A Haskell Compiler (Slides on GHC Implementation)

 5 years ago
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A Haskell Compiler

  • How does a Haskell compiler work?
  • Can all reason about how a C compiler works but Haskell seems difficult
  • Will try to give you an idea of how GHC works

Structure of Lecture

Will first give an overview of the intuitive ideas behind the compiler.

Then will go through how GHC works in terms of traditional compiler stages:

  • Front End: Haskell -> Core
    Lexer, Parser, Renamer, Typecheck, Desugar
  • Middle: Core -> Core
    Optimisation passes
  • Backend: Core -> Assembly
    STG Machine, Code Generator, RTS, Backends (C, LLVM, NCG)

Why is Haskell difficult

Haskell is seen as a difficult language to understand from a compilation perspective.

There are some good reasons for this:

  • Higher order functions
  • Lazy evaluation
  • Partial application
  • Syntax that hides allocation
  • Typechecker

But one reason (an annoying one) is the use of Jargon

Terminology 101

Two good resources for dealing with unknown terminology:

Lets cover some of the terminology now:

  • Values : Both data and functions
  • Unboxed : Primitive (machine level) types, not "boxed up" on the heap
  • Closure : Heap allocated data associated with a method
  • Thunk : A suspended computation
  • Continuations : The cousin of closures. Unlike a closure you aren't simply calling a function, you are continuing a saved execution state. Basically though, if you have closures and tail calls as Haskell does, continuations can be built.

Yes, closures, thunks and continuations are all very similar. One implementation can capture them all, however the terminology is used to capture the different use cases.

Statistics of GHC

  • GHC is written in Haskell
    • Compiler: 227,000 lines of Haskell (including comments)
    • Libraries: 242,000 lines of Haskell (including comments)
  • The run-time system is written in C
    • 87,000 lines of C
  • Started in 1989
  • 23 developers contributed current release (7.4, in development since Aug 6th) with over 500 commits

Pipeline of GHC



We will start though with a quick look at Core, the main intermediate language used by GHC:

  • Functional lazy language

  • It consists of only a hand full of constructs!

variables, literals, let, case, lambda abstraction, application
  • In general think, let means allocation, case means evaluation

  • For the curious, Core is technically a variant of a System FC (which is itself a variant of System F )

  • Basic idea of Core (and the various System <X> which are extensions of simple typed lambda calculus) is to be the smallest language needed to capture the source language. Easier to study, reason, optimize...

Useful tool for viewing Core:

cabal install ghc-core

Core in one slide

data Expr b -- "b" for the type of binders, 
  = Var    Id
  | Lit   Literal
  | App   (Expr b) (Arg b)
  | Lam   b (Expr b)
  | Let   (Bind b) (Expr b)
  | Case  (Expr b) b Type [Alt b]

  | Type  Type
  | Cast  (Expr b) Coercion
  | Coercion Coercion

  | Tick  (Tickish Id) (Expr b)

data Bind b = NonRec b (Expr b)
            | Rec [(b, (Expr b))]

type Arg b = Expr b

type Alt b = (AltCon, [b], Expr b)

data AltCon = DataAlt DataCon | LitAlt  Literal | DEFAULT

Graph Reduction

The way that lazy functional languages like Haskell are implemented is through a technique called graph reduction

Its best to use the graph reduction model as an intuitive way to think about how Haskell is evaluated, the actual way GHC implements Haskell is pretty close to how an imperative language works.

f g = let x = 2 + 2
      in (g x, x)


  • Graph reduction allows lazy evaluation and sharing
  • let : adds new node to graph
  • case : expression evaluation, causes the graph to be reduced
  • when a node is reduced, it is replaced (or updated ) with its result

Terminology 102

  • redex(es) :
    reducible expression. A expression that can be evaluated further
    • normal form :
      an expression without an redexes
    • head normal form :
      an expression where the top level (head) is neither a redex NOR a lambda abstraction with a reducible body
    • weak head normal form :
      an expression where the top level (head) isn't a redex
  • unfolding :
    unfolding of a function f is just the body of f.
    • Unfolding = Inlining.

Terminology 103

  • evaluation strategies:
    • call-by-value : arguments evaluated before function entered (copied)
    • call-by-name : arguments passed unevaluated
    • call-by-need : arguments passed unevaluated but an expression is only evaluated once (sharing)
  • no-strict evaluation Vs. lazy evaluation :
    • non-strict: Includes both call-by-name and call-by-need, general term for evaluation strategies that don't evaluate arguments before entering a function
    • lazy evaluation: Specific type of non-strict evaluation. Uses call-by-need (for sharing).

Front End: Haskell -> Core

Lets now look at how Haskell is compiled to Core .

  • Core is a small lazy language functional language
  • Learning Core is the most useful thing to get out of this lecture, experienced Haskell programmers that care about performance will look at Core.
  • Think of it as a functional assembly language. Reasoning about behaviour and performance of Core is much simpler

Terminology 104

  • kernel : A kernel in programming language domain means the essential subset of the language. The 'base' of the language on which all other constructs are defined.
    • Core is a kernel for Haskell.
  • CAF : (Constant Applicative Form) A top level constant, allocated for life time of program and shared. Since statically allocated garbage collector has to treat them specially
  • scrutinee : The expression you are case'ing on in a case statement

Functions -> Core


idChar :: Char -> Char
idChar c = c

id :: a -> a
id x = x

idChar2 :: Char -> Char
idChar2 = id


idChar :: GHC.Types.Char -> GHC.Types.Char
[GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs]
idChar = \ (c :: GHC.Types.Char) -> c

id :: forall a. a -> a
id = \ (@ a) (x :: a) -> x

idChar2 :: GHC.Types.Char -> GHC.Types.Char
idChar2 = id @ GHC.Types.Char
  • [GblId...] specifies various metadata about the function
  • Functions are all lambda abstractions
  • Explicit passing and instantiation of type variables
    • type variables are proceeded by @ symbol (read them as 'at type ...')
    • they are passed abstracted and passed around just like value variables
    • this is known as second order lambda calculus
    • GHC uses this representation because it makes preserving type information during optimization easy

Functions -> Core


map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map _ []     = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs


map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map =
  \ (@ a) (@ b) (f :: a -> b) (xs :: [a]) ->
    case xs of _ {
      []     -> GHC.Types.[] @ b;
      : y ys -> GHC.Types.: @ b (f y) (map @ a @ b f ys)
  • case statements are only place evaluation happens, read them as 'evaluate'
    • they take an extra variable just after of that captures the return value of the scrutinee
  • names are fully qualified

Data -> Core


data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

none = Nothing
some = Just (1 :: Int)


none :: forall a. Maybe a
none = Nothing

n :: GHC.Types.Int
n = GHC.Types.I# 1

some :: Maybe GHC.Types.Int
some = Just @ GHC.Types.Int n
  • Data types don't explicitly appear in Core
    • Core supports datatype but just no syntax for them at this level
  • Can see how GHC lifts constants out to the top level (CAFs)
  • Can also see boxing and primitive types
    • In general Core follows same syntactic rules as Haskell (e.g Uppercase = Data constructor, # = unboxed value / type)

Handling where


dox :: Int -> Int
dox n = x * x
    where x = (n + 2) * 4


dox :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
dox =
  \ (n :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
    let {
      x :: GHC.Types.Int
      x =
        GHC.Num.* @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt
          (GHC.Num.+ @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt n (GHC.Types.I# 2))
          (GHC.Types.I# 4) }

    in GHC.Num.* @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt x x
  • where becomes let

Patterns & Guards


iff :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
iff True  x _ = x
iff False _ y = y


iff :: forall a. GHC.Bool.Bool -> a -> a -> a
iff =
  \ (@ a) (d :: GHC.Bool.Bool) (x :: a) (y :: a) ->
    case d of _
      GHC.Bool.False -> y
      GHC.Bool.True  -> x
  • Patterns and guards become case statements

Sharing & Updating


sum100 :: Int -> Int
sum100 n = foldr (+) 0 [1..100]


-- Unoptimized
sum100n = \ (n :: Int) -> * n (foldr (I# 0) (enumFromTo (I# 1) (I# 100)))

-- Optimized
sum100n = \ (n :: Int) -> GHC.Base.timesInt n sum100n1

sum100n1 = case $wgo 1 of r { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# r }

$wgo :: Int# -> Int#
$wgo = \ (w :: Int#) ->
    case w of w'
      __DEFAULT -> case $wgo (GHC.Prim.+# w' 1) of r
                      __DEFAULT -> GHC.Prim.+# w' r
      100 -> 100

Partial Evaluation -> Core


add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y

add2 :: Int -> Int
add2 = add 2

Core (unoptimized)

add :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
add =
  \ (x :: GHC.Types.Int) (y :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
    GHC.Num.+ @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt x y

x :: GHC.Types.Int
x = GHC.Types.I# 2

add2 :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
add2 =
  \ (y :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
    GHC.Num.+ @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt x y
  • (+) function used is the polymorphic GHC.Num.+ variant
    • GHC.Num.+ @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumtInt means, select the (+) field from the GHC.Types.Int dictionary (which is retrieved from GHC.Num.$fNumInt) for the GHC.Num type class

Partial Evaluation -> Core


add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y

add2 :: Int -> Int
add2 = add 2

Core (optimized)

add :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
Hs2Core.add = GHC.Base.plusInt

x :: GHC.Types.Int
x = GHC.Types.I# 2

add2 :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
add2 = GHC.Base.plusInt x
  • type class dictionary method has been inlined.

(+) -> Core

The function GHC.Base.plusInt is implemented as:

+ :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ = \ a b -> case a of _
                 I# a_ -> case b of _
                              I# b_ -> I# (GHC.Prim.+# a_ b_)
  • Notice the evaluation and unboxing of each argument, followed finally by reboxing.

Type Classes -> Core


typeclass MyEnum a where
   toId  :: a -> Int
   fromId :: Int -> a

instance MyEnum Int where
   toId = id
   fromId = id

instance (MyEnum a) => MyEnum (Maybe a) where
   toId (Nothing) = 0
   toId (Just n)  = 1 + toId n
   fromId 0       = Nothing
   fromId n       = Just (fromId $ n - 1)


toId :: forall a. MyEnum a => a -> GHC.Types.Int
toId =
  \ (@ a) (d :: MyEnum a) ->
    case d of _ { D:MyEnum f1 _ -> f1 }

fromId :: forall a. MyEnum a => GHC.Types.Int -> a
fromId =
  \ (@ a) (d :: MyEnum a) ->
    case d of _ { D:MyEnum _ f2 -> f2 }

Type Classes -> Core


$fMyEnumInt :: MyEnum GHC.Types.Int
$fMyEnumInt = D:MyEnum @ GHC.Types.Int (id @ GHC.Types.Int) (id @ GHC.Types.Int)

$fMyEnumMaybe :: forall a. MyEnum a => MyEnum (Maybe a)
$fMyEnumMaybe =
  \ (@ a) ($dMyEnum_arR :: MyEnum a) ->
    D:MyEnum @ (Maybe a_acF)
      ($fMyEnumMaybe_$ctoId @ a $dMyEnum_arR)
      ($fMyEnumMaybe_$cfromId @ a $dMyEnum_arR)

$fMyEnumMaybe_$ctoId :: forall a. Hs2Core.MyEnum a => Hs2Core.Maybe a -> GHC.Types.Int
$fMyEnumMaybe_$ctoId =
  \ (@ a) ($dMyEnum_arR :: MyEnum a) (ds :: Maybe a) ->
    case ds of _
      Nothing -> GHC.Types.I# 0
      Just n  -> case toId @ a $dMyEnum_arR n of _ 
                    GHC.Types.I# y -> GHC.Types.I# (GHC.Prim.+# 1 y)
  • Typeclasses are implemented via dictionaries
    • Just a data structure storing the various functions for each field
    • Functions that have type class constraints take an extra dictionary argument
    • GHC will optimize away this dictionary passing when it can

IO -> Core

  • Monads are just type classes. So much of previous applies.
  • IO Monad is basically a state passing monad. Passes around the 'Real World' so that IO actions can transform it.
newtype IO a = IO (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
  • 'Real Wold' is represented in GHC by a special token
  • At the base, there are some primitive IO actions.
  • IO Monad builds on top of RealWord# and the primitive IO actions.


f :: IO ()
f = do
   putStrLn "Hello World"
   putStrLn "What's up today?"

IO -> Core

Core (Unoptimized)

g :: GHC.Types.IO ()
g =
  GHC.Base.>> @ GHC.Types.IO GHC.Base.$fMonadIO @ () @ ()
    (System.IO.putStrLn (GHC.Base.unpackCString# "Hello World"))
    (System.IO.putStrLn (GHC.Base.unpackCString# "What's up today?"))

Core (optimized)

f :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, () #)
f =
  \ (world :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld) ->
    case hPutStr2 stdout f1 True world of _
       (# new_world, _ #) -> hPutStr2 stdout f2 True new_world

f1 :: [GHC.Types.Char]
f2 = GHC.Base.unpackCString# "Hello World"

f2 :: [GHC.Types.Char]
f1 = GHC.Base.unpackCString# "What's up today?"
  • unpackCString# takes a C style string and turns it into a Haskell String

Lazy Evaluation -> Core


foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a

foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a

forcee :: a -> b -> b
forccee = seq


foldl = \ (f :: a -> b -> a) (z :: a) (d :: [b]) ->
    case d of _
      [] -> z;
      : x xs -> foldl f (f z x) xs

foldl' = \ (f :: a -> b -> a) (z :: a) (d :: [b]) ->
    case d of _
      [] -> z;
      : x xs ->
        case f z x of z'
           __DEFAULT -> foldl' b f z' xs

forccee = \ (x :: a) (y :: b) -> case x of _ { __DEFAULT -> y }
  • Notice the exta case statement in foldl' to force evaluation

Core Summary

  • Look at Core to get an idea of how your code will perform
  • Lots of noise in Core, so best to clean up manually (or play with various flags to suppress some of the noise)
  • Some rules:
    • Pattern matching and guards are translated to case statements
    • where statements become let statements
    • language still lazy but looking for let and case gives you a good idea of evaluation order
    • case means evaluation. (e.g seq is translated to case )
    • let statements are allocation of closures
    • function application is a thunk
    • operations involving unboxed types are eager

Middle of GHC: Core -> Core

Hopefully you have a decent idea of how Haskell is reduced to Core now. Once we have the Core IR we can do a lot of optimization work:

  • Inlining, CSE, DCE
  • Strictness
  • Float In
  • Full Laziness
  • Specialise
  • Spec Constr
  • Liberate Case
  • Lambda Eta Expansion
  • Do Eta Reduction
  • Case Merge
  • Static Argument Transformation

let ... in \y -> E in B => let f = \x y -> let .. in E in B transform nested serries of lambdas into one with multiple arguments. Need to ensure though that `f` is always applied to two arguments for correctness. Fusion / Deforestation: transformation that removes intermediate lists in expressions like sum (map double xs). lambda lifting: lift locally defined functions to top level global functions by adding arguments for the free variables. lambda dropping: (aka Static argument transformation) move top level function into its call site as a local function. TODO: escape analysis? The liberate-case transformation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module walks over @Core@, and looks for @case@ on free variables. The criterion is: if there is case on a free on the route to the recursive call, then the recursive call is replaced with an unfolding. Example f = \ t -> case v of V a b -> a : f t => the inner f is replaced. f = \ t -> case v of V a b -> a : (letrec f = \ t -> case v of V a b -> a : f t in f) t (note the NEED for shadowing) => Simplify f = \ t -> case v of V a b -> a : (letrec f = \ t -> a : f t in f t) Better code, because 'a' is free inside the inner letrec, rather than needing projection from v. Note that this deals with *free variables*. SpecConstr deals with *arguments* that are of known form. E.g. -->

Some standard optimisations

  • GHC does some stock standard optimisations: Inlining, Common Subexpression Elimination, Dead Code Elimination
  • A large set of simple, local optimisations (e.g constant folding) are done in one pass called the simplifier . It is run repeatedly until not further changes can be done (with a fixed maximum number of iterations).
  • These are only the basic, big win ones. All the other standard stuff (e.g strength reduction, loop induction...) are missing.
  • We get a lot of this for free though if we use the LLVM backend.

Rest of the optimisations GHC does are fairly specific to a functional language. Lets look at a few of them.

Fun Fact: Estimated that functional languages gain 20 - 40%
improvement from inlining Vs. imperative languages which gain 10 - 15%

STG Code

  • In the next few slides the code Ill be showing isn't exactly Core but a IR GHC uses after Core called STG. (Ive cleaned up the STG though so its not true syntax)

  • STG is very similar to Core but has one nice additional property:
    • laziness is 'explicit'
    • case = evaluation and ONLY place evaluation occurs (true in Core)
    • let = allocation and ONLY place allocation occurs (not true in Core)
    • So in STG we can explicitly see thunks being allocated for laziness using let
  • To view STG use:

    ghc -ddump-stg A.hs > A.stg

Strictness & Unboxing

  • Consider the expression x + y , where x and y have type Int.
    • In Haskell x & y must be represented by pointers to a possibly unevaluated object
    • Even if evaluated still represented by "boxed" values on the heap
    • So addition operation must unbox x & y , add them, and box the result
  • This can be a huge performance penalty in numeric heavy code if the implementation is naive

  • If we can we want to work with unboxed values as long and as much as possible
    • We can only do this though when we have determined that a value x will always be evaluated (i.e is 'strict') to avoid breaking the lazy semantics of Haskell

Naive compilation of factorial

Consider this factorial implementation in Haskell:

fac :: Int -> Int -> Int
fac a 0 = a
fac a n = fac (n*a) (n-1)


fac = \ a n -> case n of 
                   I# n# -> case n# of
                                0# -> a
                                _  -> let one = I# 1;
                                          x = n - one
                                          y = n * a;
                                      in  fac y x

GHC with strictness analysis and unboxing

If we compile in GHC with optimisations turned on:

one = I# 0#

-- worker :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
$wfac = \ a# n# -> case n# of
                     0#  -> a#
                     n'# -> case (n'# -# 1#) of
                                m# -> case (n'# *# a#) of
                                           x# -> $wfac x# m#

-- wrapper :: Int -> Int -> Int
fac = \ a n -> case a of
                    I# a# -> case n of
                                 I# n# -> case ($wfac a# n#) of
                                              r# -> I# r#


The idea of the SpecConstr pass is to extend the strictness and unboxing from before but to functions where arguments aren't strict in every code path.

Consider this Haskell function:

drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
drop n []     = []
drop 0 xs     = xs
drop n (x:xs) = drop (n-1) xs
  • Would like to pass n unboxed but it isn't strict in the first pattern

So we get this code in STG:

drop n xs = case xs of
              []     -> []
              (y:ys) -> case n of 
                          I# n# -> case n# of
                                      0 -> xs
                                      _ -> drop (I# (n# -# 1#)) ys
  • Notice how after the first time this function is called and we start recursing, we could pass n unboxed


The SpecConstr pass takes advantage of this to create a specialised version of drop that is only called after we have passed the first check where we may not want to evaluate n .

Basically we aren't specialising the whole function but a particular branch of it that is heavily used (ie. recursive)

drop n xs = case xs of
              []     -> []
              (y:ys) -> case n of 
                          I# n# -> case n# of
                                      0 -> xs
                                      _ -> drop' (n# -# 1#) ys

-- works with unboxed n
drop' n# xs = case xs of
               []     -> []
               (y:ys) -> case n# of
                           0# -> xs
                           _  -> drop (n# -# 1#) ys
  • To stop the code size blowing up GHC limits the amount of specialized functions it creates, specified with the -fspec-constr-threshol and -fspec-constr-count flags

Backend: Core -> Assembly

Final stage of GHC is compiling Core to an executable. The backend is in two parts:

  • STG -> Cmm: called the code generator in GHC

Cmm is a low level imperative language used in GHC. Basically a very simple C like language. Just enough to abstract away hardware registers, call conventions:

  • Cmm exists to provide a common (easy) IR for the final backends to work with.
  • There are three Cmm -> Object code backends in GHC: C code generator using GCC, Native assembly code generator and an LLVM code generator.
  • C is for portability, NCG is for compilation speed, LLVM is for 'performance' and the future

STG -> Cmm

So what has been handled and what is left to handle?

  • By the STG stage we have:
    • Simplified Haskell to a handful of constructs (variables, literal, let, lambda, case and application)
    • type classes, monads have all been dealt with
    • laziness is nearly explicit through let constructs for allocation and case for evaluation
  • So we still have to deal with:
    • Compiling these constructs efficiently, big focus will be handling closures and garbage collection (lazy functional languages involve a lot of allocation of short lived objects)
    • Partial application (only remaining implicit allocation)
    • Evaluating thunks and handling updates

The STG Machine

The way the operational semantics of the STG language is defined is by an abstract machine called 'The STG Machine'.

  • The idea of an abstract machine is to give an operational semantics to a language (STG in this case) that the source language (Haskell in this case) can be 'easily' mapped to.
  • But the abstract machine should also define an efficient way it itself can be implemented on standard hardware.
  • So basically its a virtual machine stepping stone. LLVM is a good modern day example of this that is fairly widely known.

STG Machine -> Cmm

Lets just look at some of the details of the code generator. The final backends are all pretty straight forward (think simple C compiler). The important parts of the code generator are:

  • Closure representation
  • Heap and Stack layout
  • Call convention & partial application
  • Graph reduction: thunks, update frames and black holes
  • Case statements
  • Pointer tagging and evaluation
  • RTS and Garbage Collection

Closure Representation

The STG machine represents function and data values as heap allocated closures . Delayed computations, thunks , are also represented by closure objects.

In GHC all Heap objects have the same layout:

Closure Info Table 3i6nYjj.png!webUJfaQ3j.png!web
  • Header differs depending on closure type, all contain a pointer to code though (even if it represents a value!)
  • Payload contains the closures environment (e.g free variables, function arguments)
  • Layout describes the layout of payload for the garbage collector
  • Notice how the pointer for the info table points to both the info table and the code that will evaluate the closure

Closure Representation

  • Data Constructors:

    data G = G (Int -> Int) {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    • [Header | Pointers... | Non-pointers...]
    • Payload is the values for the constructor
    • Closure types of: CONSTR, CONSTR_p_n, CONSTR_STATIC
    • Entry code for a constructor just returns
  • Thunks:

    range = between 1 10
    f = \x -> let ys = take x range
              in sum ys
    • [Header | Pointers... | Non-pointers...]
    • Payload contains the free variables of the expression
    • Differ from function closure in that they can be updated
    • Clousre types of: THUNK, THUNK_p_n, THUNK_STATIC ( range is a static thunk, ys is a dynamic thunk)
    • Entry code is the code for the expression

Closure Representation

  • Function Closures:

    f = \x -> let g = \y -> x + y
              in g x
    • [Header | Pointers... | Non-pointers...]
    • Payload is the bound free variables (e.g in example above, g is the function closure and x would be in its payload)
    • Function types of: FUN, FUN_p_n, FUN_STATIC
    • Entry code is the function code
  • Partial Applications (PAP):

    foldr (:)
    • [Header | Arity | Payload size | Function closure | Payload]
    • Arity of the PAP (function of arity 3 with 1 argument applied gives PAP of arity 2)
    • Function closure is the function that has been partially applied
    • PAPs should never be entered so the entry code is some failure code

Heap & Stack Layout

GHC has a very nice uniform way of managing the heap and stack.

  • Heap:
    • Heap at the lowest level is a linked list of blocks.
    • All objects in the heap are represented by closure objects
    • Even when for some of them the entry code doesn't make sense
    • When entry code doesn't make sense, the code will either be code that simply returns or code that throws and error
  • Stack:
    • The stack consists of a sequence of frames
    • Each frame has the same layout as a heap object! So the stack and the heap can often be treated uniformily
    • Stacks until very recently were a single contiguous block of memory. They are now a linked list of stack chunks.
    • chunked stacks can be grown far easier but also are quicker to traverse during GC since we can avoid entire chunks of the stack if they haven't been touched since last GC.
  • TSO (thread state object):
    • Represents the complete state of a thread including it stack
    • Are ordinary objects that live in the heap
    • Important benefit of this approach is the GC can detect when a blocked thread is unreachable and so will never be runnable again

Terminology 105

  • activation record : An alternative name for a stack frame
  • forcing : In the context of a thunk it means evaluating it
  • entering : In the context of a closure it means evaluating it
  • node : Node in the context of the entry code for a closure is a pointer to the environment for the closure

Call Convention

  • GHC compiles code into a form called Continuation Passing Style :
    • The idea here is that no function ever returns
    • Instead a function returns by jumping to the closure at the top of the stack
    • Basically the code is always jumping from closure to closure so before calling a function we simply setup the stack correctly to have the control chain on it we want.
  • Call convention is simple: first n arguments in registers, rest on the stack
  • When entering a closure (a common case) the first argument is always a pointer to the closures heap object (node) so it can access its environment
  • Return convention is also simple, return is made by jumping to the entry code associated with the info table of the topmost stack frame OR in some cases we set the R1 register to point to the return closure
id' x = x
    R1 = R2;
    jump stg_ap_0_fast ();
stg_ap_0_fast { 

#define ENTER()
  // ...
    // ...
    PAP:     { jump %ENTRY_CODE(Sp(0)); }
    default: { info = %INFO_PTR(UNTAG(R1)); jump %ENTRY_CODE(info); }

Call Convention

Calling a known Haskell function:


x :: Int -> Int
x z = (+) 2 (id z)


I64[Hp - 8] = spH_info;                  // create thunk on heap
I64[Hp + 0] = R2;                        // R2 = z, store argument in closure
R2 = stg_INTLIKE_closure+289;            // first argument (static closure for '2')
R3 = Hp - 16;                            // second argument (closure pointer)
jump base_GHCziBase_plusInt ();          // call (+) function

Call Convention

What happens though when we are calling an unknown function?


unknown_app :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
unknown_app f x = f x


unknownzuapp_entry() {
        R1 = R2;
        Sp = Sp + 4;
        jump stg_ap_p_fast ();
  • Here we don't call the function directly as we don't statically known the arity of the function.

  • To deal with this, the STG machine has several pre-compiled functions that handle 'generic application'

  • Generic application has three cases to deal with:
    • The functions arity and number of arguments match! So we simply make a tail call to the functions entry code.
    • The functions arity is greater than the number of supplied argumnts. In this case we build a PAP closure and return that closure to the continuation at the top of the stack
    • The functions arity is less than the number of supplied arguments. Here we push the number of arguments matching the functions arity onto the stack, followed by a new continuation that uses another generic apply function to deal with the remaining arguments and the function that should be returned by the first function.

Data Constructors



section "data" {
        const ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Izh_static_info;
        const 10;

Pointer Tagging

  • An optimization that GHC does is pointer tagging . The trick is to use the final bits of a pointer which are usually zero (last 2 for 32bit, 3 on 64) for storing a 'tag'.

  • GHC uses this tag for:
    • If the object is a constructor, the tag contains the constructor number (if it fits)
    • If the object is a function, the tag contains the arity of the function (if it fits)
  • One optimization tag bit enable is that we can detect if a closure has already been evaluated (by the presence of tag bits) and avoid entering it

Data Constructors


build_just :: a -> Maybe a
build_just x = Just x


        Hp = Hp + 16;
        if (Hp > HpLim) goto crt;                        // Allocte heap space
        I64[Hp - 8] = base_DataziMaybe_Just_con_info;    // Just constructor tag
        I64[Hp + 0] = R2;                                // store x in Just
        R1 = Hp - 6;                                     // setup R1 as argument to continuation
                                                         //     (we do '- 6' and not '8' to set the pointer tag)
        jump (I64[Sp + 0]) ();                           // jump to continuation
        R1 = buildzujust_closure;
        jump stg_gc_fun ();
        HpAlloc = 16;
        goto cru;

Case Statements


mycase :: Maybe Int -> Int
mycase x = case x of Just z -> z; Nothing -> 10


mycase_entry()                          // corresponds to forcing 'x'
        R1 = R2;                        // R1 = 'x'
        I64[Sp - 8] = src_info;         // setup case continuation
        Sp = Sp - 8;
        if (R1 & 7 != 0) goto crL;      // check pointer tag to see if x eval'd
        jump I64[R1] ();                // x not eval'd, so eval
        jump src_info ();               // jump to case continuation

src_ret()                               // case continuation
        v::I64 = R1 & 7;                // get tag bits of 'x' and put in local variable 'v'
        if (_crD::I64 >= 2) goto crE;   // can use tag bits to check which constructor we have
        R1 = stg_INTLIKE_closure+417;   // 'Nothing' case
        Sp = Sp + 8;                    // pop stack
        jump (I64[Sp + 0]) ();          // jump to continuation ~= return
        R1 = I64[R1 + 6];               // get 'z' thunk inside Just
        Sp = Sp + 8;                    // pop stack
        R1 = R1 & (-8);                 // clear tags on 'z'
        jump I64[R1] ();                // force 'z' thunk

Graph Reduction: Thunks, Updates & Indirections

Lets take a look at the code for the (x + 1) thunk:

build_data :: Int -> Maybe Int
build_data x = Just (x + 1)


        if (Sp - 24 < SpLim) goto cxc;
        I64[Sp - 16] = stg_upd_frame_info;  // setup update frame (closure type)
        I64[Sp -  8] = R1;                  // set thunk to be updated (payload)
        I64[Sp - 24] = sut_info;            // setup continuation (+) continuation
        Sp = Sp - 24;                       // increase stack
        R1 = I64[R1 + 16];                  // grab 'x' from environment
        if (R1 & 7 != 0) goto cxd;          // check if 'x' is eval'd
        jump I64[R1] ();                    // not eval'd so eval
    cxc: jump stg_gc_enter_1 ();
    cxd: jump sut_info ();                  // 'x' eval'd so jump to (+) continuation

        Hp = Hp + 16;
        if (Hp > HpLim) goto cx5;
        v::I64 = I64[R1 + 7] + 1;           // perform ('x' + 1)
        I64[Hp - 8] = ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Izh_con_info; // setup Int closure
        I64[Hp + 0] = v::I64;               // setup Int closure
        R1 = Hp - 7;                        // point R1 to computed thunk value (with tag)
        Sp = Sp + 8;                        // pop stack
        jump (I64[Sp + 0]) ();              // jump to continuation ('stg_upd_frame_info')
    cx6: jump stg_gc_enter_1 ();
        HpAlloc = 16;
        goto cx6;

Graph Reduction: Thunks & Updates

  • The interesting thing here is that once the thunk is forced and computes (x + 1) it doesn't return to the continuation at the top of the stack
I64[Sp - 16] = stg_upd_frame_info;  // setup update frame (closure type)
I64[Sp -  8] = R1;                  // set thunk to be updated (payload)

RTS & Garbage Collection

  • GHC has a n:m threading model:
    • n Haskell light weight threads running on m OS threads (thread pool model)
    • context switches can occur when garbage collection checks are invoked based on typical time slice model with round robbin scheduling
    • the frequency of this gives close to a pre-emptive thread model

RTS & Garbage Collection

  • GC uses a generational copy collector design
    • Basic idea of a generational collector is to divide objects up into generations (time they've been alive) since young objects have a higher probability of becoming garbage. We can now just GC one generation at a time in an incremental fashion to speed up GC.
    • Basic idea of a copy collectors is you have two heaps, one is the current heap and during GC you start with a list of known live objects ( "roots" ), recurisvely trace their dependencies (finding live objects) and copy all found objects to the other heap. Anything not copied isn't referenced by anything so is dead. Now switch heaps.

RTS & Garbage Collection

  • Block Allocator is at the base of the GC:
    • Uses a linked list of blocks where within a block we allocate using a simple bump pointer (heap and stack mangaged this way)
    • Bump pointer is where we simply have a current block to allocate with a pointer to the next free space to allocate in. To allocate we check there is enough space left in the block and if so bump the pointer
    • Block size is chosen such that it's rare we need to allocate an object larger than a block
        _v = R2                        // collect arguments
        _w = R3
        if (Sp - 40 < SpLim) goto spL  // check enough stack free
        Hp = Hp + 20                   // allocate heap space
        if (Hp > HpLim) goto hpL       // check allocation is ok
        [... funtion code now we have stack and heap space needed ...]
        Sp = Sp - 32                   // bump stack pointer to next free word
        jump ...                       // jump to next continuation
        HpAlloc = 20                   // inform how much hp space we need
        R1 = AMod_abc_closure;         // set return point
        jump stg_gc_fun                // call GC
    • Above is the Cmm code typically generated for functions that need to allocate. Notice we simply bump the Hp and Sp registers for allocation after we check there is enough space.
    • We don't need to tell the GC how much stack to allocate as it just allocates the stack in fixed block sizes

Bringing it all home

No lecture on Compilers is complete without assembly code!

add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y + 2
    leaq -16(%rbp),%rax
    cmpq %r15,%rax
    jb .Lcw1
    movq %rsi,-8(%rbp)
    movq %r14,%rbx
    movq $sul_info,-16(%rbp)
    addq $-16,%rbp
    testq $7,%rbx
    jne sul_info
    jmp *(%rbx)
    movl $A_add_closure,%ebx
    jmp *-8(%r13)

    movq 8(%rbp),%rax
    movq 7(%rbx),%rcx
    movq %rcx,8(%rbp)
    movq %rax,%rbx
    movq $suk_info,0(%rbp)
    testq $7,%rbx
    jne suk_info
    jmp *(%rbx)

    addq $16,%r12
    cmpq 144(%r13),%r12
    ja .LcvP
    movq 7(%rbx),%rax
    addq $2,%rax
    movq 8(%rbp),%rcx
    addq %rax,%rcx
    movq $ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Izh_con_info,-8(%r12)
    movq %rcx,0(%r12)
    leaq -7(%r12),%rbx
    addq $16,%rbp
    jmp *0(%rbp)
    movq $16,184(%r13)
    jmp *-16(%r13)


  • So that's is all I can cover in this lecture.

  • I haven't covered a few significant areas:
    • Typechecking
    • The scheduler: threads, multi-processor support
    • Foreign Function Interface
    • Profiling
    • Infrastructure of the compiler: Interface files, packages, modular compilation... ect
    • Final code generators
    • GHCi
    • The finer details of lazy evaluation: sharing, update frames, blackholes

Resources & References

Here are some resources to learn about GHC, they were also used to create these slides:


IO & Related:

Haskell Features:

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Joyk means Joy of geeK