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来源:投稿 作者:William











本次竞赛的目标是通过建立一个模型来将不同病情的临床表现在病例中找出,具体而言就是将病情描述+病人病例 一起输入模型, 在病例中提取出对应的span位置。


※ 比赛时间线

  • 2022 2月 1日 年 - 开始日期。

  • 2022 4 月 26 日 年 - 报名截止日期。您必须在此日期之前接受比赛规则才能参加比赛。

  • 2022 4 月 26 日 年 - 团队合并截止日期。这是参与者可以加入或合并团队的最后一天。

  • 2022 5 月 3 日 年 - 最终提交截止日期。

※ 丰厚的奖金

  • 一等奖:15,000美元

  • 二等奖:10,000美元

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  • 四等奖:7,000美元

  • 五等奖:5,000美元

  • 六等奖:5,000美元


本次比赛提供了5份数据分别是 train, test, features, patient_notes, submission, 其中test, submission为提交答案时用。





3.1 训练数据分析:

  • id - 一个unique 标记符来表示 patient note number - feature number对.

  • pn_num - patient note number 可以当成病例号.

  • feature_num - feature number 可以看作不同病症的一个id.

  • case_num - 病例所属的case id 之后会用来关联起病人patient note的文本描述和对应症状的文本描述.

  • annotation - patient note中体现相关症状的描述, 一个病例中可能对同一个疾病症状存在多处描述.

  • location - annotation所在的病例中的char 级别的位置.

Number of rows in train data: 14300Number of columns in train data: 6Number of values in train data: 85800Number of Empty annotions and locations =  4399




平均annotation 的char 级别长度为16.53,具体的分布如下:


3.2 病例数据分析

Columns Name以其释意pn_num - patient note 病例id.case_num - case num 用来关联起病人patient note的文本描述和对应症状的文本描述.Number of rows in 病例: 42146Number of columns in 病例: 3Number of values in 病例: 126438





3.3 Feature数据分析

feature_num - feature number 可以看作不同病症的一个id.case_num - 病例所属的case id 之后会用来关联起病人patient note的文本描述和对应症状的文本描述.feature_text - 疾病文本描述Number of rows in feature: 143Number of columns in feature: 3Number of values in feature: 429









下面演示如何将3个数据merge到一起, 具体可以详见baseline代码,里面有更为详细的介绍。




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import pandas as pdimport asttrain = pd.read_csv('train.csv')train['annotation'] = train['annotation'].apply(ast.literal_eval)train['location'] = train['location'].apply(ast.literal_eval)features = pd.read_csv('features.csv')train = train.merge(features, on=['feature_num', 'case_num'], how='left')train = train.merge(patient_notes, on=['pn_num', 'case_num'], how='left')

merge以后数据张这样子, feature text是疾病名称,pn history就是病例annotation就是对应的体现这种疾病的具体描述。


根据label 生成 tensor,结合代码,我们看一下label 数据是怎么生成的


PN:17-year-old male, has come to the student health clinic complaining of heart pounding. Mr. Cleveland's mother has given verbal consent for a history, physical examination, and treatment-began 2-3 months ago,sudden,intermittent for 2 days(lasting 3-4 min),worsening,non-allev/aggrav-associated with dispnea on exersion and rest,stressed out about school-reports fe feels like his heart is jumping out of his chest-ros:denies chest pain,dyaphoresis,wt loss,chills,fever,nausea,vomiting,pedal edeam-pmh:non,meds :aderol (from a friend),nkda-fh:father had MI recently,mother has thyroid dz-sh:non-smoker,mariguana 5-6 months ago,3 beers on the weekend, basketball at school-sh:no stdfeature:'Family-history-of-MI-OR-Family-history-of-myocardial-infarction'annotation: father had MI recently我们需要做的就是把 pn 中 tokenized 以后原始father had MI recently 这个标记位置对应的token位置标记为1,其他位置标记为0,cls,sep pading位置标记为-1

def create_label(cfg, text, annotation_length, location_list):    encoded = cfg.tokenizer(text,                            add_special_tokens=True,                            max_length=CFG.max_len,                            padding="max_length",                            return_offsets_mapping=True)    offset_mapping = encoded['offset_mapping']    ignore_idxes = np.where(np.array(encoded.sequence_ids()) != 0)[0]    label = np.zeros(len(offset_mapping))    label[ignore_idxes] = -1    if annotation_length != 0:        for location in location_list:            for loc in [s.split() for s in location.split(';')]:                start_idx = -1                end_idx = -1                start, end = int(loc[0]), int(loc[1])                for idx in range(len(offset_mapping)):                    if (start_idx == -1) & (start < offset_mapping[idx][0]):                        start_idx = idx - 1                    if (end_idx == -1) & (end <= offset_mapping[idx][1]):                        end_idx = idx + 1                if start_idx == -1:                    start_idx = end_idx                if (start_idx != -1) & (end_idx != -1):                    label[start_idx:end_idx] = 1    return torch.tensor(label, dtype=torch.float)



from transformers.models.deberta_v2 import DebertaV2TokenizerFasttokenizer = DebertaV2TokenizerFast.from_pretrained(CFG.model)#tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(CFG.model)CFG.tokenizer = tokenizer# ====================================================# Define max_len# ====================================================for text_col in ['pn_history']:    pn_history_lengths = []    tk0 = tqdm(patient_notes[text_col].fillna("").values, total=len(patient_notes))    for text in tk0:        length = len(tokenizer(text, add_special_tokens=False)['input_ids'])        pn_history_lengths.append(length)    LOGGER.info(f'{text_col} max(lengths): {max(pn_history_lengths)}')for text_col in ['feature_text']:    features_lengths = []    tk0 = tqdm(features[text_col].fillna("").values, total=len(features))    for text in tk0:        length = len(tokenizer(text, add_special_tokens=False)['input_ids'])        features_lengths.append(length)    LOGGER.info(f'{text_col} max(lengths): {max(features_lengths)}')CFG.max_len = max(pn_history_lengths) + max(features_lengths) + 3 # cls & sep & sepLOGGER.info(f"max_len: {CFG.max_len}")# ====================================================# Dataset# ====================================================def prepare_input(cfg, text, feature_text):    inputs = cfg.tokenizer(text, feature_text,                            add_special_tokens=True,                           max_length=CFG.max_len,                           padding="max_length",                           return_offsets_mapping=False)    for k, v in inputs.items():        inputs[k] = torch.tensor(v, dtype=torch.long)    return inputsdef create_label(cfg, text, annotation_length, location_list):    encoded = cfg.tokenizer(text,                            add_special_tokens=True,                            max_length=CFG.max_len,                            padding="max_length",                            return_offsets_mapping=True)    offset_mapping = encoded['offset_mapping']    ignore_idxes = np.where(np.array(encoded.sequence_ids()) != 0)[0]    label = np.zeros(len(offset_mapping))    label[ignore_idxes] = -1    if annotation_length != 0:        for location in location_list:            for loc in [s.split() for s in location.split(';')]:                start_idx = -1                end_idx = -1                start, end = int(loc[0]), int(loc[1])                for idx in range(len(offset_mapping)):                    if (start_idx == -1) & (start < offset_mapping[idx][0]):                        start_idx = idx - 1                    if (end_idx == -1) & (end <= offset_mapping[idx][1]):                        end_idx = idx + 1                if start_idx == -1:                    start_idx = end_idx                if (start_idx != -1) & (end_idx != -1):                    label[start_idx:end_idx] = 1    return torch.tensor(label, dtype=torch.float)class TrainDataset(Dataset):    def __init__(self, cfg, df):        self.cfg = cfg        self.feature_texts = df['feature_text'].values        self.pn_historys = df['pn_history'].values        self.annotation_lengths = df['annotation_length'].values        self.locations = df['location'].values    def __len__(self):        return len(self.feature_texts)    def __getitem__(self, item):        inputs = prepare_input(self.cfg,                                self.pn_historys[item],                                self.feature_texts[item])        label = create_label(self.cfg,                              self.pn_historys[item],                              self.annotation_lengths[item],                              self.locations[item])        return inputs, label


# ====================================================# Model# ====================================================class CustomModel(nn.Module):    def __init__(self, cfg, config_path=None, pretrained=False):        super().__init__()        self.cfg = cfg        if config_path is None:            self.config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(cfg.model, output_hidden_states=True)        else:            self.config = torch.load(config_path)        if pretrained:            self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(cfg.model, config=self.config)        else:            self.model = AutoModel(self.config)        self.fc_dropout_0 = nn.Dropout(0.1)        self.fc_dropout_1 = nn.Dropout(cfg.fc_dropout)        self.fc_dropout_2 = nn.Dropout(0.3)        self.fc_dropout_3 = nn.Dropout(0.4)        self.fc_dropout_4 = nn.Dropout(0.5)        self.fc = nn.Linear(self.config.hidden_size, 1)        self._init_weights(self.fc)    def _init_weights(self, module):        if isinstance(module, nn.Linear):            module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=self.config.initializer_range)            if module.bias is not None:                module.bias.data.zero_()        elif isinstance(module, nn.Embedding):            module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=self.config.initializer_range)            if module.padding_idx is not None:                module.weight.data[module.padding_idx].zero_()        elif isinstance(module, nn.LayerNorm):            module.bias.data.zero_()            module.weight.data.fill_(1.0)    def feature(self, inputs):        outputs = self.model(**inputs)        last_hidden_states = outputs[0]        return last_hidden_states    def forward(self, inputs):        feature = self.feature(inputs)        #output_0 = self.fc(self.fc_dropout_0(feature))        output_1 = self.fc(self.fc_dropout_1(feature))        #output_2 = self.fc(self.fc_dropout_2(feature))        #output_3 = self.fc(self.fc_dropout_3(feature))        #output_4 = self.fc(self.fc_dropout_4(feature))        output = output_1 #(output_0 + output_1 + output_2 + output_3 + output_4) / 5        return output


# ====================================================# Helper functions# ====================================================class AverageMeter(object):    """Computes and stores the average and current value"""    def __init__(self):        self.reset()    def reset(self):        self.val = 0        self.avg = 0        self.sum = 0        self.count = 0    def update(self, val, n=1):        self.val = val        self.sum += val * n        self.count += n        self.avg = self.sum / self.countdef asMinutes(s):    m = math.floor(s / 60)    s -= m * 60    return '%dm %ds' % (m, s)def timeSince(since, percent):    now = time.time()    s = now - since    es = s / (percent)    rs = es - s    return '%s (remain %s)' % (asMinutes(s), asMinutes(rs))def train_fn(fold, train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch, scheduler, device):    model.train()    scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler(enabled=CFG.apex)    losses = AverageMeter()    start = end = time.time()    global_step = 0    for step, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(train_loader):        for k, v in inputs.items():            inputs[k] = v.to(device)        labels = labels.to(device)        batch_size = labels.size(0)        y_preds = model(inputs)        loss = criterion(y_preds.view(-1, 1), labels.view(-1, 1))        loss = torch.masked_select(loss, labels.view(-1, 1) != -1).mean()        if CFG.gradient_accumulation_steps > 1:            loss = loss / CFG.gradient_accumulation_steps        losses.update(loss.item(), batch_size)        loss.backward()        #grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), CFG.max_grad_norm)        if (step + 1) % CFG.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0:            optimizer.step()            optimizer.zero_grad()            global_step += 1            if CFG.batch_scheduler:                scheduler.step()        end = time.time()        if step % CFG.print_freq == 0 or step == (len(train_loader)-1):            print('Epoch: [{0}][{1}/{2}] '                  'Elapsed {remain:s} '                  'Loss: {loss.val:.4f}({loss.avg:.4f}) '                  'LR: {lr:.8f}  '                  .format(epoch+1, step, len(train_loader),                           remain=timeSince(start, float(step+1)/len(train_loader)),                          loss=losses,                          lr=scheduler.get_lr()[0]))    return losses.avgdef train_fn_adv(fold, train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch, scheduler, device):    model.train()    scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler(enabled=CFG.apex)    losses = AverageMeter()    start = end = time.time()    global_step = 0    fgm = FGM(model)    for step, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(train_loader):        for k, v in inputs.items():            inputs[k] = v.to(device)        labels = labels.to(device)        batch_size = labels.size(0)        y_preds = model(inputs)        loss = criterion(y_preds.view(-1, 1), labels.view(-1, 1))        loss = torch.masked_select(loss, labels.view(-1, 1) != -1).mean()        if CFG.gradient_accumulation_steps > 1:            loss = loss / CFG.gradient_accumulation_steps        losses.update(loss.item(), batch_size)        loss.backward()        grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), CFG.max_grad_norm)        if (step + 1) % CFG.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0:            fgm.attack()             # embedding参数被修改,此时,输入序列得到的embedding表征不一样                                 y_preds_adv = model(inputs)            loss_adv = criterion(y_preds_adv.view(-1, 1), labels.view(-1, 1))            loss_adv = torch.masked_select(loss_adv, labels.view(-1, 1) != -1).mean()            # 反向传播,并在正常的grad基础上,累加对抗训练的梯度            loss_adv.backward()             # 恢复embedding参数            fgm.restore()             optimizer.step()            optimizer.zero_grad()            global_step += 1            if CFG.batch_scheduler:                scheduler.step()        end = time.time()        if step % CFG.print_freq == 0 or step == (len(train_loader)-1):            print('Epoch: [{0}][{1}/{2}] '                  'Elapsed {remain:s} '                  'Loss: {loss.val:.4f}({loss.avg:.4f}) '                  'LR: {lr:.8f}  '                  .format(epoch+1, step, len(train_loader),                           remain=timeSince(start, float(step+1)/len(train_loader)),                          loss=losses,                          lr=scheduler.get_lr()[0]))    return losses.avg# ====================================================# train loop# ====================================================def train_loop(folds, fold):    LOGGER.info(f"========== fold: {fold} training ==========")    # ====================================================    # loader    # ====================================================    train_folds = folds[folds['fold'] != fold].reset_index(drop=True)    valid_folds = folds[folds['fold'] == fold].reset_index(drop=True)    valid_texts = valid_folds['pn_history'].values    valid_labels = create_labels_for_scoring(valid_folds)    train_dataset = TrainDataset(CFG, train_folds)    valid_dataset = TrainDataset(CFG, valid_folds)    train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset,                              batch_size=CFG.batch_size,                              shuffle=True,                              num_workers=CFG.num_workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True)    valid_loader = DataLoader(valid_dataset,                              batch_size=CFG.batch_size,                              shuffle=False,                              num_workers=CFG.num_workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=False)    # calculate warm up steps    CFG.num_warmup_steps = int(CFG.num_warmup_steps * len(train_dataset) / CFG.batch_size * CFG.epochs)    # ====================================================    # model & optimizer    # ====================================================    model = CustomModel(CFG, config_path=None, pretrained=True)    torch.save(model.config, OUTPUT_DIR+'config.pth')    model.to(device)    def get_optimizer_params(model, encoder_lr, decoder_lr, weight_decay=0.0):        param_optimizer = list(model.named_parameters())        no_decay = ["bias", "LayerNorm.bias", "LayerNorm.weight"]        optimizer_parameters = [            {'params': [p for n, p in model.model.named_parameters() if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)],             'lr': encoder_lr, 'weight_decay': weight_decay},            {'params': [p for n, p in model.model.named_parameters() if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)],             'lr': encoder_lr, 'weight_decay': 0.0},            {'params': [p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if "model" not in n],             'lr': decoder_lr, 'weight_decay': 0.0}        ]        return optimizer_parameters    optimizer_parameters = get_optimizer_params(model,                                                encoder_lr=CFG.encoder_lr,                                                 decoder_lr=CFG.decoder_lr,                                                weight_decay=CFG.weight_decay)    optimizer = AdamW(optimizer_parameters, lr=CFG.encoder_lr, eps=CFG.eps, betas=CFG.betas)    # ====================================================    # scheduler    # ====================================================    def get_scheduler(cfg, optimizer, num_train_steps):        if cfg.scheduler=='linear':            scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup(                optimizer, num_warmup_steps=cfg.num_warmup_steps, num_training_steps=num_train_steps            )        elif cfg.scheduler=='cosine':            scheduler = get_cosine_schedule_with_warmup(                optimizer, num_warmup_steps=cfg.num_warmup_steps, num_training_steps=num_train_steps, num_cycles=cfg.num_cycles            )        return scheduler    num_train_steps = int(len(train_folds) / CFG.batch_size * CFG.epochs)    scheduler = get_scheduler(CFG, optimizer, num_train_steps)    # ====================================================    # loop    # ====================================================    criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction="none")    best_score = 0.    for epoch in range(CFG.epochs):        start_time = time.time()        # train        avg_loss = train_fn(fold, train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch, scheduler, device)        # eval        avg_val_loss, predictions = valid_fn(valid_loader, model, criterion, device)        predictions = predictions.reshape((len(valid_folds), CFG.max_len))        # scoring        char_probs = get_char_probs(valid_texts, predictions, CFG.tokenizer)        results = get_results(char_probs, th=0.5)        preds = get_predictions(results)        score = get_score(valid_labels, preds)        elapsed = time.time() - start_time        LOGGER.info(f'Epoch {epoch+1} - avg_train_loss: {avg_loss:.4f}  avg_val_loss: {avg_val_loss:.4f}  time: {elapsed:.0f}s')        LOGGER.info(f'Epoch {epoch+1} - Score: {score:.4f}')        if best_score < score:            best_score = score            LOGGER.info(f'Epoch {epoch+1} - Save Best Score: {best_score:.4f} Model')            torch.save({'model': model.state_dict(),                        'predictions': predictions},                        OUTPUT_DIR+f"{CFG.model.replace('/', '-')}_fold{fold}_best.pth")    predictions = torch.load(OUTPUT_DIR+f"{CFG.model.replace('/', '-')}_fold{fold}_best.pth",                              map_location=torch.device('cpu'))['predictions']    valid_folds[[i for i in range(CFG.max_len)]] = predictions    torch.cuda.empty_cache()    gc.collect()    del scheduler    del optimizer    del model    return valid_folds


def valid_fn(valid_loader, model, criterion, device):    losses = AverageMeter()    model.eval()    preds = []    start = end = time.time()    for step, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(valid_loader):        for k, v in inputs.items():            inputs[k] = v.to(device)        labels = labels.to(device)        batch_size = labels.size(0)        with torch.no_grad():            y_preds = model(inputs)        loss = criterion(y_preds.view(-1, 1), labels.view(-1, 1))        loss = torch.masked_select(loss, labels.view(-1, 1) != -1).mean()        if CFG.gradient_accumulation_steps > 1:            loss = loss / CFG.gradient_accumulation_steps        losses.update(loss.item(), batch_size)        preds.append(y_preds.sigmoid().to('cpu').numpy())        end = time.time()        if step % CFG.print_freq == 0 or step == (len(valid_loader)-1):            print('EVAL: [{0}/{1}] '                  'Elapsed {remain:s} '                  'Loss: {loss.val:.4f}({loss.avg:.4f}) '                  .format(step, len(valid_loader),                          loss=losses,                          remain=timeSince(start, float(step+1)/len(valid_loader))))    predictions = np.concatenate(preds)    return losses.avg, predictionsdef inference_fn(test_loader, model, device):    preds = []    model.eval()    model.to(device)    tk0 = tqdm(test_loader, total=len(test_loader))    for inputs in tk0:        for k, v in inputs.items():            inputs[k] = v.to(device)        with torch.no_grad():            y_preds = model(inputs)        preds.append(y_preds.sigmoid().to('cpu').numpy())    predictions = np.concatenate(preds)    return predictions


# ====================================================# CFG# ====================================================class CFG:    debug=False    apex=False    print_freq=100    num_workers=4    model="microsoft/deberta-v3-large"    scheduler='cosine' # ['linear', 'cosine']    batch_scheduler=True    num_cycles=0.5    num_warmup_steps=0.1    epochs=5    encoder_lr=2e-5    decoder_lr=2e-5    min_lr=1e-6    eps=1e-6    betas=(0.9, 0.999)    batch_size=8    fc_dropout=0.2    max_len=512    weight_decay=0.01    gradient_accumulation_steps=1    max_grad_norm=500    seed=42    n_fold=5    trn_fold=[4]    train=Trueif CFG.debug:    CFG.epochs = 5    CFG.trn_fold = [0,1,2,3,4]


1、label中大量为0, 1很少label不平横对模型的影响



  • 多drop out 对比学习

  • r_drop

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