GitHub - genuinetools/audit: For auditing what collaborators, hooks, and deploy...

 6 years ago
source link: https://github.com/genuinetools/audit
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For checking what collaborators, hooks, deploy keys, and protected branches you have added on all your GitHub repositories. This also scans all an organization's repos you have permission to view. Because nobody has enough RAM in their brain to remember this stuff for 100+ repos.

Check out genuinetools/pepper for setting all your GitHub repo's master branches to be protected. Pepper even has settings for organizations and a dry-run flag for the paranoid.



For installation instructions from binaries please visit the Releases Page.

Via Go

$ go get github.com/genuinetools/audit


$ audit -h
audit -  Tool to audit what collaborators, hooks, and deploy keys are on your GitHub repositories.

Usage: audit <command>


  -d      enable debug logging (default: false)
  -owner  only audit repos the token owner owns (default: false)
  -orgs   specific orgs to check (e.g. 'genuinetools')
  -repo   specific repo to test (e.g. 'genuinetools/audit') (default: <none>)
  -token  GitHub API token (or env var GITHUB_TOKEN)


  version  Show the version information.
$ audit --token 12345
genuinetools/apk-file ->
        Hooks (1):
                travis - active:true (https://api.github.com/repos/genuinetools/apk-file/hooks/8426605)
        Protected Branches (1): master

genuinetools/apparmor-docs ->
        Keys (1):
                jenkins - ro:false (https://api.github.com/repos/genuinetools/apparmor-docs/keys/18549738)
        Unprotected Branches (1): master

genuinetools/bane ->
        Hooks (1):
                travis - active:true (https://api.github.com/repos/genuinetools/bane/hooks/6178025)
        Protected Branches (1): master

genuinetools/battery ->
        Hooks (1):
                travis - active:true (https://api.github.com/repos/genuinetools/battery/hooks/8388640)
        Protected Branches (1): master
        Unprotected Branches (1): WIP

genuinetools/irssi ->
	Collaborators (3): tianon, genuinetools, docker-library-bot
	Hooks (1):
		docker - active:true (https://api.github.com/repos/genuinetools/irssi/hooks/3918042)
	Protected Branches (1): master

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