Matter js social links - JSFiddle - Code Playground

 1 year ago
source link: https://jsfiddle.net/flol3622/2x8baywj/8/
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Matter js social links

<header class="container">
  <h1>My links</h1>
<canvas id="canvas" style="position: absolute; top:0px; left:0px; height: 100%; width:100%;"></canvas>
<div class="bubble" data-url="http://www.example.com">
  <img src="https://img.icons8.com/color/70/null/whatsapp--v1.png" />
<div class="bubble" data-url="http://www.example.com">
  <img src="https://img.icons8.com/color/70/null/facebook-messenger--v1.png" />
<div class="bubble" data-url="http://www.example.com">
  <img src="https://img.icons8.com/color/70/null/facebook.png" />
<div class="bubble" data-url="http://www.example.com">
  <img src="https://img.icons8.com/color/70/null/linkedin.png" />
<div class="bubble" data-url="http://www.example.com">
  <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios-glyphs/70/null/github.png" />
<div class="bubble" data-url="http://www.example.com">
  <img src="https://img.icons8.com/color/70/null/youtube-play.png" />
<div class="bubble" data-url="http://www.example.com">
  <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/60/null/new-post--v1.png" style="height: 50px; padding: 5px" />
<div class="bubble" data-url="http://www.example.com">
  <img src="https://img.icons8.com/color/70/null/instagram-new--v1.png" />
<div class="bubble" data-url="http://www.example.com">
  <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/96/null/phone--v1.png" style="height: 40px; padding: 5px" />
// module aliases
var Engine = Matter.Engine,
  Render = Matter.Render,
  World = Matter.World,
  Bodies = Matter.Bodies,
  Events = Matter.Events;
// create an engine
var engine = Engine.create();
// create a renderer
var render = Render.create({
  canvas: document.getElementById("canvas"),
  engine: engine,
  options: {
    wireframes: false,
    width: window.innerWidth,
    height: window.innerHeight,
    background: "#00",
// get the canvas size
var canvas = render.canvas;
// create boundaries around the edge of the canvas
var boundaries = [
  // top boundary
  Bodies.rectangle(canvas.width / 2, 0, canvas.width, 5, {
    isStatic: true,
    render: {
      fillStyle: "#FFFFFF",
  // bottom boundary
  Bodies.rectangle(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height, canvas.width, 5, {
    isStatic: true,
    render: {
      fillStyle: "#FFFFFF",
  // left boundary
  Bodies.rectangle(0, canvas.height / 2, 5, canvas.height, {
    isStatic: true,
    render: {
      fillStyle: "#FFFFFF",
  // right boundary
  Bodies.rectangle(canvas.width, canvas.height / 2, 5, canvas.height, {
    isStatic: true,
    render: {
      fillStyle: "#FFFFFF",
// add the boundaries to the world
World.add(engine.world, boundaries);
// create necessary bodies
var bodiesDom = document.getElementsByClassName("bubble");
var bodies = [];
for (var i = 0, l = bodiesDom.length; i < l; i++) {
  var body = Bodies.circle(
    Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.width),
    Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.height),
      restitution: 0.4,
      // style the body
      render: {
        fillStyle: "#ffffff00",
        //   strokeStyle: "blue",
        //   lineWidth: 10,
      // add custom link to body
      url: bodiesDom[i].dataset.url,
  bodiesDom[i].id = body.id;
World.add(engine.world, bodies);
// add mouse control (dragging)
var mouse = Matter.Mouse.create(render.canvas),
  mouseConstraint = Matter.MouseConstraint.create(engine, {
    mouse: mouse,
    constraint: {
      stiffness: 0.2,
      render: {
        visible: false,
World.add(engine.world, mouseConstraint);
// add mouse control (clicking)
var startTime = null;
Events.on(mouseConstraint, "mousedown", function (event) {
  startTime = Date.now();
Events.on(mouseConstraint, "mouseup", function (event) {
  var endTime = Date.now();
  var timeInterval = endTime - startTime;
  var maxTimeInterval = 100; // maximum time interval in milliseconds
  if (timeInterval <= maxTimeInterval) {
    // Execute the action you want to perform on click
    var mouseConstraint = event.source;
    var bodies = engine.world.bodies;
    if (!mouseConstraint.bodyB) {
      for (i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) {
        var body = bodies[i];
        if (
          Matter.Bounds.contains(body.bounds, mouseConstraint.mouse.position)
        ) {
          var bodyUrl = body.url;
          console.log("Body.Url >> " + bodyUrl);
          // Hyperlinking feature
          if (bodyUrl != undefined) {
            window.open(bodyUrl, "_blank");
            console.log("Hyperlink was opened");
// run the engine
// run the renderer
// update position divs with position bodies
function update() {
  for (var i = 0, l = bodiesDom.length; i < l; i++) {
    var bodyDom = bodiesDom[i];
    var body = null;
    for (var j = 0, k = bodies.length; j < k; j++) {
      if (bodies[j].id == bodyDom.id) {
        body = bodies[j];
    if (body === null) continue;
    if (body.position.x < bodyDom.offsetWidth / 2) {
      body.position.x = bodyDom.offsetWidth / 2;
    if (body.position.x > window.innerWidth - bodyDom.offsetWidth / 2) {
      body.position.x = window.innerWidth - bodyDom.offsetWidth / 2;
    if (body.position.y < bodyDom.offsetHeight / 2) {
      body.position.y = bodyDom.offsetHeight / 2;
    if (body.position.y > window.innerHeight - bodyDom.offsetHeight / 2) {
      body.position.y = window.innerHeight - bodyDom.offsetHeight / 2;
    bodyDom.style.transform =
      "translate( " +
      (body.position.x - bodyDom.offsetWidth / 2) +
      "px, " +
      (body.position.y - bodyDom.offsetHeight / 2) +
      "px )";
.bubble {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  font-size: 30px;
  -webkit-touch-callout: none;
  -webkit-user-select: none;
  -khtml-user-select: none;
  -moz-user-select: none;
  -ms-user-select: none;
  user-select: none;
  pointer-events: none;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  padding-top: 9px;
  border: 1px solid rgb(77, 77, 77);
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.719);
.bubble img {
  max-height: 48px;
  max-width: 48px;
.bubble p {
  font-size: 15px;
.clickable {
  pointer-events: auto;

Console (beta)

  • JSFiddle Console (beta). Turn on/off in Editor settings.
  • ☁️ "Running fiddle"
  • [{ angle: 0, anglePrev: 0, angularSpeed: 0, angularVelocity: 0, area: 7777.744665999999, axes: [{ x: -0.970952042258738, y: -0.239274176696078 }, { x: -0.8854431390332113, y: -0.46474772461951164 }, { x: -0.748538767034939, y: -0.6630910301352396 }, { x: -0.5680489228149688, y: -0.8229947881297631 }, { x: -0.35459420851145496, y: -0.9350202924483163 }, { x: -0.12054195746334154, y: -0.992708233314757 }, { x: 0.12054195746334154, y: -0.992708233314757 }, { x: 0.35459420851145496, y: -0.9350202924483163 }, { x: 0.5680489228149688, y: -0.8229947881297631 }, { x: 0.748538767034939, y: -0.6630910301352396 }, { x: 0.8854431390332113, y: -0.46474772461951164 }, { x: 0.970952042258738, y: -0.239274176696078 }, { x: 1, y: 0 }], bounds: { max: { ... }, min: { ... } }, circleRadius: 50, collisionFilter: { category: 1, group: 0, mask: 4294967295 }, constraintImpulse: { angle: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, density: 0.001, force: { x: 0, y: 0 }, friction: 0.1, frictionAir: 0.01, frictionStatic: 0.5, id: 5, inertia: 38511.973373149114, inverseInertia: 0.000025965950648927504, inverseMass: 0.128571975931718, isSensor: false, isSleeping: false, isStatic: false, label: "Circle Body", mass: 7.7777446659999985, motion: 0, parent: [circular object Object], parts: [[circular object Object]], plugin: { ... }, position: { x: 144, y: 122 }, positionImpulse: { x: 0, y: 0 }, positionPrev: { x: 144, y: 122 }, render: { fillStyle: "#ffffff00", lineWidth: 0, opacity: 1, sprite: { ... }, strokeStyle: "#000", visible: true }, restitution: 0.4, sleepCounter: 0, sleepThreshold: 60, slop: 0.05, speed: 0, timeScale: 1, torque: 0, totalContacts: 0, type: "body", url: "http://www.example.com", velocity: { x: 0, y: 0 }, vertices: [{ body: [circular object Object], index: 0, isInternal: false, x: 193.635, y: 128.027 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 1, isInternal: false, x: 190.751, y: 139.73 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 2, isInternal: false, x: 185.149, y: 150.403 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 3, isInternal: false, x: 177.156, y: 159.426 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 4, isInternal: false, x: 167.236, y: 166.273 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 5, isInternal: false, x: 155.966, y: 170.547 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 6, isInternal: false, x: 144, y: 172 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 7, isInternal: false, x: 132.034, y: 170.547 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 8, isInternal: false, x: 120.764, y: 166.273 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 9, isInternal: false, x: 110.844, y: 159.426 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 10, isInternal: false, x: 102.851, y: 150.403 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 11, isInternal: false, x: 97.249, y: 139.73 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 12, isInternal: false, x: 94.36500000000001, y: 128.027 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 13, isInternal: false, x: 94.36500000000001, y: 115.973 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 14, isInternal: false, x: 97.249, y: 104.27 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 15, isInternal: false, x: 102.851, y: 93.59700000000001 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 16, isInternal: false, x: 110.844, y: 84.574 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 17, isInternal: false, x: 120.764, y: 77.727 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 18, isInternal: false, x: 132.034, y: 73.453 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 19, isInternal: false, x: 144, y: 72 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 20, isInternal: false, x: 155.966, y: 73.453 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 21, isInternal: false, x: 167.236, y: 77.727 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 22, isInternal: false, x: 177.156, y: 84.574 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 23, isInternal: false, x: 185.149, y: 93.59700000000001 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 24, isInternal: false, x: 190.751, y: 104.27 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 25, isInternal: false, x: 193.635, y: 115.973 }] }, { angle: 0, anglePrev: 0, angularSpeed: 0, angularVelocity: 0, area: 7777.744665999999, axes: [{ x: -0.970952042258738, y: -0.239274176696078 }, { x: -0.8854431390332113, y: -0.46474772461951164 }, { x: -0.748538767034939, y: -0.6630910301352396 }, { x: -0.5680489228149688, y: -0.8229947881297631 }, { x: -0.35459420851145496, y: -0.9350202924483163 }, { x: -0.12054195746334154, y: -0.992708233314757 }, { x: 0.12054195746334154, y: -0.992708233314757 }, { x: 0.35459420851145496, y: -0.9350202924483163 }, { x: 0.5680489228149688, y: -0.8229947881297631 }, { x: 0.748538767034939, y: -0.6630910301352396 }, { x: 0.8854431390332113, y: -0.46474772461951164 }, { x: 0.970952042258738, y: -0.239274176696078 }, { x: 1, y: 0 }], bounds: { max: { ... }, min: { ... } }, circleRadius: 50, collisionFilter: { category: 1, group: 0, mask: 4294967295 }, constraintImpulse: { angle: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, density: 0.001, force: { x: 0, y: 0 }, friction: 0.1, frictionAir: 0.01, frictionStatic: 0.5, id: 6, inertia: 38511.973373149114, inverseInertia: 0.000025965950648927504, inverseMass: 0.128571975931718, isSensor: false, isSleeping: false, isStatic: false, label: "Circle Body", mass: 7.7777446659999985, motion: 0, parent: [circular object Object], parts: [[circular object Object]], plugin: { ... }, position: { x: 260, y: 60 }, positionImpulse: { x: 0, y: 0 }, positionPrev: { x: 260, y: 60 }, render: { fillStyle: "#ffffff00", lineWidth: 0, opacity: 1, sprite: { ... }, strokeStyle: "#000", visible: true }, restitution: 0.4, sleepCounter: 0, sleepThreshold: 60, slop: 0.05, speed: 0, timeScale: 1, torque: 0, totalContacts: 0, type: "body", url: "http://www.example.com", velocity: { x: 0, y: 0 }, vertices: [{ body: [circular object Object], index: 0, isInternal: false, x: 309.635, y: 66.027 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 1, isInternal: false, x: 306.751, y: 77.73 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 2, isInternal: false, x: 301.149, y: 88.40299999999999 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 3, isInternal: false, x: 293.156, y: 97.426 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 4, isInternal: false, x: 283.236, y: 104.273 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 5, isInternal: false, x: 271.966, y: 108.547 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 6, isInternal: false, x: 260, y: 110 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 7, isInternal: false, x: 248.034, y: 108.547 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 8, isInternal: false, x: 236.764, y: 104.273 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 9, isInternal: false, x: 226.844, y: 97.426 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 10, isInternal: false, x: 218.851, y: 88.40299999999999 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 11, isInternal: false, x: 213.249, y: 77.73 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 12, isInternal: false, x: 210.365, y: 66.027 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 13, isInternal: false, x: 210.365, y: 53.973 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 14, isInternal: false, x: 213.249, y: 42.269999999999996 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 15, isInternal: false, x: 218.851, y: 31.597 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 16, isInternal: false, x: 226.844, y: 22.573999999999998 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 17, isInternal: false, x: 236.764, y: 15.726999999999997 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 18, isInternal: false, x: 248.034, y: 11.453000000000003 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 19, isInternal: false, x: 260, y: 10 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 20, isInternal: false, x: 271.966, y: 11.453000000000003 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 21, isInternal: false, x: 283.236, y: 15.726999999999997 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 22, isInternal: false, x: 293.156, y: 22.573999999999998 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 23, isInternal: false, x: 301.149, y: 31.597 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 24, isInternal: false, x: 306.751, y: 42.269999999999996 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 25, isInternal: false, x: 309.635, y: 53.973 }] }, { angle: 0, anglePrev: 0, angularSpeed: 0, angularVelocity: 0, area: 7777.744665999999, axes: [{ x: -0.970952042258738, y: -0.239274176696078 }, { x: -0.8854431390332113, y: -0.46474772461951164 }, { x: -0.748538767034939, y: -0.6630910301352396 }, { x: -0.5680489228149688, y: -0.8229947881297631 }, { x: -0.35459420851145496, y: -0.9350202924483163 }, { x: -0.12054195746334154, y: -0.992708233314757 }, { x: 0.12054195746334154, y: -0.992708233314757 }, { x: 0.35459420851145496, y: -0.9350202924483163 }, { x: 0.5680489228149688, y: -0.8229947881297631 }, { x: 0.748538767034939, y: -0.6630910301352396 }, { x: 0.8854431390332113, y: -0.46474772461951164 }, { x: 0.970952042258738, y: -0.239274176696078 }, { x: 1, y: 0 }], bounds: { max: { ... }, min: { ... } }, circleRadius: 50, collisionFilter: { category: 1, group: 0, mask: 4294967295 }, constraintImpulse: { angle: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, density: 0.001, force: { x: 0, y: 0 }, friction: 0.1, frictionAir: 0.01, frictionStatic: 0.5, id: 7, inertia: 38511.973373149114, inverseInertia: 0.000025965950648927504, inverseMass: 0.128571975931718, isSensor: false, isSleeping: false, isStatic: false, label: "Circle Body", mass: 7.7777446659999985, motion: 0, parent: [circular object Object], parts: [[circular object Object]], plugin: { ... }, position: { x: 31, y: 198 }, positionImpulse: { x: 0, y: 0 }, positionPrev: { x: 31, y: 198 }, render: { fillStyle: "#ffffff00", lineWidth: 0, opacity: 1, sprite: { ... }, strokeStyle: "#000", visible: true }, restitution: 0.4, sleepCounter: 0, sleepThreshold: 60, slop: 0.05, speed: 0, timeScale: 1, torque: 0, totalContacts: 0, type: "body", url: "http://www.example.com", velocity: { x: 0, y: 0 }, vertices: [{ body: [circular object Object], index: 0, isInternal: false, x: 80.63499999999999, y: 204.027 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 1, isInternal: false, x: 77.751, y: 215.73 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 2, isInternal: false, x: 72.149, y: 226.403 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 3, isInternal: false, x: 64.156, y: 235.426 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 4, isInternal: false, x: 54.236000000000004, y: 242.273 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 5, isInternal: false, x: 42.966, y: 246.547 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 6, isInternal: false, x: 31, y: 248 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 7, isInternal: false, x: 19.034, y: 246.547 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 8, isInternal: false, x: 7.763999999999999, y: 242.273 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 9, isInternal: false, x: -2.155999999999999, y: 235.426 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 10, isInternal: false, x: -10.149000000000001, y: 226.403 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 11, isInternal: false, x: -15.750999999999998, y: 215.73 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 12, isInternal: false, x: -18.634999999999998, y: 204.027 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 13, isInternal: false, x: -18.634999999999998, y: 191.973 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 14, isInternal: false, x: -15.750999999999998, y: 180.27 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 15, isInternal: false, x: -10.149000000000001, y: 169.597 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 16, isInternal: false, x: -2.155999999999999, y: 160.574 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 17, isInternal: false, x: 7.763999999999999, y: 153.727 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 18, isInternal: false, x: 19.034, y: 149.453 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 19, isInternal: false, x: 31, y: 148 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 20, isInternal: false, x: 42.966, y: 149.453 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 21, isInternal: false, x: 54.236000000000004, y: 153.727 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 22, isInternal: false, x: 64.156, y: 160.574 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 23, isInternal: false, x: 72.149, y: 169.597 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 24, isInternal: false, x: 77.751, y: 180.27 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 25, isInternal: false, x: 80.63499999999999, y: 191.973 }] }, { angle: 0, anglePrev: 0, angularSpeed: 0, angularVelocity: 0, area: 7777.744665999999, axes: [{ x: -0.970952042258738, y: -0.239274176696078 }, { x: -0.8854431390332113, y: -0.46474772461951164 }, { x: -0.748538767034939, y: -0.6630910301352396 }, { x: -0.5680489228149688, y: -0.8229947881297631 }, { x: -0.35459420851145496, y: -0.9350202924483163 }, { x: -0.12054195746334154, y: -0.992708233314757 }, { x: 0.12054195746334154, y: -0.992708233314757 }, { x: 0.35459420851145496, y: -0.9350202924483163 }, { x: 0.5680489228149688, y: -0.8229947881297631 }, { x: 0.748538767034939, y: -0.6630910301352396 }, { x: 0.8854431390332113, y: -0.46474772461951164 }, { x: 0.970952042258738, y: -0.239274176696078 }, { x: 1, y: 0 }], bounds: { max: { ... }, min: { ... } }, circleRadius: 50, collisionFilter: { category: 1, group: 0, mask: 4294967295 }, constraintImpulse: { angle: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, density: 0.001, force: { x: 0, y: 0 }, friction: 0.1, frictionAir: 0.01, frictionStatic: 0.5, id: 8, inertia: 38511.973373149114, inverseInertia: 0.000025965950648927504, inverseMass: 0.128571975931718, isSensor: false, isSleeping: false, isStatic: false, label: "Circle Body", mass: 7.7777446659999985, motion: 0, parent: [circular object Object], parts: [[circular object Object]], plugin: { ... }, position: { x: 247, y: 15 }, positionImpulse: { x: 0, y: 0 }, positionPrev: { x: 247, y: 15 }, render: { fillStyle: "#ffffff00", lineWidth: 0, opacity: 1, sprite: { ... }, strokeStyle: "#000", visible: true }, restitution: 0.4, sleepCounter: 0, sleepThreshold: 60, slop: 0.05, speed: 0, timeScale: 1, torque: 0, totalContacts: 0, type: "body", url: "http://www.example.com", velocity: { x: 0, y: 0 }, vertices: [{ body: [circular object Object], index: 0, isInternal: false, x: 296.635, y: 21.027 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 1, isInternal: false, x: 293.751, y: 32.730000000000004 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 2, isInternal: false, x: 288.149, y: 43.403 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 3, isInternal: false, x: 280.156, y: 52.426 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 4, isInternal: false, x: 270.236, y: 59.273 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 5, isInternal: false, x: 258.966, y: 63.547 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 6, isInternal: false, x: 247, y: 65 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 7, isInternal: false, x: 235.034, y: 63.547 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 8, isInternal: false, x: 223.764, y: 59.273 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 9, isInternal: false, x: 213.844, y: 52.426 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 10, 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[circular object Object], index: 8, isInternal: false, x: 14.764, y: 63.273 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 9, isInternal: false, x: 4.844000000000001, y: 56.426 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 10, isInternal: false, x: -3.149000000000001, y: 47.403 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 11, isInternal: false, x: -8.750999999999998, y: 36.730000000000004 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 12, isInternal: false, x: -11.634999999999998, y: 25.027 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 13, isInternal: false, x: -11.634999999999998, y: 12.973 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 14, isInternal: false, x: -8.750999999999998, y: 1.2699999999999996 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 15, isInternal: false, x: -3.149000000000001, y: -9.402999999999999 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 16, isInternal: false, x: 4.844000000000001, y: -18.426000000000002 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 17, isInternal: false, x: 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isInternal: false, x: 81.149, y: 217.403 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 3, isInternal: false, x: 73.156, y: 226.426 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 4, isInternal: false, x: 63.236000000000004, y: 233.273 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 5, isInternal: false, x: 51.966, y: 237.547 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 6, isInternal: false, x: 40, y: 239 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 7, isInternal: false, x: 28.034, y: 237.547 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 8, isInternal: false, x: 16.764, y: 233.273 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 9, isInternal: false, x: 6.844000000000001, y: 226.426 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 10, isInternal: false, x: -1.149000000000001, y: 217.403 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 11, isInternal: false, x: -6.750999999999998, y: 206.73 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 12, isInternal: false, x: -9.634999999999998, y: 195.027 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 13, isInternal: false, x: -9.634999999999998, y: 182.973 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 14, isInternal: false, x: -6.750999999999998, y: 171.27 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 15, isInternal: false, x: -1.149000000000001, y: 160.597 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 16, isInternal: false, x: 6.844000000000001, y: 151.574 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 17, isInternal: false, x: 16.764, y: 144.727 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 18, isInternal: false, x: 28.034, y: 140.453 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 19, isInternal: false, x: 40, y: 139 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 20, isInternal: false, x: 51.966, y: 140.453 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 21, isInternal: false, x: 63.236000000000004, y: 144.727 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 22, isInternal: false, x: 73.156, y: 151.574 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 23, isInternal: false, x: 81.149, y: 160.597 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 24, isInternal: false, x: 86.751, y: 171.27 }, { body: [circular object Object], index: 25, isInternal: false, x: 89.63499999999999, y: 182.973 }] }]

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