JSS Plugin for Riot.js
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JSS plugin for RiotJS.
JSS is css-in-js. It allows you to write styles in javascript object syntax.
npm i -S riot-jss
This plugin provides following functionality in a component scope:
classes jss({ className: true}) setStyles({...styles})
Global plugin initialization
Install the plugin globbaly:
import {install} from 'riot' import withJSS from 'riot-jss' install(withJSS) //
Local plugin initialization
Decorate component's exports:
<with-jss> <div class={jss({ myClass: true })}> Black Background </div> <script> import styles from './with-jss.js' import withJSS from 'riot-jss' export default withJSS({ styles, state: {}, }) </script> </with-jss>
Writing styles
In order to make the JSS work in scope of a riot component, just add a property called styles
into your component exports.
Property styles
must be a valid JSS object
export default{ styles, ... }
An example
<my-comonent> <div class={jss({ myClass: true })}> Black background class <p class={classes.text}>white text class</p> </div> </my-component>
import styles from './my-component.jss' export default { styles, state: {...} }
export default { myClass: { background: 'black' }, text: { color: 'white' } }
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