microsoft says, and the only thing you need to get your cash back is to click the blue tag in the address bar when completing a purchase.
Then, Microsoft Edge is now able to display a price history graph right in the browser, once again trying to make sure that you always pay the lowest price for a product.
Again, the blue tag in the address bar is the one that comes in handy though not all retailers are supported for the time being.
There are new color themes in Microsoft Edge, and you can enable them from the Appearance page in Settings, as well as options to personalize the news and information that is displayed on the NTP.
Major performance boost
Microsoft is once again highlighting the performance boost that Microsoft Edge is getting thanks to sleeping tabs, which are now enabled by default in the browser.
“Sleeping tabs gives Microsoft Edge a performance boost when using multiple browser tabs simultaneously. It helps optimize the performance of your Microsoft Edge browser by freeing up system resources for the tabs you are actively using. This month, sleeping tabs is further improved with up to 82% memory savings based upon internal data collected on our preview builds. It does so by immediately putting ads to sleep when you put tabs in the background for instant resource savings. Sleeping tabs also now has additional improvements to save system resources on Windows,” the company says.
Edge 91 is available in the stable channel on Windows and macOS.
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