手撸golang 仿spring ioc/aop 之7 扫码2

 3 years ago
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手撸golang 仿spring ioc/aop 之7 扫码2

最近阅读 [Spring Boot技术内幕: 架构设计与实现原理] (朱智胜 , 2020.6) 本系列笔记拟采用golang练习之 Talk is cheap, show me the code.


1. 控制反转(Inversion of Control, IoC)
2. 面向容器
3. 面向切面(AspectOriented Programming, AOP)


  • 参考spring boot常用注解,使用golang编写“基于注解的静态代码增强器/生成器”

子目标(Day 7)

  • 今天继续the hard part:struct/field/method元素的扫描
    • common/Tokens.go:添加数据类型的词法解析支持
    • scanner/IStructScanner.go: 结构体扫描器的接口及实现



  • 分别解析基本类型/自定义类型/指针类型/数组类型/map类型
  • 自定义类型需要注意排除'map'关键字
  • 指针,数组和map类型都是复合类型,需递归解析
package common

import (

type tTokens struct {
	cache   map[string]*regexp.Regexp
	rwmutex *sync.RWMutex

var Tokens = newTokensLib()

func newTokensLib() *tTokens {
	it := new(tTokens)
	return it

func (me *tTokens) init() {
	me.cache = make(map[string]*regexp.Regexp)
	me.rwmutex = new(sync.RWMutex)

func (me *tTokens) MatchString(s string, p string) bool {
	return strings.HasPrefix(s, p)

func (me *tTokens) MatchRegexp(s string, p string) (bool, string) {
	r, ok := me.cache[p]

	if !ok {
		if r, ok = me.cache[p]; !ok {
			r, _ = regexp.Compile(p)

	if r == nil {
		return false, ""

	if !r.MatchString(s) {
		return false, ""

	return true, r.FindString(s)

func (me *tTokens) MatchIdentifier(s string) (bool, string) {
	return me.MatchRegexp(s, "^[_a-zA-Z]\\w{0,99}")

func (me *tTokens) MatchSpaces(s string) (bool, string) {
	return me.MatchRegexp(s, "^\\s+")

func (me *tTokens) MatchDir(s string) (bool, string) {
	b, s := me.MatchRegexp(s, "^([a-zA-Z]\\:)?([\\\\/][^\\s/:*?<>|\\\"\\\\]+)+[\\/]?")
	if b {
		return b, s

	b, s = me.MatchRegexp(s, "^\\\"([a-zA-Z]\\:)?([\\\\/][^/:*?<>|\\\"\\\\]+)+[\\/]?\\\"")
	if b {
		return b, s

	b, s = me.MatchRegexp(s, "^'([a-zA-Z]\\:)?([\\\\/][^'/:*?<>|\\\"\\\\]+)+[\\/]?'")
	if b {
		return b, s

	return false, ""

func (me *tTokens) MatchDataType(s string) (bool, string) {
	if ok,t := me.MatchBasicType(s);ok {
		return true, t

	if ok,t := me.MatchCustomType(s);ok {
		return true, t

	if ok,t := me.MatchPointerType(s);ok {
		return true, t

	if ok,t := me.MatchArrayType(s);ok {
		return true, t

	if ok,t := me.MatchMapType(s);ok {
		return true, t

	return false, ""

func (me *tTokens) MatchBasicType(s string) (bool, string) {
	list := []string {
	for _,it := range list {
		if me.MatchString(s, it) {
			return true, it

	return false, ""

func (me *tTokens) MatchCustomType(s string) (bool, string) {
	t := s
	b1, s1 := me.MatchRegexp(t, `^\w+\.`)
	if b1 {
		t = t[len(s1):]

	b2, s2 := me.MatchRegexp(t, `^\w+`)
	if !b2 {
		return false, ""
	if s2 == "map" {
		// map is reserved word
		return false, ""

	return true, s1 + s2

func (me *tTokens) MatchPointerType(s string) (bool, string) {
	t := s
	if t[0] != '*' {
		return false,""
	t = t[1:]

	b, s := me.MatchDataType(t)
	if !b {
		return false, ""

	return true, "*" + s

func (me *tTokens) MatchArrayType(s string) (bool, string) {
	t := s
	b1, s1 := me.MatchRegexp(s, `^\[\s*\d*\s*\]\s*`)
	if !b1 {
		return false, ""
	t = t[len(s1):]

	b2, s2 := me.MatchDataType(t)
	if !b2 {
		return false, ""
	return true, s1 + s2

func (me *tTokens) MatchMapType(s string) (bool, string) {
	t := s
	s1 := "map"
	if !me.MatchString(t, s1) {
		return false, ""
	t = t[len(s1):]

	b2, s2 := me.MatchRegexp(t, `^\s*\[\s*`)
	if !b2 {
		return false, ""
	t = t[len(s2):]

	b3,s3 := me.MatchDataType(t)
	if !b3 {
		return false, ""
	t = t[len(s3):]

	b4, s4 := me.MatchRegexp(t, `^\s*\]\s*`)
	if !b4 {
		return false, ""
	t = t[len(s4):]

	b5, s5 := me.MatchDataType(t)
	if !b5 {
		return false, ""

	return true, s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5



package scanner

import (

type IStructScanner interface {
	ScanStruct(file *domain.CodeFileInfo)

type tStructScanner int

func (me *tStructScanner) ScanStruct(file *domain.CodeFileInfo) {
	bInStruct := false
	var stru *domain.StructInfo
	for lineNO,line := range file.CleanLines {
		if bInStruct {
			// end?
			if gStructEndRegexp.MatchString(line) {
				bInStruct = false

				me.scanMethod(stru, lineNO + 1)
				stru = nil

		// start?
		if gStructStartRegexp.MatchString(line) {
			bInStruct = true
			ss := gStructStartRegexp.FindAllString(line, -1)

			stru := domain.NewStructInfo()
			stru.LineNO = lineNO
			stru.CodeFile = file
			stru.Name = ss[1]

		// in struct block
		ok,fname,ftype := me.scanField(line)
		if ok {
			stru.AppendField(lineNO, fname, ftype)

func (me *tStructScanner) scanField(line string) (ok bool, fldName string, fldType string) {
	if !gFieldStartRegexp.MatchString(line) {
		return false, "",""

	fldName = strings.TrimSpace(gFieldStartRegexp.FindString(line))
	fldType = strings.TrimSpace(line[len(fldName):])
	return true, fldName, fldType

func (me *tStructScanner) scanMethod(stru *domain.StructInfo, fromLineNO int) {
	for i,max := fromLineNO, len(stru.CodeFile.CleanLines);i <= max;i++ {
		line := stru.CodeFile.CleanLines[i]
		if !gMethodStartRegex.MatchString(line) {

		ss := gMethodStartRegex.FindAllString(line, -1)

		// declare
		declare := ss[0]
		offset := len(declare)

		// receiver
		receiver := ss[1]
		if receiver != stru.Name {
		method := domain.NewMethodInfo()

		// name
		method.Name = ss[2]

		// method input args
		e,args := me.scanMethodArgs(method, strings.TrimSpace(line[offset:]))
		if e != nil {
		offset += len(args)

		// method return args
		e = me.scanReturnArgs(method, strings.TrimSpace(line[offset:]))
		if e != nil {

		// end scan method

func (me *tStructScanner) scanMethodArgs(method *domain.MethodInfo, s string) (error, string) {
	t := s
	offset := 0
	for {
		// name
		b1, s1 := common.Tokens.MatchRegexp(t, `\w+(\s*,\s*\w+)\s+`)
		if !b1 {
		argNames := s1
		offset += len(s1)
		t = s[offset:]

		// data type
		b2, s2 := common.Tokens.MatchDataType(t)
		if !b2 {
			return gInvalidMethodArgs, ""
		argDataType := s2
		offset += len(s2)
		t = s[offset:]

		for _,it := range strings.Split(argNames, ",") {
			method.AppendArgument(it, argDataType)

		// ,\s+
		b3, s3 := common.Tokens.MatchRegexp(t, `\s*,\s*`)
		if !b3 {
		offset += len(s3)
		t = s[offset:]

	return nil, s[0:offset]

func (me *tStructScanner) scanReturnArgs(method *domain.MethodInfo, s string) error {
	// todo: fixme
	panic("implements me")

var gStructStartRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*type\s+(\w+)\s+struct\s+\{`)
var gStructEndRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*}`)
var gFieldStartRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*\w+\s+`)
var gMethodStartRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\s*func\s+\(\s*\w+\s+\*?(\w+)\s*\)\s+(\w+)\s*\(`)
var gInvalidMethodArgs = errors.New("invalid method arguments")

var DefaultStructScanner IStructScanner = new(tStructScanner)


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