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 1 year ago
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Main con­tent

New in the "Zukunftsblog"

Cli­mate ac­tion: Meth­ane is our most power­ful lever


Portrait of smiling Cyril Brunner

While the in­suf­fi­cient meas­ures in­creas­ingly ar­gue against reach­ing the 1.5-​degree tar­get, we could still achieve it with a rapid re­duc­tion in meth­ane emis­sions, writes Cyril Brun­ner.


The nuc­lear real­ity is un­set­tling

So­cial is­sues

Stephen Herzog

Stephen Herzog is re­search­ing how nuc­lear weapons could be bet­ter con­trolled and even­tu­ally elim­in­ated. For him, Putin's threats are a reason to fun­da­ment­ally ques­tion the nuc­lear “bal­ance of ter­ror."


Thomas Mann Lecture

On 30 Novem­ber the Egypto­lo­gist Jan Ass­mann will give a lec­ture on "Thomas Mann’s ‘Jour­ney To The East’ – The Joseph Nov­els" in the AudiMax in the ETH main build­ing. The Thomas Mann Lec­ture 2022 will take place both as an at­tend­ance event and on­line.

Energy Week @ ETH 2022 – Energy in Transition

From 5 to 11 Decem­ber the En­ergy Sci­ence Cen­ter of ETH presents latest find­ings and tech­no­lo­gies from en­ergy re­search. Dur­ing the whole week there will also be a walk-​through ex­hib­i­tion on the Trans­form­a­tion of the Swiss en­ergy sys­tem in the ETH main hall.

Treffpunkt Science City "The forces of nature"

Link leads to the event site of Treffpunkt Science City

Why do bac­teria rep­res­ent the ori­gin of biod­iversity? How do earth­quakes or su­per­vol­ca­noes oc­cur? And is there such a thing as co­in­cid­ence? Whether you want to listen, talk or ex­per­i­ment, Treffpunkt Sci­ence City wel­comes you.

Further news

Switzer­land and Ho­ri­zon Europe – What hap­pens next?

Switzer­land cur­rently has only lim­ited ac­cess to Ho­ri­zon Europe, the world’s largest fund­ing pro­gramme for re­search and in­nov­a­tion. Here’s why this will be­come prob­lem­atic.  


Three ETH pro­jects among the 11 best Swiss build­ings

Three ar­chi­tec­tural pro­jects con­nec­ted with ETH have won one of this year’s “Arc Awards”. They won the Swiss ar­chi­tec­ture prize in the cat­egor­ies Di­git­al­isa­tion, Edu­ca­tion & Health and Spe­cial Prize.


Student portal

The stu­dent portal of­fers im­port­ant in­form­a­tion about all as­pects of study for ETH stu­dents.

Solidarity with Ukraine

Find cur­rent sup­port avail­able to af­fected stu­dents and re­search­ers from Ukraine, as well as sup­port op­tions for all those who would like to help.

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