Styled Components for React Native the way they should have been

 2 years ago
source link: https://reactnativeexample.com/styled-components-for-react-native-the-way-they-should-have-been/
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💄 Styled-RN

Styled Components for React Native the way they should have been.

Inspired by this article


Why 💄 styled-rn it better than 💅🏼 styled-components/native ?

Well, first of all, using styled components should be fun, but using css to style a React Native app is cumbersome and often ends up to be very messy.


  • styled-rn gives you access to ALL React Native style props
  • styled-rn is faster because it does not do tedious string template processing
  • styled-rn is easier to use (again, no messy string templates)
  • styled-rn is fully typed and has a nice API
  • styled-rn supports custom props, theme via ThemeProvider, multiple style objects and more..
  • styled-rn has a shorter name 😉


npm i styled-rn
import { styled } from "styled-rn";

// Basic usage
export const Container = styled.View({
  flexDirection: "row",
  backgroundColor: "cyan",

// Use with any component
export const CoolAndBoldComponent = styled(CoolComponent, {
  fontWeight: "bold",


You will need to do a few things in order to propagate the theme prop into all of your styled components:

  1. Define your theme object and the type for it
  2. Augment the Theme type
  3. Wrap your app in ThemeProvider

First, define your theme:

// mytheme.ts

export const theme = {
    primary: "blue",
    background: "white",
} as const;

export type MyAppTheme = typeof theme;

TODO: add example on how to use multiple themes

Now you need to augment the default Theme type with your own type. In order to do that, create a definitions file at the root of your source tree (e.g. global.d.ts) and add the following to it:

import { MyAppTheme } from './mytheme.ts'

declare module 'styled-rn' {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
  interface Theme extends MyAppTheme {}

And finally, the wrapping, as usual:

// App.tsx

import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-rn';
import { theme } from './mytheme.ts';

export default function App() {
    return (
        <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
            { /* your app components */}

And that’s it! You can now access your theme in any styled component:

export const Button = styled.TouchableOpacity(
  ({ theme }) => ({
    backgroundColor: theme.background,

If you want to use custom props in your styled component, make sure that your custom props interface extends ThemedProps. E.g.

// Important:         👇
interface ButtonProps extends ThemedProps {
  disabled?: boolean;

export const Button = styled.TouchableOpacity(
  ({ disabled, theme }: ButtonProps) => ({
    opacity: disabled ? 0.3 : 1,
    backgroundColor: theme.background,

// Using conditional styles with custom props
interface SmartComponentProps extends ThemedProps {
  active?: boolean;
export const SmartComponent = styled.TouchableOpacity(
  ({ active, theme }: SmartComponentProps) => [
      fontSize: 16,
    active && {
      fontWeight: theme.activeFontWeight,
      color: theme.activeColor,

You can also use theme in your components by calling the useTheme() hook or by wrapping your component with withTheme() HOC.

import { useTheme } from 'styled-rn';

export const MyComponent = () => {
    const theme = useTheme();

Advanced Topics


  • useDebugStyles: per component and globally
  • theme: rootStyles, rootFont, rootBackgroundColor, etc..


  • BUG: When component returns the style from inline function sometimes the style object has to be type casted to ViewStyle, TextStyle, etc… Otherwise, you’ll get a weird TS error. It looks like a TS bug.
    If you don’t want to cast your styles, make sure that you pass props to the function and USE THE PROPS in your styles.


  • Feature Compare with:

  • Add typescript tests
  • Add react tests (expect componets with specific styles), test theme nesting, etc…
  • Add more examples: Button (View with Text), using functions to generate styles.
  • Add support for presets? I.e. platform independant styles? E.g.:
elevation: (value) => ({
      shadowColor: 'black',
      shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: value },
      shadowRadius: value * 2.5,
      shadowOpacity: 0.3,
      elevation: value,
      zIndex: value,

Presets can use Platform, Dimensions, etc..

E.g.: ...Platform.select({ ios { width: 100 }, android: { width: 75 } })

See example here


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Joyk means Joy of geeK