Making os_log Public on macOS Catalina

 2 years ago
source link: https://saagarjha.com/blog/2019/09/29/making-os-log-public-on-macos-catalina/
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Making os_log Public on macOS Catalina

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Apple’s unified logging system launched in macOS Sierra and iOS 10 as the successor to Apple System Logger–itself a replacement for the syslog(3) API–and alongside it came changes in how logs were organized and persisted, plus a new log command and redesigned Console app to make sense of these messages. One important change, however, related to privacy: by default, dynamic data not specifically annotated with the %{public} keyword will not be logged–the format specifier will be replaced with “<private>” instead of the identified object. While this helps prevent against accidentally leaking personal information, it can be inconvenient when debugging issues. To bypass this restriction, the log command used to allow for changing the logging configuration to display all data:

$ sudo log config --status
System mode = DEFAULT
$ sudo log config --mode private_data:on
$ sudo log config --status

Unfortunately, as of macOS Catalina this command no longer works:

$ sudo log config --mode private_data:on
log: Invalid Modes 'private_data:on'

While log no longer lets us set this secret configuration option, it’s not gone entirely: we can still enable it ourselves, just not directly. If you’re impatient, you can skip directly to here; otherwise read on to see how this setting works internally.

Update, 2/1/20

Unfortunately it appears that somewhere around macOS 10.15.3 Apple added an extra check for host_set_atm_diagnostic_flag, restricting its functionality to binaries with the com.apple.private.set-atm-diagnostic-flag entitlement: Hopper disassembly of the kernel code invoked by host_set_atm_diagnostic_flag, showing a new entitlements checklog of course possesses this new entitlement,

$ codesign -d --entitlements :- `which log`
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

but since we cannot, any of our attempts to set the diagnostic flag will fail with KERN_NO_ACCESS (supposedly a Bogus access restriction…). If you are comfortable with disabling System Integrity Protection, the steps mentioned here will still work, but otherwise I don’t see any easy ways to get around this new requirement.

You must be this tall to ride

As with any reverse-engineering exercise, we pull out our trusty disassembler and point it at /usr/bin/log. We’re looking for the code that handles configurations, so it makes sense to look for the error we got earlier; searching for “Invalid Modes” gives us a string that we can cross-reference to a function that clearly handles parsing options for the config subcommand:

Hopper disassembly of the configuration parsing function inside of log

It might not be completely clear what’s going on here, but the gist is that it’s going through the list of possible settings trying to match it against the one that comes from argument we pass in. Specifically, var_30 contains the “private_data” part of “private_data:on”, and var_38 contains the second half. Assuming the following structure layouts,

typedef struct {
	char *name; // e.g. "on"
	char not_important[16];
} mode_value;

typedef struct {
	char *name; // e.g. "private_data"
	mode_value *allowed_values;
} mode;

at 0x1000321c0 (which var_50 contains) is a mode[7] embedded in the binary to test against: in order, their names are “level”, “stream”, “persist”, “private_data”, “sensitive_data”, “legacy_logging”, and “customer”. We can make out that r14 is a index into the array for the mode that’s being checked. Now that we have this background, it’s clear why we can’t set “private_data”: we can’t go past the second option if _os_trace_is_development_build returns false, which it likely will considering we don’t have access to a development build (a peek in the debugger confirms this suspicion). Previous versions of log would let us go up to four, providing access to the secret “persist” and “private_data” options, but with this change Apple has rendered them inaccessible.

To make sure that the private_data functionality is still present but gated behind the check, we can use the debugger to pretend that we are in fact using a development build and see if we can activate the option:

$ sudo lldb `which log` -- config --mode private_data:on
(lldb) target create "/usr/bin/log"
Current executable set to '/usr/bin/log' (x86_64).
(lldb) settings set -- target.run-args  "--" "config" "--mode" "private_data:on"
(lldb) breakpoint set --name _os_trace_is_development_build
Breakpoint 1: where = libsystem_trace.dylib`_os_trace_is_development_build, address = 0x000000000000df57
(lldb) breakpoint command add
Enter your debugger command(s).  Type 'DONE' to end.
> thread return 1
> continue
(lldb) run
Process 27107 launched: '/usr/bin/log' (x86_64)
(lldb)  thread return 1
(lldb)  continue
Process 27107 resuming

Command #2 'continue' continued the target.
(lldb)  thread return 1
(lldb)  continue
Process 27107 resuming

Command #2 'continue' continued the target.
(lldb)  thread return 1
(lldb)  continue
Process 27107 resuming

Command #2 'continue' continued the target.
2019-09-29 04:20:17.637538-0700 log[27107:5793152] Changed system mode to 0x1000000
Process 27107 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000)
$ sudo log config --status

Enabling private_data by hand

Now that we know it’s possible to set private_data from the log binary, we have a number of options. The first would be to write a dynamic library that interposes _os_trace_is_development_build, like so:

int _os_trace_is_development_build();

int overriden__os_trace_is_development_build() {
	return 1; // Look at me, I'm the development build now

__attribute__((used, section("__DATA,__interpose"))) static struct {
	int (*overridden__os_trace_is_development_build)();
	int (*_os_trace_is_development_build)();
} _os_trace_is_development_build_interpose = {overriden__os_trace_is_development_build, _os_trace_is_development_build};

However, actually using it is somewhat of a pain, since setuid programs such as sudo strip out DYLD_* environment variables:

$ clang force_development_build.c -shared -o force_development_build.dylib
$ sudo bash # So we don't need sudo
# DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES="$(pwd)/force_development_build.dylib" log config --mode private_data:on
$ sudo log config --status

A more convenient technique would be to see what log does when it needs to change the configuration and write something that replicates this. Looking through the configuration parsing function, we stumble upon a call to a routine that looks promising:

Hopper disassembly of the configuration setter function inside of log

There’s a peculiarity in this function that we’ll get to in a bit; first, let’s focus on host_set_atm_diagnostic_flag. The documentation for this kernel function is a bit laconic, but it’s enough to tell us that it takes a host_priv_t and some sort of diagnostic flag that encompasses the logging configuration. Static or dynamic analysis shows that the system’s private_data setting is controlled by bit 24 of diagnostic_flag. This lets us enable private_data, but we still have a small problem: we if we just send over 1 << 24 we’re going to clobber all the other settings we have already configured. We need to find a way to modify the current configuration instead of overwriting it, and to do that we need to be able to get the current value of diagnostic_flag. A quick search turns up host_get_atm_diagnostic_flag, so we have what we need to write our own implementation that sets private_data correctly. However, we have time for another brief tangent to wrap up some loose ends.

The case of the missing host_get_atm_diagnostic_flag

Looking through the configuration-related code in log, you’ll see something strange: there are no calls to host_get_atm_diagnostic_flag! In its place there are a number of loads from the seemingly-random address 0x7fffffe00048: there’s even one I alluded to in the function we examined earlier. Something must be mapped there, because otherwise the program would fault, but this address is way outside anything from the binary. Hmm…0x7fffffe000480x7fffffe00048…the address is in the commpage!

The commpage on macOS serves a purpose similar to vsyscall on Linux: that is, it’s a chunk of data and code that’s shared and mapped into every process at a fixed address and serves to reduce the number of roundtrips to the kernel. For 64-bit versions of macOS, the commpage base is located at 0x7fffffe00000, which means that the address we’re seeing is located inside of it. For performance reasons, it seems like Apple decided to proxy diagnostic_flag into userspace using this technique, where it joins CPU and high-resolution time information (this probably keeps the overhead for a call to os_log down). It’s the kernel’s job to maintain this information, and we can see how it does so by glancing at the implementation of host_set_atm_diagnostic_flag: it calls atm_set_diagnostic_config, which in turn passes the configuration value to commpage_update_atm_diagnostic_config. This last function updates the four-byte diagnostic_flag at _COMM_PAGE_ATM_DIAGNOSTIC_CONFIG, which we can see is (_COMM_PAGE_START_ADDRESS+0x48) as we’d expect. (host_get_atm_diagnostic_flag’s implementation is nothing special, either–it just reads from this address.)

Putting it all together

With all that done, we can write a simple tool to update private_data. Make sure to run it as root, or it will exit with KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT (== 4).

#include <mach/mach_host.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

const uint32_t private_data_flag = 1 << 24;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	if (argc == 2 && ++argv) {
		uint32_t diagnostic_flag;
		host_get_atm_diagnostic_flag(mach_host_self(), &diagnostic_flag);
		if (!strcmp(*argv, "status")) {
			puts(diagnostic_flag & private_data_flag ? "enabled" : "disabled");
			return 0;
		} else if (!strcmp(*argv, "enable")) {
			return host_set_atm_diagnostic_flag(mach_host_self(), diagnostic_flag | private_data_flag);
		} else if (!strcmp(*argv, "disable")) {
			return host_set_atm_diagnostic_flag(mach_host_self(), diagnostic_flag & ~private_data_flag);
	} else {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <status|enable|disable>\n", *argv);


I’m not sure if I’m supposed to call mach_port_deallocate on mach_host_self, but log doesn’t seem to so I’m going to let it be for now. If you start seeing crashes with __THE_SYSTEM_HAS_NO_PORT_SETS_AVAILABLE__ in the backtrace, let me know and I’ll update this code.

Questions? Comments? Corrections? Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]; I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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