GitHub - ajgrf/parchment: A vim colorscheme inspired by Acme and Leuven

 6 years ago
source link: https://github.com/ajgrf/parchment
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Parchment is an editor theme for Vim and Emacs, inspired by Acme and Leuven. You might like it if you prefer light colorschemes but think black-on-white is too hard on your eyes, or if you find most colorschemes too busy.

Deprecation Notice

This theme is deprecated and will not be receiving further updates. The author is no longer using vim, and has switched to modus-themes.

Vim users may like acme-colors as an alternative.

Emacs users are encouraged to switch to modus-operandi, which can be configured to closely resemble parchment using the following snippet:

(use-package modus-themes
  :ensure t
  (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
        modus-themes-prompts '(background bold)
        modus-themes-completions '((selection . (accented intense))
                                   (popup . (accented intense)))
        modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend)
        modus-themes-syntax '(green-strings yellow-comments)
        modus-themes-org-blocks 'gray-background
        modus-themes-org-agenda '((scheduled . uniform))
        modus-themes-headings '((1 . ((height . 1.3) background monochrome overline))
                                (2 . (background overline rainbow))
                                (3 . (background overline rainbow))
                                (t . (rainbow))))

  ;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme
  (defvar my-modus-themes-tinted-white-point "#ffffea"
    "Custom white point to use in `modus-themes-tinted-mode'.")

  (defun my-color-change-white-point (color white-point)
    "Adjust COLOR to the reference WHITE-POINT."
    (let* ((white-point-rgb (color-name-to-rgb white-point))
           (white-point-xyz (apply #'color-srgb-to-xyz white-point-rgb))
           (color-rgb (color-name-to-rgb color))
           (color-xyz (apply #'color-srgb-to-xyz color-rgb))
           (color-lab (apply #'color-xyz-to-lab color-xyz))
           (result-xyz (apply #'color-lab-to-xyz
                              (append color-lab (list white-point-xyz))))
           (result-rgb (apply #'color-xyz-to-srgb result-xyz))
           (r (color-clamp (nth 0 result-rgb)))
           (g (color-clamp (nth 1 result-rgb)))
           (b (color-clamp (nth 2 result-rgb))))
      (color-rgb-to-hex r g b 2)))

  (defun my-modus-operandi-transform (_name hex)
    "Transform color NAME with value HEX by adjusting its white point."
    (my-color-change-white-point hex my-modus-themes-tinted-white-point))

  (defun my-modus-vivendi-transform (name hex)
    "Transform color NAME with value HEX by adjusting its white point.
If it's a background color, also lighten it a bit."
    (let ((hex* (if (string-prefix-p "bg-" (symbol-name name))
                    (color-lighten-name hex 10.0)
      (my-color-change-white-point hex* my-modus-themes-tinted-white-point)))

  (defun my-modus-themes-tint-palette (palette transform)
    "Modify Modus PALETTE by mapping TRANSFORM over each color."
    (mapcar (lambda (color)
              (let ((name (car color))
                    (hex  (cdr color)))
                (cons name
                      (funcall transform name hex))))

  (define-minor-mode modus-themes-tinted-mode
    "Tweak some Modus themes colors."
    :init-value nil
    :global t
    (if modus-themes-tinted-mode
        (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides
              (my-modus-themes-tint-palette modus-themes-operandi-colors
              (my-modus-themes-tint-palette modus-themes-vivendi-colors
      (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides nil
            modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides nil)))

  ;; Apply custom color palette to modus-themes
  (modus-themes-tinted-mode 1)
  ;; Load the theme of your choice:







After enabling installation of MELPA packages, install parchment-theme with M-x package-install. Load it using load-theme.

Or if you are using use-package (strongly recommended), simply add the following to your init.el:

(use-package parchment-theme
  :ensure t
  :config (load-theme 'parchment t))


To install parchment-theme for Emacs manually instead, first clone the repository to your local system:

mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/themes
git clone https://github.com/ajgrf/parchment ~/.emacs.d/themes/parchment

Then add the following to your init.el or .emacs file:

(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes")
(load-theme 'parchment t)

Parchment can be installed in the same way as most other vim plugins and colorschemes. If you don’t have a preferred method of installing vim plugins, I recommend using pathogen to install parchment. Once pathogen is set up, just clone this repo into your bundle directory:

git clone https://github.com/ajgrf/parchment ~/.vim/bundle/parchment

Terminal Colors

If your terminal does not support true colors, you will need to use a matching terminal theme, and ensure that it does not use bright colors for bold text. The following X resources accomplish that for xterm and urxvt:

*background:           #ffffea
*foreground:           #000000

*color0:               #000000
*color1:               #880000
*color2:               #005500
*color3:               #663311
*color4:               #004488
*color5:               #770077
*color6:               #007777
*color7:               #eeeecc
*color8:               #eaeaea
*color9:               #ffeaea
*color10:              #eaffea
*color11:              #eeee9e
*color12:              #cceeff
*color13:              #ffeaff
*color14:              #eaffff
*color15:              #ffffea

URxvt*intensityStyles: false
XTerm*boldColors:      false


The files in this repository are licensed under a permissive ISC license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

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