
 3 years ago
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tyler_download 2020-12-14 17:20:49 3001




0_Parade_marchingband_1_205 59.60 56.00 78.29 74.94 39.41 1.66 56.60 22.60 90.26 18.61 106.71 41.04 144.10 15.87 161.05 37.30 117.68 30.32 132.38 47.02 201.93 16.36 221.37 36.06 162.79 53.26 176.50 72.45 97.98 53.26 113.19 79.43 9.34 85.48 22.43 106.57 59.35 116.15 76.15 139.59 45.29 161.07 59.74 182.17 18.25 247.82 48.34 278.95 114.79 237.10 139.12 265.09 210.80 239.19 231.73 266.66 308.43 259.50 332.99 285.24 402.90 205.89 433.36 242.02 260.95 141.52 280.40 164.15 283.12 151.71 301.22 170.71 353.49 159.85 370.91 183.38 238.07 37.05 250.12 56.08 251.39 28.39 271.26 47.62 266.40 56.71 280.56 75.95 357.28 80.38 371.45 101.73 489.01 112.72 508.57 135.54 545.43 122.50 561.98 148.07 511.58 73.61 529.88 94.92 543.67 75.11 560.97 100.18 544.68 49.29 561.22 67.59 562.48 67.09 583.04 96.17 464.94 68.59 482.75 94.92 502.80 37.00 520.86 56.81 595.57 53.05 612.62 70.85 574.01 138.29 588.80 159.86 554.71 164.62 567.99 185.18 497.47 256.35 526.72 284.60 580.56 239.07 607.82 267.32 706.86 166.62 747.08 209.82 654.28 140.01 672.72 164.13 533.31 3.35 549.04 20.67 596.23 20.99 613.08 39.74 684.31 47.47 699.18 67.20 665.16 40.90 678.88 58.91 659.73 6.03 673.73 27.46 747.49 10.31 765.78 32.90 795.22 17.75 809.80 37.76 813.52 16.03 830.67 41.19 850.39 39.76 870.40 62.63 806.94 59.48 823.81 84.06 739.20 54.34 756.92 78.35 831.81 117.80 852.40 140.38 866.69 108.36 882.70 132.09 798.11 221.94 830.85 260.00 870.04 236.21 898.59 267.28 911.23 223.52 927.69 245.54 991.32 142.56 1011.70 164.67 940.88 88.66 958.15 109.39 917.04 24.75 939.50 53.08 1000.30 25.44 1017.23 45.83 932.24 58.95 949.51 83.14 759.27 34.53 774.08 57.43 758.94 127.71 775.70 152.78 346.72 22.38 363.76 40.91 25.75 42.00 40.87 63.96 47.01 23.81 62.83 45.78 328.05 219.76 350.44 243.90 "


txt_line = "0_Parade_marchingband_1_205 59.60 56.00 78.29 74.94 39.41 1.66 56.60 22.60 90.26 18.61 106.71 41.04 144.10 15.87 161.05 37.30 117.68 30.32 132.38 47.02 201.93 16.36 221.37 36.06 162.79 53.26 176.50 72.45 97.98 53.26 113.19 79.43 9.34 85.48 22.43 106.57 59.35 116.15 76.15 139.59 45.29 161.07 59.74 182.17 18.25 247.82 48.34 278.95 114.79 237.10 139.12 265.09 210.80 239.19 231.73 266.66 308.43 259.50 332.99 285.24 402.90 205.89 433.36 242.02 260.95 141.52 280.40 164.15 283.12 151.71 301.22 170.71 353.49 159.85 370.91 183.38 238.07 37.05 250.12 56.08 251.39 28.39 271.26 47.62 266.40 56.71 280.56 75.95 357.28 80.38 371.45 101.73 489.01 112.72 508.57 135.54 545.43 122.50 561.98 148.07 511.58 73.61 529.88 94.92 543.67 75.11 560.97 100.18 544.68 49.29 561.22 67.59 562.48 67.09 583.04 96.17 464.94 68.59 482.75 94.92 502.80 37.00 520.86 56.81 595.57 53.05 612.62 70.85 574.01 138.29 588.80 159.86 554.71 164.62 567.99 185.18 497.47 256.35 526.72 284.60 580.56 239.07 607.82 267.32 706.86 166.62 747.08 209.82 654.28 140.01 672.72 164.13 533.31 3.35 549.04 20.67 596.23 20.99 613.08 39.74 684.31 47.47 699.18 67.20 665.16 40.90 678.88 58.91 659.73 6.03 673.73 27.46 747.49 10.31 765.78 32.90 795.22 17.75 809.80 37.76 813.52 16.03 830.67 41.19 850.39 39.76 870.40 62.63 806.94 59.48 823.81 84.06 739.20 54.34 756.92 78.35 831.81 117.80 852.40 140.38 866.69 108.36 882.70 132.09 798.11 221.94 830.85 260.00 870.04 236.21 898.59 267.28 911.23 223.52 927.69 245.54 991.32 142.56 1011.70 164.67 940.88 88.66 958.15 109.39 917.04 24.75 939.50 53.08 1000.30 25.44 1017.23 45.83 932.24 58.95 949.51 83.14 759.27 34.53 774.08 57.43 758.94 127.71 775.70 152.78 346.72 22.38 363.76 40.91 25.75 42.00 40.87 63.96 47.01 23.81 62.83 45.78 328.05 219.76 350.44 243.90 "
annotation = txt_line.strip().split(' ')
img_path = annotation[0]
box = list(map(float, annotation[1:]))
boxes = np.array(box, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
print("image contains {} faces".format(len(boxes)))
img = cv2.imread(img_path + ".jpg")
for box in boxes:
  top_left = (box[0], box[1])
  bottom_right = (box[2], box[3])
  img = cv2.rectangle(img, top_left, bottom_right, (255,0,0), 1)



def  get_img_boxes(txt_line):
  cur_path = os.getcwd()
  annotation = txt_line.strip().split(' ')
  img_path = os.path.join(cur_path, annotation[0] + ".jpg")
  box = list(map(float, annotation[1:]))
  boxes = np.array(box, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
  return img_path, boxes

txt_line = "0_Parade_marchingband_1_849 448.51 329.63 570.09 478.23 "
img_path, boxes = get_img_boxes(txt_line)

print("image contains {} faces".format(len(boxes)))
face_img = cv2.imread(img_path)
for box in boxes:
     top_left = (box[0], box[1])
     bottom_right = (box[2], box[3])
     face_img = cv2.rectangle(face_img, top_left, bottom_right, (255,0,0), 1)


def  IOU(box, boxes):

   box_area = (box[2] - box[0] + 1) * (box[3] - box[1] + 1)
   boxes_area = (boxes[:,2] - boxes[:,0] + 1) * (boxes[:,3] - boxes[:,1] + 1)
   xx1 = np.maximum(box[0], boxes[: ,0])
   yy1 = np.maximum(box[1], boxes[:,1])
   xx2 = np.minimum(box[2], boxes[:,2])
   yy2 = np.minimum(box[3], boxes[:,3])

   w = np.maximum(0, xx2 - xx1 + 1)
   h = np.maximum(0, yy2 - yy1 + 1)
   over_lap = w * h
   area_combine = (box_area + boxes_area - over_lap + 1e-10) #1e-10避免数值为0
   overlap_percentage = over_lap / area_combine 
   return overlap_percentage


def  create_neg_parts(img, face_boxes):
  neg_num = 0
  height, width, channel = img.shape
  neg_boxes = []
  while neg_num < 50:
      size = npr.randint(12, min(width, height) / 2)
      nx = npr.randint(0, width - size)
      ny = npr.randint(0, height - size)
      crop_box = np.array([nx, ny, nx+size, ny + size])
      iou = IOU(crop_box, face_boxes)
      if np.max(iou) < 0.3: #如果截取的面积与所有人脸面积重叠部分小于两者合并面积的0.3表明截取面积中不含有人脸
          neg_num += 1
  return  neg_boxes
def  draw_boxes(img, boxes, color):
    for box in boxes:
        top_left = (box[0], box[1])
        bottom_right = (box[2], box[3])
        img = cv2.rectangle(img, top_left, bottom_right, color, 1)


color = (0, 255, 0)
neg_boxes = create_neg_parts(face_img, boxes)
draw_boxes(face_img.copy(), neg_boxes, color)


def  create_neg_overlapped_parts(img, face_boxes): #产生只含有部分脸部的区域
    height, width, channel = img.shape
    neg_overlapped_boxes = []
    for box in face_boxes:
        left, top, right, bottom = box
        w = right - left
        h = bottom - top
        if max(w, h) < 20 or left < 0 or top < 0: #忽略掉小于20像素的人脸区域
        for i in range(5): #每个人脸区域最多生成5个重叠不超过0.3的区域
            size = npr.randint(12, min(width, height))
            delta_x = npr.randint(max(-size, -left), w) 
            delta_y = npr.randint(max(-size, -top), h) #沿着左上角随机上下和左右偏移形成重叠区域的左上角
            nx1 = int(max(0, left + delta_x))
            ny1 = int(max(0, top + delta_y))
            if nx1 + size > width or ny1 + size > height: #确保创建的区域不超过整个图片范围
            crop_box = np.array([nx1, ny1, nx1+size, ny1+size])
            iou = IOU(crop_box, face_boxes)
            if np.max(iou) < 0.3:
    return  neg_overlapped_boxes

neg_overlapped_boxes = create_neg_overlapped_parts(face_img, boxes)
color = (0, 0, 255)
draw_boxes(face_img.copy(), neg_overlapped_boxes, color)


def  create_pos_part_box(img, boxes): #产生与脸部重叠部分超过0.65和0.45的交集区域
    height, width, channel = img.shape
    pos_boxes = []
    pos_offset = []
    part_boxes = []
    part_offset = []
    for box in boxes:
        left, top, right, bottom = box
        w = right - left
        h = bottom - top
        if max(w, h) < 20 or left < 0 or top < 0:
        for i in range(20): #每个人脸生成20个与人脸部分重叠超过0.65或0.4的区域
            size = npr.randint(int(min(w, h) * 0.8), np.ceil(1.25 * max(w, h)))
            if w < 5:
            delta_x = npr.randint(-w * 0.2, w * 0.2)
            delta_y = npr.randint(-h * 0.2, h * 0.2)
            nx1 = int(max(left + w /2 + delta_x - size / 2, 0))
            ny1 = int(max(top + h / 2 + delta_y - size / 2, 0))
            nx2 = nx1 + size
            ny2 = ny1 + size
            if nx2 > width or ny2 > height: # 生成区域不能超出图片大小
            crop_box = np.array([nx1, ny1, nx2, ny2])

            offset_x1 = (left - nx1)/float(size)
            offset_y1 = (top - ny1) / float(size)
            offset_x2 = (right - nx2) / float(size)
            offset_y2 = (bottom - ny2) / float(size)
            box_ = box.reshape(1, -1)
            iou = IOU(crop_box, box_)
            if np.max(iou) >= 0.65:
                pos_offset.append((offset_x1, offset_y1, offset_x2, offset_y2))
            elif np.max(iou) >= 0.4:
                part_offset.append((offset_x1, offset_y1, offset_x2, offset_y2))
    return pos_boxes, pos_offset, part_boxes, part_offset        

pos_boxes, pos_offset, part_boxes, part_offset = create_pos_part_box(face_img, boxes)
print("pos boxes len: ", len(pos_boxes))
print("part boxes len: ", len(part_boxes))
color = (125, 125, 0)
draw_boxes(face_img.copy(), pos_boxes, color) #显示与脸部重叠面积超过0.65的区域


color = (0, 125, 125)
draw_boxes(face_img.copy(), part_boxes, color) #显示与脸部重叠面积超过0.4的区域




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