GitHub - tbrand/which_is_the_fastest: Which is the fastest web framework?

 5 years ago
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Which is the fastest?

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This project aims to be a load benchmarking suite, no more, no less

Measuring response times (routing times) for each framework (middleware).

Results are not production-ready yet

Additional purposes :

  • Helping decide beetween languages, depending on use case
  • Learning languages, best practices, devops culture ...
  • Having fun ❤️


  • Crystal as built-in tools are made in this language
  • Docker as frameworks are isolated into containers

⚠️docker is used for development purpose, production results will be computed on DigitalOcean ⚠️


  • Install all dependencies
shards install
  • Build internal tools
shards build
  • Build containers

job is either a language (example : crystal) or a framework (example : router.cr)

bin/neph [job]
  • Start the benchmark ....

tools is a list of language / framework to challenge (example : ruby kemal amber go python)

bin/benchmarker [tools]


Last update: 2018-07-05

OS: Linux (version: 4.16.11-100.fc26.x86_64, arch: x86_64)
CPU Cores: 8

Ranking (Framework)

  1. actix-web (rust)
  2. evhtp (cpp)
  3. fasthttprouter (go)
  4. vibora (python)
  5. mofuw (nim)
  6. act (java)
  7. iris (go)
  8. iron (rust)
  9. aspnetcore (csharp)
  10. rocket (rust)
  11. echo (go)
  12. gorilla-mux (go)
  13. polka (node)
  14. rayo (node)
  15. nickel (rust)
  16. fastify (node)
  17. akkahttp (scala)
  18. koa (node)
  19. perfect (swift)
  20. restify (node)
  21. vapor (swift)
  22. express (node)
  23. symfony (php)
  24. plug (elixir)
  25. roda (ruby)
  26. phoenix (elixir)
  27. laravel (php)
  28. kitura (swift)
  29. rack-routing (ruby)
  30. router.cr (crystal)
  31. spider-gazelle (crystal)
  32. gin (go)
  33. lucky (crystal)
  34. kemal (crystal)
  35. amber (crystal)
  36. flame (ruby)
  37. flask (python)
  38. hanami (ruby)
  39. sanic (python)
  40. sinatra (ruby)
  41. jester (nim)
  42. django (python)
  43. tornado (python)
  44. rails (ruby)

Ranking (Language)

  1. rust (actix-web)
  2. cpp (evhtp)
  3. go (fasthttprouter)
  4. python (vibora)
  5. nim (mofuw)
  6. java (act)
  7. csharp (aspnetcore)
  8. node (polka)
  9. scala (akkahttp)
  10. swift (perfect)
  11. php (symfony)
  12. elixir (plug)
  13. ruby (roda)
  14. crystal (router.cr)

All frameworks

Language (Runtime) Framework (Middleware) Requests / s Latency 99 percentile Throughput ruby rails 4929.00 26016.67 158555.33 4.52 MB ruby sinatra 16960.67 7519.67 42064.67 14.24 MB ruby roda 47429.00 2646.00 12115.00 14.64 MB ruby rack-routing 35453.00 3694.67 28968.33 6.64 MB ruby flame 21039.00 6116.00 43857.33 3.87 MB ruby hanami 19916.67 6450.00 43367.33 47.11 MB crystal kemal 26241.67 38333.00 53639.00 11.97 MB crystal router.cr 32949.33 30163.67 48114.67 8.83 MB crystal amber 25937.67 41523.33 191221.67 11.03 MB crystal lucky 28037.00 35525.67 54591.00 10.06 MB crystal spider-gazelle 32191.33 31266.67 50261.00 8.27 MB go echo 97116.67 11351.33 50338.67 55.86 MB go gorilla-mux 91919.00 10792.00 33209.33 34.45 MB go iris 104709.00 9592.33 27661.00 39.20 MB go fasthttprouter 169550.00 5936.00 17381.33 77.99 MB go gin 28369.67 56173.00 313997.00 16.50 MB rust actix-web 192814.33 4801.00 14455.33 72.33 MB rust iron 104620.00 561.67 2507.00 39.56 MB rust nickel 81319.67 103.00 297.33 48.74 MB rust rocket 97964.33 139.67 829.67 41.30 MB node express 55013.67 23975.67 264864.33 46.00 MB node fastify 75240.00 17954.00 192346.00 75.39 MB node polka 90443.33 14183.67 132408.33 45.32 MB node rayo 87775.67 14052.33 113420.00 43.90 MB node koa 61574.67 23661.00 342473.67 44.97 MB node restify 58498.33 19266.67 127451.00 35.07 MB elixir plug 49210.33 24896.33 142760.67 31.30 MB elixir phoenix 45529.33 28456.67 211058.00 30.67 MB swift vapor 55761.67 27291.00 441861.00 20.00 MB swift perfect 59168.33 16478.67 20715.00 16.88 MB swift kitura 35671.33 29004.00 85609.33 20.35 MB scala akkahttp 64432.33 206881.33 4339488.67 49.93 MB csharp aspnetcore 99514.33 10163.67 30573.33 52.31 MB python sanic 18267.00 56052.00 159447.33 10.71 MB python flask 20657.67 52338.33 148850.67 17.11 MB python django 12434.67 82708.33 198759.00 11.58 MB python tornado 8666.67 112379.33 170080.00 6.16 MB python vibora 144485.00 8425.67 22648.00 67.71 MB nim jester 16642.33 240892.33 4590197.00 6.24 MB nim mofuw 125784.67 9016.33 56692.00 71.40 MB java act 125644.00 10037.67 68708.33 46.15 MB cpp evhtp 170223.33 5423.33 14555.33 54.59 MB php symfony 49262.33 180582.00 2693203.00 77.60 MB php laravel 45492.67 256662.67 4052371.33 70.55 MB

How to contribute ?

In any way you want ...

  • Request a framework addition
  • Report a bug (on any implementation)
  • Suggest an idea
  • ...

Any kind of idea is ❤️


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