Beerus 上线啦,用 Go 开发的 web 解决方案

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.v2ex.com/t/821978
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Beerus 是一个用 Go 开发的 web 解决方案,包含一个 web 框架,一个数据库操作框架,一个正在规划中的 RPC 框架,目前( web 框架,数据库操作框架 已经发布了第一个版本)

Web 框架

因为他是牵头的框架,说到 web 大家想到的肯定是接口管理,所以他的名字就直接沿用了 Beerus ,也就是这一套项目的品牌名称,它是以 net/http 为基础,在此基础上扩展了路由的管理方式,并增加了拦截器,会话管理,用 struct 接收参数,参数验证等功能,还提供了 WebSocket 支持,可以将 http 协议升级到 WebSocket 并实现通信


名字叫 Beerus-DB ,用到了[go-sql-driver/mysql]来做数据库连接与基础操作,在此基础上做了很多扩展,比如:连接池管理,多数据源,事务管理,单表无 sql 操作,多表以及复杂操作可以自己写 sql ,sql 支持{}占位符,可以用 struct 作为参数来操作数据库等



func CreateRoute() {
	// post route example
    route.POST("/example/post", func (req *commons.BeeRequest, res *commons.BeeResponse) {

    // get route example
    route.GET("/example/get", func (req *commons.BeeRequest, res *commons.BeeResponse) {
func main() {
    // Interceptors, routes, etc. Loading of data requires its own calls
    // Listen the service and listen to port 8080


func CreateRoute() {
    // Example of parameter conversion to struct and parameter checksum
    route.POST("/example/post", func (req *commons.BeeRequest, res *commons.BeeResponse) {
        // 首先需要建一个实体的实例
        param := DemoParam{}
        // 调用这个函数,将请求的参数全部提取到实体中,支持任意请求方式
        params.ToStruct(req, &param, param)
        // 对参数进行验证,如果没通过就返回 提示信息
        var result = params.Validation(req, &param, param)
        if result != params.SUCCESS {
            res.SendErrorMsg(1128, result)
        // 如果你觉得上面的麻烦,那么也可以这样,直接采用一步到位的方式:参数提取 + 验证
        var result = params.ToStructAndValidation(req, &param, param)
        if result != params.SUCCESS {
            res.SendErrorMsg(1128, result)

// DemoParam If you have a struct like this, and you want to put all the parameters from the request into this struct
type DemoParam struct {
    TestStringReception  string  `notnull:"true" msg:"TestStringReception Cannot be empty" routes:"/example/put"`
    TestIntReception     int     `max:"123" min:"32" msg:"TestIntReception The value range must be between 32 - 123" routes:"/example/post"`
    TestUintReception    uint    `max:"123" min:"32" msg:"TestUintReception The value range must be between 32 - 123"`
    TestFloatReception   float32 `max:"123" min:"32" msg:"TestFloatReception The value range must be between 32 - 123"`
    TestBoolReception    bool
    TestStringRegReception string `reg:"^[a-z]+$" msg:"TestStringRegReception Does not meet the regular"`
    TestBeeFileReception commons.BeeFile
    TestJsonReception []string

WebSocket 示例

创建一个函数来管理 WebSocket 路由

func CreateWebSocketRoute() {
	wroute.AddWebSocketRoute("/ws/test", onConnection, onMessage, onClose)
	wroute.AddWebSocketRoute("/ws/test2", onConnection, onMessage, onClose)

// In order to save time, only three functions are used below. In practice, you can configure a set of functions for each wroute

func onConnection(session *wparams.WebSocketSession, msg string) {
	session.SendString("connection success")

func onMessage(session *wparams.WebSocketSession, msg string) {
	session.SendString("I got the message.")

func onClose(session *wparams.WebSocketSession, msg string) {
    println(msg + "-------------------------------")
func main() {
    // Interceptors, routes, etc. Loading of data requires its own calls
    // Listen the service and listen to port 8080


conditions := make([]*entity.Condition,0)
conditions = append(conditions, &entity.Condition{Key:"id > ?", Val: 10})
conditions = append(conditions, &entity.Condition{Key:"and user_name = ?", Val: "bee"})
conditions = append(conditions, &entity.Condition{Key: "order by create_time desc", Val: entity.NotWhere})

resultMap, err := operation.GetDBTemplate("Data source name").Select("table name", conditions)


// 条件设定
conditions := make([]*entity.Condition,0)
conditions = append(conditions, &entity.Condition{Key:"id = ?", Val: 1})

// 要修改的数据设定
data := ResultStruct{UserName: "TestNoSqlUpdate"}

// 执行修改操作
result, err := operation.GetDBTemplate("Data source name").Update("table name", dbutil.StructToMapIgnore(&data, data, true),conditions)


// 设定删除条件
conditions := make([]*entity.Condition,0)
conditions = append(conditions, &entity.Condition{Key:"id = ?", Val: 2})

// 执行删除操作
_, err := operation.GetDBTemplate("Data source name").Delete("table name", conditions)


data := ResultStruct{
    UserName: "TestNoSqlInsert",
    UserEmail: "[email protected]",
    UpdateTime: "2021-12-09 13:50:00",

result, err := operation.GetDBTemplate("Data source name").Insert("table name", dbutil.StructToMapIgnore(&data, data, true))

自定义 sql

// struct 参数
res := ResultStruct{Id: 1}

// 查多条, 注:这里需要用到占位符
resultMap, err := operation.GetDBTemplate("Data source name").SelectListByMap("select * from xt_message_board where id < {id}", dbutil.StructToMap(&res, res))

// 查一条, 注:这里需要用到占位符
resultMap, err := operation.GetDBTemplate("Data source name").SelectOneByMap("select * from xt_message_board where id < {id}", dbutil.StructToMap(&res, res))
res := ResultStruct{Id: 1, UserName: "TestUpdateByMap"}

// 无论是增删改,都是调用 ExecByMap 函数,将 sql 和参数传入即可,注:这里需要用到占位符
operation.GetDBTemplate("Data source name").ExecByMap("update xt_message_board set user_name = {user_name} where id = {id}", dbutil.StructToMap(&res, res))
data := ResultStruct{
    UserName: "TestNoSqlInsert",
    UserEmail: "[email protected]",

// 创建分页参数
param := entity.PageParam{
    CurrentPage: 1,  // 第几页
    PageSize: 20,  // 每页多少条
    Params: dbutil.StructToMap(&data, data), // 查询参数

// 执行查询操作
result, err := operation.GetDBTemplate("Data source name").SelectPage("select * from xt_message_board where user_name = {user_name} and user_email = {user_email}", param)
// 开启事务
id, err := db.Transaction()
if err != nil {
    t.Error("TestUpdateTx: " + err.Error())

res := ResultStruct{Id: 1, UserName: "TestUpdateTx"}

// 注:这里使用的不是 GetDBTemplate ,ExecByMap ,而是 GetDBTemplateTx 和 ExecByTxMap
// 使用事务和不使用事务,在调用的函数上,区别就是多了个 Tx
ss, err := operation.GetDBTemplateTx(id, "dbPoolTest").ExecByTxMap("update xt_message_board set user_name = {user_name} where id = {id}", dbutil.StructToMap(&res, res))

if err != nil {
    // 如果有问题就回滚事务
    t.Error("TestUpdateTx: " + err.Error())

// 提交事务



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