利用 Go 实现简单程序替代 NFS 这个古董

 5 years ago
source link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzUzNTk3NTcwMw%3D%3D&%3Bmid=2247483738&%3Bidx=1&%3Bsn=93b6797ebc126d7662cc45a955d95f1d&%3Bchksm=fafc0322cd8b8a34a497ce638d6b02fc366174d0381c482ecb43d25ea6104b2deeccdad
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编译 通过buildXXX方式即可编译相应平台的可执行文件 

配置 配置使用json方式,简单明了




"addr" : "" ,


"path" : "c:/var/upload/wwww/" ,


"fileNameLength" : 11 ,

"rysncAddr" :[






UploadRysnc -conf conf/server1.conf > run.log



2019/03/17 10:40:00 Server is starting:

2019/03/17 10:40:00 Server UploadPath:c:/var/upload/wwww/

2019/03/17 10:40:00 Server Rysnc Addr:http://localhost:9091/rsync

2019/03/17 10:40:10 [::1]:49743 uploadfile [server1.conf][server1.conf] > c:/var/upload/wwww/banner/LwhSfU1nh6w.conf

2019/03/17 10:40:31 Clientrsyncfile Error http://localhost:9091/rsync c:/var/upload/wwww/banner/LwhSfU1nh6w.conf



GitHub地址: https://github.com/0opslab/GoUploadRysnc

package main


// @instruction

// 利用go实现的HTTP版的文件上传,上传接口以json方式返回

// @上传方式

// 通用的http文件上传方式

// @实现原理


// @配置json

// {

// "addr":"",

// "path":"c:/var/upload/wwww/",

// "fileNameLength":11,

// "rysncAddr":[

// "http://localhost:9091/rsync",

// "http://localhost:9092/rsync"

// ]

// }

// @说明

// 到新建文件夹下的可以同http head字段path添加目录(目录名需要BASE64)

import (


















type ServerConfig struct {


ADDR string `json:'ADDR'`


PATH string `json:'PATH'`




RYSNCADDR [] string `json:'RYSNCADDR'`


var conf = ServerConfig{}

func main () {

confile := flag.String( "conf" , "" , "the configuration file" )


if *confile == "" {

fmt.Println( "Please specify the configuration file" )



file, _ := os.Open(*confile)

defer file.Close()

decoder := json.NewDecoder(file)

err := decoder.Decode(&conf)

if err != nil {

fmt.Println( "Error:" , err)




//if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonstr), &conf); err != nil {

// panic("ErrorConfig")


log.Println( "Server is starting:" + conf.ADDR)

log.Println( "Server UploadPath:" + conf.PATH)

log.Print( "Server Rysnc Addr:" + strings.Replace(strings.Trim(fmt.Sprint(conf.RYSNCADDR), "[]" ), " " , "," , -1 ))

http.HandleFunc( "/upload" , UploadHandler)

http.HandleFunc( "/rsync" , RsyncHandler)

if err := http.ListenAndServe(conf.ADDR, nil ); err != nil {

fmt.Println( "Server starting error" )



func RandomFile (path string , suffix string ) ( string , error) {

if (!IsFileExist(path)) {

err := os.MkdirAll(path, os.ModePerm)

return "" , err


for {

dstFile := path + NewLenChars(conf.FILENAMELENGTH) + suffix

if (!IsFileExist(dstFile)) {

return dstFile, nil




func IsFileExist (filename string ) bool {

if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsNotExist(err) {

return false


return true


func NewLenChars (length int ) string {

if length == 0 {

return ""


var chars = [] byte ( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" )

clen := len (chars)

if clen < 2 || clen > 256 {

panic ( "Wrong charset length for NewLenChars()" )


maxrb := 255 - ( 256 % clen)

b := make ([] byte , length)

r := make ([] byte , length+(length/ 4 ))

i := 0

for {

if _, err := rand.Read(r); err != nil {

panic ( "Error reading random bytes: " + err.Error())


for _, rb := range r {

c := int (rb)

if c > maxrb {



b[i] = chars[c%clen]


if i == length {

return string (b)





func getCurrentIP (r http.Request) ( string ) {

ip := r.Header.Get( "X-Real-IP" )

if ip == "" {

return r.RemoteAddr


return ip


func RsyncHandler (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

file, header, err := r.FormFile( "rsyncfile" )

defer file.Close()

if err != nil {

log.Println(fmt.Sprintf( "%s rsyncfile %s %s " , getCurrentIP(*r), header.Filename, "FormParseError" ))

res := fmt.Sprintf( "{'code':'error'}" )

w.Header().Add( "Content-Type" , "application/json;charset:utf-8;" )

fmt.Fprintf(w, res)



dstFile := conf.PATH + header.Filename

if IsFileExist(dstFile) {

log.Println(fmt.Sprintf( "%s rsyncfile %s %s " , getCurrentIP(*r), header.Filename, "FileExists" ))

res := fmt.Sprintf( "{'code':'error'}" )

w.Header().Add( "Content-Type" , "application/json;charset:utf-8;" )

fmt.Fprintf(w, res)



cur, err := os.Create(dstFile);

defer cur.Close()

if err != nil {

log.Println(fmt.Sprintf( "%s rsyncfile %s %s " , getCurrentIP(*r), header.Filename, "CreateError" ))

res := fmt.Sprintf( "{'code':'error'}" )

w.Header().Add( "Content-Type" , "application/json;charset:utf-8;" )

fmt.Fprintf(w, res)



res := fmt.Sprintf( "{'code':'error'}" )

loginfo := ""

_, erro := io.Copy(cur, file)

if erro != nil {

loginfo = fmt.Sprintf( "%s rsyncfile %s %s" , getCurrentIP(*r), header.Filename, "WriteError" )

} else {

loginfo = fmt.Sprintf( "%s rsyncfile %s %s" , getCurrentIP(*r), header.Filename, "RysncSuccess" )

res = fmt.Sprintf( "{'code':'success'}" )



w.Header().Add( "Content-Type" , "application/json;charset:utf-8;" )

fmt.Fprintf(w, res)


func UploadHandler (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

// 实现多文件接收


uploadPath := r.Header.Get( "Path" )

basePath := conf.PATH

re2, _ := regexp.Compile( "\\.{2,}" )

re3, _ := regexp.Compile( "/{2,}" )

if uploadPath != "" {

if decodeBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(uploadPath); err == nil {

ppath := string (decodeBytes)

ppath = re3.ReplaceAllString(re2.ReplaceAllString(ppath, "" ), "/" )

uploadPath = ppath

basePath += "/" + ppath



if (!strings.HasSuffix(basePath, "/" )) {

basePath += "/"


basePath = re3.ReplaceAllString(basePath, "/" )

bastPathLen := len (conf.PATH) - 1

reader, err := r.MultipartReader()

if err != nil {

http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)



s := ""

res := "success"

for {

part, err := reader.NextPart()

if err == io.EOF {



if newfile, err := RandomFile(basePath, path.Ext(part.FileName())); err == nil {

if part.FileName() != "" {

dst, _ := os.Create(newfile)

defer dst.Close()

io.Copy(dst, part)

newFileName := string ([] byte (newfile)[bastPathLen:])

log.Println(fmt.Sprintf( "%s uploadfile [%s][%s] > %s" , getCurrentIP(*r),

part.FormName(), part.FileName(), newfile))

s += fmt.Sprintf( "%s@%s:'%s'," , part.FormName(), part.FileName(), newFileName)

for _, v := range conf.RYSNCADDR {

go Rsync(v, uploadPath, newfile)



} else {

log.Println(fmt.Sprintf( "%s uploadfile [%s][%s] CreateDestinationFileError" , getCurrentIP(*r),

part.FormName(), part.FileName(), newfile))

s += fmt.Sprintf( "%s@%s:'%s'," , part.FormName(), part.FileName())

res = "error"



w.Header().Add( "Content-Type" , "application/json;charset:utf-8;" )

fmt.Fprintf(w, fmt.Sprintf( "{'code':'%s',results:{%s}}" , res, strings.Trim(s, "," )))


func Rsync (url string , dstPath string , files string ) {

bodyBuffer := &bytes.Buffer{}

bodyWriter := multipart.NewWriter(bodyBuffer)

_, fileName := filepath.Split(files)

fileWriter, _ := bodyWriter.CreateFormFile( "rsyncfile" , fileName)

file, _ := os.Open(files)

defer file.Close()

io.Copy(fileWriter, file)

contentType := bodyWriter.FormDataContentType()


if req, err := http.NewRequest( "POST" , url, bodyBuffer); err == nil {

req.Header.Set( "Content-Type" , contentType)

if dstPath != "" {

req.Header.Set( "Path" , base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([] byte (dstPath)))


if resp, errsp := http.DefaultClient.Do(req); errsp == nil {

resp_body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

log.Println(fmt.Sprintf( "Clientrsyncfile %s %s " , resp.Status, string (resp_body)))

} else {

log.Println(fmt.Sprintf( "Clientrsyncfile Error %s %s " , url, files))


} else {

log.Println(fmt.Sprintf( "Clientrsyncfile Error %s %s " , url, files))



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