
 3 years ago
source link: https://studygolang.com/articles/32738
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用Golang封装PHP常用的函数,为了区分PHP与Go中的函数,go-to-php封装的函数,都是在对应的PHP函数的前面加上大写的 PPallord 函数除外。相关代码点击 github


  1. 字符串相关包

go get -u github.com/Echo-Mr-Pengw/go-to-php/str

  1. 数组相关包




go-to-php封装函数 对应的PHP函数 Pimplode( glue string , pieces interface{}) string implode Pjoin( glue string , pieces interface{}) string implode的别名,同Pimplode Pexplode( delimiter , str string , limit int) []string explode Pstrlen( str string) int strlen Pmb_strlen( str string) int mb_strlen Plcfirst( str string) string lcfirst Pucfirst( str string) string ucfirst Pstrtoupper( str string) string strtoupper Pstrtolower( str string) string strtolower Pucword( str string) string ucword Ptrim( str , character_mask string) string trim Pltrim( str , character_mask string) string ltrim Prtrim( str , character_mask string) string rtrim Pchop( str , character_mask string) string rtrim的别名,同Prtrim Pmd5( str string) string md5 Psha1( str string) string sha1 Pord( str string) int ord Pallord( str string) interface{} 转化全部字符,ord的升级版 Pchr( ascii int32) string chr Pecho( a ... interface{}) echo Pvar_dump( a ... interface{}) var_dump Pprint( a interface{}) print Pstr_repeat( input string , multiplier int) string str_repeat



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