Github GitHub - gelguy/wilder.nvim: A more adventurous wildmenu

 3 years ago
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A more adventurous wildmenu

wilder.nvim adds new features and capabilities to wildmenu.

  • Automatically provides suggestions as you type
    • : cmdline support - autocomplete commands, expressions, filenames, etc.
    • / search support - get search suggestions from the current buffer
  • High level of customisation
    • build your own custom pipeline to suit your needs
    • customisable look and appearance
  • Async query support - uses Python 3 remote plugin for faster and non-blocking queries


  • Vim 8.1+ or Neovim 0.3+
  • Python support only in Neovim
  • Floating window support only in Neovim 0.4+


" with dein
call dein#add('gelguy/wilder.nvim')

" with vim-plug
" :UpdateRemotePlugins needed
Plug 'gelguy/wilder.nvim'


Getting started

Start with the following minimal configuration in your init.vim or .vimrc:

call wilder#enable_cmdline_enter()
set wildcharm=<Tab>
cmap <expr> <Tab> wilder#in_context() ? wilder#next() : "\<Tab>"
cmap <expr> <S-Tab> wilder#in_context() ? wilder#previous() : "\<S-Tab>"

" only / and ? are enabled by default
call wilder#set_option('modes', ['/', '?', ':'])

When in : cmdline mode, wildmenu suggestions will be automatically provided. When searching using /, suggestions will be provided. The default uses substring matching.

Use <Tab> to cycle through the list forwards, and <S-Tab> to move backwards.

Customising the pipeline

Use wilder#set_option('pipeline', <pipeline>) to customise the pipeline. For example, in Neovim, to use fuzzy matching instead of substring matching:

" For Neovim only
" For wild#cmdline_pipeline():
"   'language'   : set to 'python' to use python
"   'fuzzy'      : set fuzzy searching
" For wild#python_search_pipeline():
"   'pattern'    : can be set to wilder#python_fuzzy_delimiter_pattern() for stricter fuzzy matching
"   'sorter'     : omit to get results in the order they appear in the buffer
"   'engine'     : can be set to 're2' for performance, requires pyre2 to be installed
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
      \   wilder#branch(
      \     wilder#cmdline_pipeline({
      \       'language': 'python',
      \       'fuzzy': 1,
      \     }),
      \     wilder#python_search_pipeline({
      \       'pattern': wilder#python_fuzzy_pattern(),
      \       'sorter': wilder#python_difflib_sorter(),
      \       'engine': 're',
      \     }),
      \   ),
      \ ])

The pipeline is a list of functions (referred to as pipes) which are executed in order, passing the result of the previous function to the next one. wilder#branch() is a higher-order pipe which is able to provide control flow given its own lists of pipelines.

See the docs at :h wilder-pipeline for a more details.

Here are some more example pipelines:


call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
      \   wilder#branch(
      \     [
      \       wilder#check({_, x -> empty(x)}),
      \       wilder#history(),
      \     ],
      \     wilder#cmdline_pipeline(),
      \     wilder#search_pipeline(),
      \   ),
      \ ])

When the cmdline is empty, provide suggestions based on the cmdline history (:h cmdline-history).

With a Devicons font:

call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
      \   wilder#branch(
      \     [
      \       wilder#check({_, x -> empty(x)}),
      \       wilder#history(),
      \       wilder#result({
      \         'draw': [{_, x -> ' ' . x}],
      \       }),
      \     ],
      \     wilder#cmdline_pipeline(),
      \     wilder#search_pipeline(),
      \   ),
      \ ])

File finder (Experimental) (Neovim only)

" 'file_command' : for ripgrep : ['rg', '--files']
"                : for fd      : ['fd', '-tf']
" 'dir_command'  : for fd      : ['fd', '-td']
" 'filters'      : use ['cpsm_filter'] for performance, needs cpsm to be installed
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
      \   wilder#branch(
      \     wilder#python_file_finder_pipeline({
      \       'file_command': ['find', '.', '-type', 'f', '-printf', '%P\n'],
      \       'dir_command': ['find', '.', '-type', 'd', '-printf', '%P\n'],
      \       'filters': ['fuzzy_filter', 'difflib_sorter'],
      \     }),
      \     wilder#cmdline_pipeline(),
      \     wilder#python_search_pipeline(),
      \   ),
      \ ])

When getting file completions, fuzzily search and match through all files under the project directory. Has to be placed above wilder#cmdline_pipeline().

To optimise for performane, the file_command, dir_command and filters options can be customised. See :h wilder#python_file_finder_pipeline() for more details.

Customising the renderer

Use wilder#set_option('renderer', <renderer>) to change how wilder draws the results. By default, wilder tries its best to look like the default wildmenu.

Wildmenu renderer

wilder#wildmenu_renderer() draws the candidates above the cmdline. For Neovim 0.4+, a floating window is used. Otherwise the statusline is used. Due to statusline limitations, the wildmenu only fills up the width of the current window.

" 'highlighter' : applies highlighting to the candidates
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#wildmenu_renderer({
      \ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
      \ }))

An alternative theme which shows a spinner and the current number of items:

call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#wildmenu_renderer({
      \ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
      \ 'separator': ' · ',
      \ 'left': [' ', wilder#wildmenu_spinner(), ' '],
      \ 'right': [' ', wilder#wildmenu_index()],
      \ }))

For Airline and Lightline users, wilder#wildmenu_airline_theme() and wilder#wildmenu_lightline_theme() can be used.

" use wilder#wildmenu_lightline_theme() if using Lightline
" 'highlights' : can be overriden, see :h wilder#wildmenu_renderer()
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#wildmenu_renderer(
      \ wilder#wildmenu_airline_theme({
      \   'highlights': {},
      \   'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
      \   'separator': ' · ',
      \ })))

Popupmenu renderer (Experimental) (Neovim only)

For Neovim 0.4+, wilder#popupmenu_renderer() can be used to draw the results on a popupmenu, similar to wildoptions+=pum.

" 'highlighter' : applies highlighting to the candidates
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
      \ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
      \ }))

Use wilder#renderer_mux() to choose which renderer to use for different cmdline modes. This is helpful since the popupmenu might overlap the current window when searching with /.

call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#renderer_mux({
      \ ':': wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
      \   ... settings ...
      \ }),
      \ '/': wilder#wildmenu_renderer({
      \   ... settings ...
      \ }),
      \ }))
Devicons for popupmenu

Uses ryanoasis/vim-devicons by default. To use other plugins, the get_icon option can be changed. See :h wilder#popupmenu_devicons for more details.

call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
      \ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
      \ 'left': [
      \   wilder#popupmenu_devicons(),
      \ ],
      \ }))

Fuzzy highlighting

The highlighter option for both wilder#wildmenu_renderer() and wilder#popupmenu_renderer() can be changed for better fuzzy highlighting.

" Neovim only
" For lua_pcre2_highlighter : requires `luarocks install pcre2`
" For lua_fzy_highlighter   : requires fzy-lua-native vim plugin found
"                             at https://github.com/romgrk/fzy-lua-native
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
      \ 'highlighter': [
      \   wilder#lua_pcre2_highlighter(),
      \   wilder#lua_fzy_highlighter(),
      \ ],
      \ }))

Other available highlighters are wilder#python_pcre2_highlighter() and wilder#python_cpsm_highlighter() which needs cpsm to be installed.

Reducing input latency

Input latency when typing in the cmdline is due to wilder rendering synchronously. Rendering time increases for each wilder#wildmenu_renderer() item, wilder#popupmenu_renderer() column, or by having a slow highlighter.

Use minimal configuration

The fastest configuration for wilder is to use the non-fuzzy Python pipelines and the default renderers.

" Neovim only
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
      \   wilder#branch(
      \     wilder#cmdline_pipeline({'language': 'python'}),
      \     wilder#python_search_pipeline(),
      \   ),
      \ ])

" The wildmenu renderer is faster than the popupmenu renderer.
" By default no highlighting is applied.

" call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer())
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#wildmenu_renderer())

If this configuration is still not fast enough, the available options are to implement a faster renderer e.g. using Lua or to improve the current rendering code.

If highlighting is important, use the Lua highlighters for best performance.

Avoid wilder#wildmenu_spinner() and wilder#popupmenu_spinner() as they cause frequent re-renders.

Use debounce

Use wilder#debounce() or the debounce option in pipelines to avoid rendering too often. The debounce option is currently supported by wilder#search_pipeline() (both vim and python), wilder#cmdline_pipeline() and wilder#python_file_finder_pipeline(). The debounce interval is in milliseconds.

There is a tradeoff in increased latency for the final result due to the debounce versus the increased input latency per character typed due to the rendering of intermediate results.

" Debounce the whole pipeline
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
      \ wilder#debounce(10),
      \ wilder#branch([
      \   ...
      \ ]),
      \ ])

" Or debounce individual pipelines
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
      \   wilder#branch(
      \     wilder#cmdline_pipeline({
      \       'debounce': 10,
      \     }),
      \     wilder#search_pipeline({
      \       'debounce': 10,
      \     }),
      \   ),
      \ ])

Faster Startup time

Define the pipeline and renderer in an autocmd so the initialisation is deferred to the first CmdlineEnter.

" Other options should be set outside
call wilder#set_option('modes', ...)

" ++once supported in Nvim 0.4+ and Vim 8.1+
autocmd CmdlineEnter * ++once s:wilder_init()

function! s:wilder_init() abort
  call wilder#set_option('pipeline', ...)
  call wilder#set_option('renderer', ...)

Disabling in the case of errors

Use q: to open the cmdline-window and enter the following command

call wilder#disable()

Alternatively, define a mapping in your init.vim or .vimrc

nnoremap <Leader>w :call wilder#toggle()<CR>


Many thanks to the following codebases for providing ideas and reference:











and many more!

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Joyk means Joy of geeK