How Pokémon cards have continued to evolve with the video-games, despite going u...

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/gaming/features/pokemon-cards-have-continued-evolve-video-games-despite-going/
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How Pokémon cards have continued to evolve with the video-games, despite going underground

From a fun game to a playground menace to a potential investment opportunity: the Pokémon card game has just kept growing over the years

By Jack Rear

11 December 2020 • 11:00am

Pokémon cards

While Pokémon cards were at the peak of their popularity in the late 1990s, they're still going strong in 2020

Credit: Stephen Hird

The last place you would expect to find stories about Pokemon is probably in high-brow, straight-laced financial news. And yet, a few weeks ago, that’s just what happened....

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