
 1 year ago
source link: https://yanzhongsino.github.io/2023/03/14/omics_organelle_recombination.frequency/
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1. 线粒体的重复介导重组(repeat-mediated recombination)

  1. 线粒体的重复序列
  • 通常在植物线粒体上存在重复序列(这里的重复序列不是核基因组的TE等转座元件的概念,就是一段序列在另一个位置同时存在完全一致的序列),则有可能介导重组,从而生成线粒体的多种构象。重复序列常常成对存在(也有一些超过两个),被称作重复对(repeat pairs)。
  1. 鉴定的背景
  • Illumina PE测序是双端测序,测序获得的reads常见的长度是150bp。一对reads的联合体的长度被称为插入尺寸(insert size)。插入尺寸(insert size)常在350bp左右,但具体的每对测序reads都不一样,要通过把reads进行mapping到参考序列上,才能测量insert size。
  • 如果是repeat pairs的长度小于测序reads的insert size长度,可以构建两种构象(参考构象和重组构象),把reads mapping到两种构象来判断repeat pairs是否介导重组(如果两种构象都有mapped reads则是repeat pair介导重组的证据),并且通过mapped reads的计数来计算重组频率(recombination frequency)。

2. 鉴定重复

2.1. 鉴定重复的脚本

这篇文章Repeats of Unusual Size in Plant Mitochondrial Genomes: Identification, Incidence and Evolution: https://academic.oup.com/g3journal/article/9/2/549/6026745 总结了植物线粒体基因组的重复序列的特征。研究表明,植物线粒体基因组比动物的要大,包含大量的非编码DNA,突变率低,重排率高。

  • 文章提供了python脚本ROUSFinder.py,用在鉴定线粒体的重复序列上。
  • 脚本是python2写的,依赖主要有blastn。
  • 有以下三个版本。
  1. ROUSFinder.py
  • 调用blastn进行一条序列与自身的成对比对。
  • 默认参数是最小重复50bp,E value 10,000, match的赏分是+1,mismatch的罚分是-20。
  • 脚本贴在下面:
#! /usr/bin/env python  
import sys, math, os, argparse, csv

# January 16, 2018 version 1.1
# Find dispersed repeated sequences in genomes.
# Designed for plant mitochondrial genomes of up to a few Mbp.
# May be very slow with larger genomes.
# Blast can also sometimes give odd results with large or highly repetetive genomes.
# Gaps, or runs of 'N's in the sequence will definitely give weird results.
# The program assumes there aren't any, and that the longest repeat will be the full sequence to itself.
# If there are long repeats in the output that are listed as being only at one location, this is probably what happened.
# If there are a lot of repeats within repeats the results can also be odd.
# Copyright Alan C. Christensen, University of Nebraska, 2018
# No guarantees, warranties, support, or anything else is implicit or explicit.
# Input is a fasta format file of a sequence. Genbank format works but generates lots of error messages in stdout.
# Output is a list of unique, ungapped repeated sequences, fasta formatted.
# The names are in the format '>Repeat/ROUS_name_start_end_length'.
# Percent identity is limited to >=99%, to allow for sequencing errors of <1%.
# A table of repeats with the coordinates of each one is generated.
# A list of repeat name, length and copy number is generated.
# A binned table of the total number of repeats in size ranges is generated.
# input file in fasta format
# Optional
# -o output file name
# -m minimum length of exact matches to keep
# -b path to blastn (default is /usr/bin/)
# -k keep temp files
# -gb to write the repeats to a genbank format file

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find repeats in a fasta sequence file')
parser.add_argument('infile', action='store', help='Input .fasta file')
parser.add_argument('-o', action='store', dest='outfile', help='Output file name seed, default is input_repeats', default='default')
parser.add_argument('-m', action='store', dest='minlen', help='Minimum length of matches to keep, default=24', default='24')
parser.add_argument('-b', action='store', dest='blast_path', help='Path to blastn program, default is /usr/bin/', default='/usr/bin/')
parser.add_argument('-k', action='store_true', dest='keep', help='True to keep temp files', default=False)
parser.add_argument('-gb', action='store_true', dest='genbank', help='True to write GenBank format file', default=False)
results = parser.parse_args()
infile = results.infile
outfile = results.outfile
minlen = int(results.minlen)
blast_path = results.blast_path
keep = results.keep
genbank = results.genbank

# It might be useful to define the wordsize as something less than minlen, so both variables are used.
# Wordsize smaller than minlen would give smaller core identical sequences in the middle of repeats.
# An example might be to change this to wordsize = str(int(minlen/2)).
wordsize = str(minlen)

# If no output file seed is specified, make one by stripping leading directory information
# and stripping trailing .fa or .fasta from the input file name and using that.
if outfile == 'default':
outfile = infile
if outfile.count('/') > 0:
for i in range(outfile.count('/')):
index = outfile.index('/')
outfile = outfile[index+1:]
if outfile.endswith('.fa') or outfile.endswith('.fasta'):
outfile = outfile.rstrip('fasta')
outfile = outfile.rstrip('.')
outfa = outfile+'_rep.fasta'
outtab = outfile+'_rep_table.txt'
outbin = outfile+'_binned.txt'
outcount = outfile+'_rep_counts.txt'
outgb = outfile+'_repeats.gb.txt'
tempblast = outfile+'_tempblast.txt'
temprepeats = outfile+'_temprepeats.txt'
tempparse = outfile+'_sequence_parsing.txt'

# Get sequence name and length from fasta file.
seq = open(infile, 'r')
seqname = seq.readline()
seqname = seqname.lstrip('> ')
seqname = seqname.rstrip()
seqlen = 0
for line in seq:
if(line[0] == ">"):
seqlen += len(line.strip())

# run blastn with query file plus strand (removing first line which is full length sequence), minus strand, and concatenate
print 'Performing self-blastn comparison with '+seqname
os.system(blast_path+'blastn -query '+infile+' -strand plus -subject '+infile+' -word_size '+wordsize+' -reward 1 -penalty -20 -ungapped -dust no -soft_masking false -evalue 1000 -outfmt "10 qstart qend length sstart send mismatch sstrand qseq" | tail -n+2 > tempblast1.txt')
os.system(blast_path+'blastn -query '+infile+' -strand minus -subject '+infile+' -word_size '+wordsize+' -reward 1 -penalty -20 -ungapped -dust no -soft_masking false -evalue 1000 -outfmt "10 qstart qend length sstart send mismatch sstrand qseq" > tempblast2.txt')
os.system('cat tempblast1.txt tempblast2.txt > '+tempblast)
os.system('rm tempblast1.txt tempblast2.txt')

# open tempblast.txt, convert to list of lists, and sort by length and position descending
# This is necessary because blastn does not output every possible pair of hits when there are more than 2 copies of a repeat

print 'Sorting alignments...'
f = open(tempblast, 'r')
reader = csv.reader(f)
alignments = list(reader)
alignments = sorted(alignments, key=lambda x: (-1*int(x[2]), -1*int(x[0])))

# New list of uniques
# Text file '_sequence_parsing.txt' includes the information on how duplicates were found.
# Start at row 0. Compare to subsequent rows.
# If repeat length is different from the next row, it has passed all the tests, write it to the file.
# If query or subject coordinates are the same as the query or subject or reversed coordinates
# of a subsequent row, it is not unique, so go to the next row and do the comparisons again.
# Thanks to Alex Kozik for repeatedly testing and finding bugs in the algorithm.
print 'Finding unique repeats...'
uniques = []
sp = open(tempparse, 'w')
for row in range(len(alignments)):
sp.write('row '+str(row)+'\n')

if int(alignments[row][2]) < minlen:
# This won't happen unless the word_size is defined as something other than minlen.
# That could be useful under some circumstances.
sp.write('row '+str(row)+' is less than minlength')

for compare in range(row+1,len(alignments)):
if alignments[row][2] != alignments[compare][2]:
sp.write('\tadding row '+str(row)+' to unique list\n')
sp.write('\tcomparing to '+str(compare)+'\n')

if alignments[row][0] == alignments[compare][0] and alignments[row][1] == alignments[compare][1]:
sp.write('\tqstart and qend of row '+str(row)+' and '+str(compare)+' are the same\n')
elif alignments[row][0] == alignments[compare][1] and alignments[row][1] == alignments[compare][0]:
sp.write('\tqstart and qend of row '+str(row)+' is the same as qend and qstart of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][0] == alignments[compare][3] and alignments[row][1] == alignments[compare][4]:
sp.write('\tqstart and qend of row '+str(row)+' is the same as sstart and send of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][0] == alignments[compare][4] and alignments[row][1] == alignments[compare][3]:
sp.write('\tqstart and qend of row '+str(row)+' is the same as send and sstart of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][3] == alignments[compare][0] and alignments[row][4] == alignments[compare][1]:
sp.write('\tsstart and send of row '+str(row)+' is the same as qstart and qend of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][3] == alignments[compare][1] and alignments[row][4] == alignments[compare][0]:
sp.write('\tsstart and send of row '+str(row)+' is the same as qend and qstart of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][3] == alignments[compare][3] and alignments[row][4] == alignments[compare][4]:
sp.write('\tsstart and send of row '+str(row)+' is the same as sstart and send of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][3] == alignments[compare][4] and alignments[row][4] == alignments[compare][3]:
sp.write('\tsstart and send of row '+str(row)+' is the same as send and sstart of '+str(compare)+'\n')
sp.write('\t'+str(row)+' is different\n')


# Write uniques into output file
# Start list for copy number table
rous_count = 0
g = open(outfa, 'w')
repcopies = []

for i in range(len(uniques)):
qstart = uniques[i][0]
qend = uniques[i][1]
length = uniques[i][2]
seq = uniques[i][7]

rous_count += 1

if rous_count == 0:
print "\tRepeats of unusual size? I don't think they exist"
print 'Repeat fasta file is done, as you wish.'

# Now find each copy of each repeat. Again, this is because the blastn output file does not have every possible alignment.
# It is also because the information on locations and strand is not organized well in the blastn output.
# In addition, this subroutine eliminates duplicates of nested repeats.

print "Finding all copies of repeats..."
g = open(outfa, 'r')
os.system(blast_path+'blastn -query '+outfa+' -strand both -subject '+infile+' -word_size '+wordsize+' -reward 1 -penalty -20 -ungapped -dust no -soft_masking false -evalue 1000 -outfmt "10 qseqid length sstart send sstrand qcovhsp" > '+temprepeats)

tempr = open(temprepeats, 'r')
reader = csv.reader(tempr)
replist = list(reader)

print "Making a table of the repeats..."
sum_rep_len = 0
bin_dict = {}
binned = [seqname,seqlen,0]

# defining the bins
i = 0
j = 50
while j < 1000:
bin_dict[i] = j
i += 1
j += 50
while j <= 10000:
bin_dict[i] = j
i +=1
j += 250

# make list for entire sequence, set each position as 0
posit = []
for n in range(seqlen):

# Thanks to Emily Wynn for suggesting qcovhsp for this loop.
# if qcovhsp is >98%, write to the file
# write tab separated values of repeat name, length, start, end, strand to outtab
# make list for genbank file
# Keep stats on lengths
rt = open(outtab, 'w')
templist = []
gblist =[]

# look at each repeat in turn
for i in range(len(replist)):
# if repeat is good (>98% identical to another one), write it to the file, and put the name in a list
if int(replist[i][5])>98:
if replist[i][4] == 'minus':
location = 'complement('+replist[i][3]+'..'+replist[i][2]+')'
location = replist[i][2]+'..'+replist[i][3]
gblist.append(' repeat_region '+location+'\n /rpt_type=dispersed\n /label='+replist[i][0]+'\n')
# then write 1's at every position in the sequence covered by that repeat
# these can then be summed to get total bases of repeats
# bases in overlapping repeats are only counted once
for n in range(int(replist[i][2]), int(replist[i][3])):
posit[n] = 1
# then scan through bin sizes and if a repeat is greater than the
# bin_dict size cutoff, add one to the bin
for j in range(len(binned)-4, -1, -1):
if int(replist[i][1]) >= bin_dict[j]:
binned[j+3] +=1
sum_rep_len = posit.count(1)
binned[2] = sum_rep_len
if genbank == True:
gb = open(outgb, 'w')
for i in range(len(gblist)):

# write tab separated values of repeat name, length, copy number to outcount
# first two lines are also a table of stats on repeats
rc = open(outcount,'w')

numrous = 0
sizerous = 0
copyrous = 0

for i in range(len(repcopies)):
repname = repcopies[i][0]
replen = float(repcopies[i][1])
repcop = float(templist.count(repname))

numrous += 1
sizerous += replen
copyrous += repcop

if numrous == 0:
avsizerous = 'NA'
avcopyrous = 'NA'
avsizerous = sizerous/numrous
avcopyrous = copyrous/numrous


for i in range(len(repcopies)):


# Write binned table headers, then stats for this sequence.
binfile = open(outbin, 'w')
for i in range(len(bin_dict)):
for i in range(len(binned)):
print "Repeat tables are done, as you wish."

# Removing temp files if necessary
if keep == False:
os.system('rm '+tempblast+' '+temprepeats+' '+tempparse)

# Rachael Schulte, William Goldman and Rob Reiner inspired this section of code
quote_dict = {0:"48656c6c6f2e204d79206e616d6520697320496e69676f204d6f6e746f79612e20596f75206b696c6c6564206d79206661746865722e205072657061726520746f206469652e", 1:"5768656e20492077617320796f7572206167652c2074656c65766973696f6e207761732063616c6c656420626f6f6b732e", 2:"486176652066756e2073746f726d696e2720646120636173746c6521", 3:"4d79207761792773206e6f7420766572792073706f7274736d616e6c696b652e", 4:"596f75206b656570207573696e67207468617420776f72642e204920646f206e6f74207468696e6b206974206d65616e73207768617420796f75207468696e6b206974206d65616e732e", 5:"4d75726465726564206279207069726174657320697320676f6f642e",6:"496e636f6e6365697661626c6521", 7:"5468657265277320612062696720646966666572656e6365206265747765656e206d6f73746c79206465616420616e6420616c6c20646561642e", 8:"596f7520727573682061206d697261636c65206d616e2c20796f752067657420726f7474656e206d697261636c65732e", 9:"476f6f64206e696768742c20576573746c65792e20476f6f6420776f726b2e20536c6565702077656c6c2e2049276c6c206d6f7374206c696b656c79206b696c6c20796f7520696e20746865206d6f726e696e672e",10:"4e6f206d6f7265207268796d65732c2049206d65616e2069742120416e79626f64792077616e742061207065616e75743f"}
import random, binascii
z = random.randint(0,10)
print binascii.unhexlify(quote_dict[z])+'\n'
  1. MultipleRepeats.py
  • MultipleRepeats.py批量运行一个文件夹下的每个序列文件。
  • 脚本贴在下面:
#! /usr/bin/env python  
import sys, math, os, argparse

# Usage: -din directory of files to find repeats in
# -word word_size

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find repeats in a directory of fasta sequence files')
parser.add_argument('-din', action='store', dest='din', help='Input .fasta directory')
parser.add_argument('-word', action='store', dest='word', help='Word size for blast')
results = parser.parse_args()
din = results.din
word = results.word

li = os.listdir(din)
inputs = filter(lambda x: '.fasta' in x, li)

for i in range(len(inputs)):
infile = str(inputs[i])
os.system("/home/alan/applications/ROUSFinder.py -m "+word+" "+din+infile)
  1. ROUSFinder2.py
  • ROUSFinder2.py可以在命令行设置match赏分和mismatch罚分。
  • 脚本贴在下面:
#! /usr/bin/env python  
import sys, math, os, argparse, csv

# Version 2.0, November 21, 2018
# Changes: uses variable parameters
# Find dispersed repeated sequences in genomes.
# Designed for plant mitochondrial genomes of up to a few Mbp.
# May be very slow with larger genomes.
# Blast can also sometimes give odd results with large or highly repetetive genomes.
# Gaps, or runs of 'N's in the sequence will definitely give weird results.
# The program assumes there aren't any, and that the longest repeat will be the full sequence to itself.
# If there are long repeats in the output that are listed as being only at one location, this is probably what happened.
# If there are a lot of repeats within repeats the results can also be odd.
# Copyright Alan C. Christensen, University of Nebraska, 2018
# No guarantees, warranties, support, or anything else is implicit or explicit.
# Input is a fasta format file of a sequence. Genbank format works but generates lots of error messages in stdout.
# Output is a list of unique, ungapped repeated sequences, fasta formatted.
# The names are in the format '>Repeat/ROUS_name_start_end_length'.
# A table of repeats with the coordinates of each one is generated.
# A list of repeat name, length and copy number is generated.
# A binned table of the total number of repeats in size ranges is generated.
# input file in fasta format
# Optional
# -o output file name
# -m minimum length of exact matches to keep
# -b path to blastn (default is /usr/bin/)
# -k keep temp files
# -gb to write the repeats to a genbank format file
# -rew reward for match (default is 1)
# -pen penalty for mismatch (default is 20)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find repeats in a fasta sequence file')
parser.add_argument('infile', action='store', help='Input .fasta file')
parser.add_argument('-o', action='store', dest='outfile', help='Output file name seed, default is input_repeats', default='default')
parser.add_argument('-m', action='store', dest='minlen', help='Minimum length of matches to keep, default=50', default='50')
parser.add_argument('-b', action='store', dest='blast_path', help='Path to blastn program, default is /usr/bin/', default='/usr/bin/')
parser.add_argument('-k', action='store_true', dest='keep', help='True to keep temp files', default=False)
parser.add_argument('-gb', action='store_true', dest='genbank', help='True to write GenBank format file', default=False)
parser.add_argument('-rew', action='store', dest='reward', help='Reward for match', default='1')
parser.add_argument('-pen', action='store', dest='penalty', help='Penalty for mismatch', default='20')
results = parser.parse_args()
infile = results.infile
outfile = results.outfile
minlen = int(results.minlen)
blast_path = results.blast_path
keep = results.keep
genbank = results.genbank
reward = results.reward
penalty = results.penalty

# It might be useful to define the wordsize as something less than minlen, so both variables are used.
# Wordsize smaller than minlen would give smaller core identical sequences in the middle of repeats.
# An example might be to change this to wordsize = str(int(minlen/2)).
wordsize = str(minlen)

# If no output file seed is specified, make one by stripping leading directory information
# and stripping trailing .fa or .fasta from the input file name and using that.
if outfile == 'default':
outfile = infile
if outfile.count('/') > 0:
for i in range(outfile.count('/')):
index = outfile.index('/')
outfile = outfile[index+1:]
if outfile.endswith('.fa') or outfile.endswith('.fasta'):
outfile = outfile.rstrip('fasta')
outfile = outfile.rstrip('.')
outfa = outfile+'_rep.fasta'
outtab = outfile+'_rep_table.txt'
outbin = outfile+'_binned.txt'
outcount = outfile+'_rep_counts.txt'
outgb = outfile+'_repeats.gb.txt'
tempblast = outfile+'_tempblast.txt'
temprepeats = outfile+'_temprepeats.txt'
tempparse = outfile+'_sequence_parsing.txt'

# Get sequence name and length from fasta file.
seq = open(infile, 'r')
seqname = seq.readline()
seqname = seqname.lstrip('> ')
seqname = seqname.rstrip()
seqlen = 0
for line in seq:
if(line[0] == ">"):
seqlen += len(line.strip())

# run blastn with query file plus strand (removing first line which is full length sequence), minus strand, and concatenate
print 'Performing self-blastn comparison with '+seqname
os.system(blast_path+'blastn -query '+infile+' -strand plus -subject '+infile+' -word_size '+wordsize+' -reward '+reward+' -penalty -'+penalty+' -ungapped -dust no -soft_masking false -evalue 10 -outfmt "10 qstart qend length sstart send mismatch sstrand qseq" | tail -n+2 > tempblast1.txt')
os.system(blast_path+'blastn -query '+infile+' -strand minus -subject '+infile+' -word_size '+wordsize+' -reward '+reward+' -penalty -'+penalty+' -ungapped -dust no -soft_masking false -evalue 10 -outfmt "10 qstart qend length sstart send mismatch sstrand qseq" > tempblast2.txt')
os.system('cat tempblast1.txt tempblast2.txt > '+tempblast)
os.system('rm tempblast1.txt tempblast2.txt')

# open tempblast.txt, convert to list of lists, and sort by length and position descending
# This is necessary because blastn does not output every possible pair of hits when there are more than 2 copies of a repeat

print 'Sorting alignments...'
f = open(tempblast, 'r')
reader = csv.reader(f)
alignments = list(reader)
alignments = sorted(alignments, key=lambda x: (-1*int(x[2]), -1*int(x[0])))

# New list of uniques
# Text file '_sequence_parsing.txt' includes the information on how duplicates were found.
# Start at row 0. Compare to subsequent rows.
# If repeat length is different from the next row, it has passed all the tests, write it to the file.
# If query or subject coordinates are the same as the query or subject or reversed coordinates
# of a subsequent row, it is not unique, so go to the next row and do the comparisons again.
# Thanks to Alex Kozik for repeatedly testing and finding bugs in the algorithm.
print 'Finding unique repeats...'
uniques = []
sp = open(tempparse, 'w')
for row in range(len(alignments)):
sp.write('row '+str(row)+'\n')

if int(alignments[row][2]) < minlen:
# This won't happen unless the word_size is defined as something other than minlen.
# That could be useful under some circumstances.
sp.write('row '+str(row)+' is less than minlength')

for compare in range(row+1,len(alignments)):
if alignments[row][2] != alignments[compare][2]:
sp.write('\tadding row '+str(row)+' to unique list\n')
sp.write('\tcomparing to '+str(compare)+'\n')

if alignments[row][0] == alignments[compare][0] and alignments[row][1] == alignments[compare][1]:
sp.write('\tqstart and qend of row '+str(row)+' and '+str(compare)+' are the same\n')
elif alignments[row][0] == alignments[compare][1] and alignments[row][1] == alignments[compare][0]:
sp.write('\tqstart and qend of row '+str(row)+' is the same as qend and qstart of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][0] == alignments[compare][3] and alignments[row][1] == alignments[compare][4]:
sp.write('\tqstart and qend of row '+str(row)+' is the same as sstart and send of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][0] == alignments[compare][4] and alignments[row][1] == alignments[compare][3]:
sp.write('\tqstart and qend of row '+str(row)+' is the same as send and sstart of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][3] == alignments[compare][0] and alignments[row][4] == alignments[compare][1]:
sp.write('\tsstart and send of row '+str(row)+' is the same as qstart and qend of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][3] == alignments[compare][1] and alignments[row][4] == alignments[compare][0]:
sp.write('\tsstart and send of row '+str(row)+' is the same as qend and qstart of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][3] == alignments[compare][3] and alignments[row][4] == alignments[compare][4]:
sp.write('\tsstart and send of row '+str(row)+' is the same as sstart and send of '+str(compare)+'\n')
elif alignments[row][3] == alignments[compare][4] and alignments[row][4] == alignments[compare][3]:
sp.write('\tsstart and send of row '+str(row)+' is the same as send and sstart of '+str(compare)+'\n')
sp.write('\t'+str(row)+' is different\n')


# Write uniques into output file
# Start list for copy number table
rous_count = 0
g = open(outfa, 'w')
repcopies = []

for i in range(len(uniques)):
qstart = uniques[i][0]
qend = uniques[i][1]
length = uniques[i][2]
seq = uniques[i][7]

rous_count += 1

if rous_count == 0:
print "\tRepeats of unusual size? I don't think they exist"
print 'Repeat fasta file is done, as you wish.'

# Now find each copy of each repeat. Again, this is because the blastn output file does not have every possible alignment.
# It is also because the information on locations and strand is not organized well in the blastn output.
# In addition, this subroutine eliminates duplicates of nested repeats.

print "Finding all copies of repeats..."
g = open(outfa, 'r')
os.system(blast_path+'blastn -query '+outfa+' -strand both -subject '+infile+' -word_size '+wordsize+' -reward 1 -penalty -20 -ungapped -dust no -soft_masking false -evalue 1000 -outfmt "10 qseqid length sstart send sstrand qcovhsp" > '+temprepeats)

tempr = open(temprepeats, 'r')
reader = csv.reader(tempr)
replist = list(reader)

print "Making a table of the repeats..."
sum_rep_len = 0
bin_dict = {}
binned = [seqname,seqlen,0]

# defining the bins
i = 0
j = 50
while j < 1000:
bin_dict[i] = j
i += 1
j += 50
while j <= 10000:
bin_dict[i] = j
i +=1
j += 250

# make list for entire sequence, set each position as 0
posit = []
for n in range(seqlen):

# Thanks to Emily Wynn for suggesting qcovhsp for this loop.
# if qcovhsp is >98%, write to the file
# write tab separated values of repeat name, length, start, end, strand to outtab
# make list for genbank file
# Keep stats on lengths
rt = open(outtab, 'w')
templist = []
gblist =[]

# look at each repeat in turn
for i in range(len(replist)):
# if repeat is good (>98% identical to another one), write it to the file, and put the name in a list
if int(replist[i][5])>98:
if replist[i][4] == 'minus':
location = 'complement('+replist[i][3]+'..'+replist[i][2]+')'
location = replist[i][2]+'..'+replist[i][3]
gblist.append(' repeat_region '+location+'\n /rpt_type=dispersed\n /label='+replist[i][0]+'\n')
# then write 1's at every position in the sequence covered by that repeat
# these can then be summed to get total bases of repeats
# bases in overlapping repeats are only counted once
for n in range(int(replist[i][2]), int(replist[i][3])):
posit[n] = 1
# then scan through bin sizes and if a repeat is greater than the
# bin_dict size cutoff, add one to the bin
for j in range(len(binned)-4, -1, -1):
if int(replist[i][1]) >= bin_dict[j]:
binned[j+3] +=1
sum_rep_len = posit.count(1)
binned[2] = sum_rep_len
if genbank == True:
gb = open(outgb, 'w')
for i in range(len(gblist)):

# write tab separated values of repeat name, length, copy number to outcount
# first two lines are also a table of stats on repeats
rc = open(outcount,'w')

numrous = 0
sizerous = 0
copyrous = 0

for i in range(len(repcopies)):
repname = repcopies[i][0]
replen = float(repcopies[i][1])
repcop = float(templist.count(repname))

numrous += 1
sizerous += replen
copyrous += repcop

if numrous == 0:
avsizerous = 'NA'
avcopyrous = 'NA'
avsizerous = sizerous/numrous
avcopyrous = copyrous/numrous


for i in range(len(repcopies)):


# Write binned table headers, then stats for this sequence.
binfile = open(outbin, 'w')
for i in range(len(bin_dict)):
for i in range(len(binned)):
print "Repeat tables are done, as you wish."

# Removing temp files if necessary
if keep == False:
os.system('rm '+tempblast+' '+temprepeats+' '+tempparse)

# Rachael Schulte, William Goldman and Rob Reiner inspired this section of code
quote_dict = {0:"48656c6c6f2e204d79206e616d6520697320496e69676f204d6f6e746f79612e20596f75206b696c6c6564206d79206661746865722e205072657061726520746f206469652e", 1:"5768656e20492077617320796f7572206167652c2074656c65766973696f6e207761732063616c6c656420626f6f6b732e", 2:"486176652066756e2073746f726d696e2720646120636173746c6521", 3:"4d79207761792773206e6f7420766572792073706f7274736d616e6c696b652e", 4:"596f75206b656570207573696e67207468617420776f72642e204920646f206e6f74207468696e6b206974206d65616e73207768617420796f75207468696e6b206974206d65616e732e", 5:"4d75726465726564206279207069726174657320697320676f6f642e",6:"496e636f6e6365697661626c6521", 7:"5468657265277320612062696720646966666572656e6365206265747765656e206d6f73746c79206465616420616e6420616c6c20646561642e", 8:"596f7520727573682061206d697261636c65206d616e2c20796f752067657420726f7474656e206d697261636c65732e", 9:"476f6f64206e696768742c20576573746c65792e20476f6f6420776f726b2e20536c6565702077656c6c2e2049276c6c206d6f7374206c696b656c79206b696c6c20796f7520696e20746865206d6f726e696e672e",10:"4e6f206d6f7265207268796d65732c2049206d65616e2069742120416e79626f64792077616e742061207065616e75743f"}
import random, binascii
z = random.randint(0,10)
print binascii.unhexlify(quote_dict[z])+'\n'

2.2. 鉴定重复的步骤


  • 必需参数:fasta格式的输入序列
  • -o out:输出文件名称
  • -m 50:鉴定的重复序列的最小长度,默认是50bp。
  • -b /path/to/blastn/:blastn命令的路径,默认是/usr/bin/。
  • -k:保留临时文件,out_tempblast.txt和out_temprepeats.txt
  • -gb:生成重复序列的genbank格式文件,out_repeats.gb.txt
  • -rew 1:match赏分,默认是+1
  • -pen 20:mismatch罚分,默认是-20
  • ROUSFinder2.py input.fa -m 30 -gb -o out
  • out_binned.txt:包含>50bp,100bp,150bp,…,1000bp,1250bp,1500bp,…,10000bp的repeat的数量
  • out_rep.fasta:包含fasta格式的repeat序列
  • out_rep_counts.txt:包含repeat的总数(NumROUS),平均长度(AvgSize),平均数量(AvgCopyNum),和每个repeat的长度和数量。
  • out_rep_table.txt:包含每个repeat单元的长度,起始位置和终止位置,正负链(plus或minus)。
  • out_repeats.gb.txt:使用-gb参数则生成此文件,是genbank格式的repeat的注释文件。

2.3. 重复的应用

  1. 辅助线粒体组装
  • 通过鉴定出来的重复,可以帮助线粒体组装得更完整。
  • 调整线粒体的已有组装。比如通过计算重组率,把主导的优势构象作为最后的线粒体组装构象。
  • 重复序列可能介导重组,所以鉴定重复是鉴定重组的基础。

3. 鉴定重组和计算重组率



  1. 位于不同染色体环上的一对重复序列可能介导重组,使得两个小环变成一个大环。
  2. 位于同一个染色体环上的同方向的一对重复序列可能介导重组,使得一个大环变成两个小环。
  3. 位于同一个染色体环上的反方向的一对重复序列,可能在其他重复对的重组变换下变成同方向或者两个小环的状态。

3.1. 鉴定重组的步骤

3.1.1. 构建参考构象和重组构象的序列

  1. 针对一对可能造成重组的重复序列,构建参考构象和重组构象
  2. 在参考构象和重组构象中,以重复序列加上两翼各300bp作为参考构象序列(ref_1和ref_2)和重组构象序列(rec_1和rec_2)
  3. 构建参考序列和mapping注意事项
  • 可以把参考构象序列和重组构象序列(一共四条)一同作为参考序列(reference)用于mapping,避免同一条reads mapping到多个构象序列从而重复计数的情况。
  • 如果担心叶绿体派生的reads影响重组率的计算,还可以加上叶绿体基因组作为参考序列(reference),这样叶绿体的reads会被mapping到叶绿体上,从而起到过滤的作用。
  • 如果担心核基因派生的reads影响,可以用一个cutoff值(比如100bp),小于100bp的mapping被筛除。

3.1.2. 把reads往参考序列进行mapping

  1. 把reads往参考序列进行mapping,之后再根据mapping的reads的位置进行筛选,筛选出横跨repeat区域的有效mapping。
  2. 比如repeat长度为220bp,两边各截取300bp,共820bp长度的参考序列。这里把跨越220bp的repeat,并且两边各至少映射上10bp的reads作为有效mapping。这意味着,mapping的起始位置需要小于290,终止位置需要大于530bp。
  3. bwa进行mapping后得到的bam文件的第4列代表read比对到的参考序列最左侧的位置坐标(未必对上第4列为0);第9列代表pair read完全匹配到同一条参考序列时,两个read之间的长度。可以理解为insert size。
a = 530 # 设置终止位置需要大于的值,这里是530bp
bwa index reference.fa # 为参考序列建立索引
bwa mem -t 4 reference.fa sample_1.clean.fq sample_2.clean.fq | samtools sort -@ 4 -m 4G > reference.bam # 映射reads到参考序列
samtools view reference.bam |awk -F"\t" -v awka="$a" '$4<290 && ($4+$9)>awka {print $0}' > reference.bam.filter # 筛选起始位置小于290,终止位置大于530bp的mapped reads。这里的`awk -F"\t"`参数设定列分隔符非常重要,已经坑过我两把了。

3.1.3. 计算重组率(recombination rate)

  1. 把reads往参考序列进行mapping得到有效映射的比对文件reference.bam.filter后,计算不同参考序列的有效映射的reads数量(即数据行数)。
  2. 重组构象的两条序列(rec_1和rec_2)的比对reads数量之和作为分子,重组构象的两条序列(rec_1和rec_2)的比对reads数量与参考构象的两条序列(ref_1和ref_2)的比对reads数量之和作为分母,两者的比值可作为重组率。
n_ref_1 = $(cat reference.bam.filter | awk '$3 == "ref_1" {print $0}' |wc -l) # 统计参考构象序列ref_1上有效映射reads的数量
n_ref_2 = $(cat reference.bam.filter | awk '$3 == "ref_2" {print $0}' |wc -l) # 统计参考构象序列ref_2上有效映射reads的数量
n_rec_1 = $(cat reference.bam.filter | awk '$3 == "rec_1" {print $0}' |wc -l) # 统计参考构象序列rec_1上有效映射reads的数量
n_rec_2 = $(cat reference.bam.filter | awk '$3 == "rec_2" {print $0}' |wc -l) # 统计参考构象序列rec_2上有效映射reads的数量
mapping_rate = $(($n_rec_1+$n_rec_2)/($n_ref_1+$n_ref_2+$n_rec_1+$n_rec_2)) # 计算重组率

4. references

  1. ROUSFinder.py脚本:https://academic.oup.com/g3journal/article/9/2/549/6026745

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