GitHub - deity-io/falcon: Deity Falcon - An Open Source, platform agnostic, head...

 6 years ago
source link: https://github.com/deity-io/falcon
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neoserver,ios ssh client



Build Status License: OSL-3.0 Blazing Fast lerna code style: prettier



DEITY Falcon is a platform agnostic PWA, stand-alone but modular library to be used with any e-commerce platform.

Technologies inside

  • Apollo
  • NodeJS
  • Razzle
  • GraphQL
  • React
  • Koa
  • Jest (testing)


Any contributions, small or big, are very welcome! Please take a look at our Contributor guidelines and Code of Conduct

Join the official chat channel

Deity Community Slack


NodeJS (8.x +) https://nodejs.org

Yarn (Optional, but recommended) https://yarnpkg.com

Yarn can be installed via npm install -g yarn or https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install

Starting a project

Use the project generator:


Out of the box it will connect to a public back-end service (Magento & WordPress), so you are able to start developing right away.

Connecting to your own services


Install falcon-magento2-module in Magento 2



Install falcon-wordpress-module in WordPress


Other platforms

Coming soon

Connecting to them

Inside server/config change apis.config to your instance's credentials

Customizing the theme

Please check out https://github.com/deity-io/falcon/tree/master/packages/falcon-ui


Project Structure

Falcon Client

Falcon Server


Coming soon

Code Splitting

Dynamic routing

State management

Development quick start

Yarn and Node are required for core development

Adding new dependency for single package

cd package-name
yarn add dependency-name


There are 2 main scripts available - test and test:coverage:

  • test in the root package.json file - triggers test:coverage script in every available package (it will be used by the CI system mainly)
  • test in the module's package.json - runs Jest testing in "watch" mode (re-runs tests on every code change)
  • test:coverage in the module's package.json runs Jest testing with enabled Coverage option
cd package-name
yarn test
yarn test:coverage

Example how to add @deity/falcon-client dependency into examples/shop-with-blog

package version needs to be specified as it's not yet published to npm registry

cd examples/shop-with-blog
yarn add @deity/[email protected]

Important thing now is all those packages are linked together so changing something in @deity/falcon-client will be automatically reflected in shop-with-blog example


About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK